Average Overall Score Given: 8.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 103
NBA Inside Drive 2003

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good. There are multiple modes of play such as exhibition, practice, playoffs, and franchise. The thing that I like the most that they added from last year is the create a player. What I like about the create a player is that you have to earn points to make your player better. So depending on how well your create a player does in a game determines how many points you get to use to increase their attributes. The only complaint I have is that the game is too easy on the lower settings and sometimes fouls seem to happen too often. However, you can fine tune the difficulty with the A.I. sliders.
Graphics: The graphics are nice but they arent perfect. The players look pretty good and the stadiums look nice too. The only real complaint I have is that the game starts to slow down when the ball rims out of the hoop.
Audio: The sound is ok but the commentors get a little annoying after a while. Even after playing so many games I sometimes hear new things but they do say some of the same things a lot of times. The crowd noise is pretty good though.
Suggestions: I would like to see them fix the slowdown when the ball rims out. Also add some more commentary. I would also like to be able to have more options on what my create a player looks like.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: You can play through the createaplayer, nba challenge, or just pick up games. There are lots of different tricks and dunks. There is also a lot of stuff to unlock like legends, new jerseys, moves, and courts. Even after unlocking everything its still a fun game to play.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good. I havent noticed any major flaws. The courts look nice and the players are pretty detailed too.
Audio: This is the only part that annoys me about this game. The announcer says some weird stuff, fortunately you can turn him off. Also they should have included a custom soundtrack option.
Suggestions: I would get a new announcer and add a custom soundtrack. New dunks and more old players would also be cool.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The racing is fun and the cars handle pretty well. I like how you can upgrade your cars. The cars are cool but there isnt a wide variety. Most are the same car just different models. It would have been nice if there were more tracks too because it gets boring after a while.
Graphics: The graphics are really nice. The cars and tracks are detailed and look good. The only improvement I would like to see is real time damage and more particle effects.
Audio: Engines sound realistic and the game features dolby digital 5.1 which is nice. I dont have any complaints about the sound.
Suggestions: Add more tracks, wider variety of cars, and real time damage and the game will be perfect.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The bullet time is pretty cool and its a fun game through the first time. I have beaten it 3 times and I have no more interest in playing it again. There are plenty of guns and it offers a pretty good challenge. It was fun but just got stale after a while.
Graphics: The graphics arent very good. The bullet time is pretty good but the player models look poor and the environments aren't that detail. They could have done better.
Audio: The sound is pretty good. When you are using bullet time the bullets sound like they are slowing down. The gun also sound good when not using bullettime. Otherwise there isnt much sound.
Suggestions: Add better graphics and make it have more replay. Maybe have it setup so that the enemys are in different locations each time you play through a level that way it isnt so predictable and seems 'new' each time you play through it.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: I had a lot of fun playing this game and if offered me a real challenge. You have to use the shadows to hide from the enemies and try to sneak around them. Some missions you can use force and others you can't. I liked that you have to use some strategy rather than just shooting up the place.
Graphics: The graphics are some of the best I have seen on the xbox. The lighting is superb and seems very realistic. Its a great looking game.
Audio: The sound is pretty good. The gunfire and explosions sound nice. The other sound effects are nice too. You have to even watch how much sound you make when walking across squeaking wood floors and metal grates so you dont get detected. I think thats a cool gameplay element.
Suggestions: Great game cant wait for a sequel.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I liked how you get to go anyway you want down the mountain. Also I like how there is no time limit. The mountains are all pretty different. I only have 3 things I didn't like about this game. The first is that the controls are pretty hard to get used to. Atleast for me they were. The second thing I didn't like was the snowman hunt. You would have to find snowman in the level and crash into as a part of one of the challenges. Lastly is that some of the challenges are really hard and get frustrating. Otherwise this was a great game and I had a blast playing it.
Graphics: The graphics were pretty good but could be a bit awkward at times. Like when you crash into rails the player goes weird. He can sometimes go through the rail or keep crashing into it. The collision detection needs to be fixed. Otherwise the mountains look really nice.
Audio: There are an insane amount of music tracks that come with the game. If you don't like them you can put in your own music from your harddrive. Sound effects are pretty good but the camera men and other snowboarders can get a little annoying but they do say some funny stuff.
Suggestions: Fix some of the graphical issues and eliminate the snowman part of the game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: They made it sound like you get to customize your car but you dont get to. You pick one of 3 cars and they make it for you. You dont get to change anything on the appearance except the color. The only altering of the performance is if you pick short medium or long for the gear ratios. The cars also dont handle that well and it doesnt seem realistic.
Graphics: The graphics were pretty good. They were the only strong point of this game. The cars look nice and the environments are really detailed.
Audio: The sound wasnt very good. When you crash into people it makes a weird sound that doesnt sound like a car crash. The music included also wasnt very good but you can use a custom soundtrack which was nice. Engine noises were mediocre.
Suggestions: You should have made it so you could customize the cars more. Also improve the physics of the game. You have a nice looking game but it doesn't play very good.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are a couple different modes to play through. There is training which is a lot of fun because you improve your racers skills by completing challenges. Some of the challenges are doing wheelies, endos, burnouts or completing laps in a certain time. There are a bunch of other challenges too. Then there is arcade and championship mode which are some what similar. There are a fair amount of tracks but it would have been nicer to have had more. Its a great game and if you are into racing games you should pick this one up.
Graphics: I couldn't see any faults with the graphics. The track looks nice and it looks like real asphalt. The sun effects are good and the riders look realistic too. When you do burnouts you can see the tire marks and there is a lot of smoke.
Audio: The sound is really awesome. The motorcycles sound realistic. When a race of 16 people starts the noise is really loud and it sounds cool with 5.1. I feel emersed in the game due to the terrific sound.
Suggestions: Add more tracks and some new challenges for training and I will buy the next one.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is a lot of fun to play. You don't just go around shooting people you have to use some strategy otherwise you won't live. There are a lot of missions and it will take a while to beat. You can unlock more guys and weapons depending on how good you do in the mission. The only thing I would change about the gameplay is to make it so the enemies are in different spots each time you play through it.
Graphics: The graphics are the weak point of this game. There is a lot of popup. You can walk a couple steps and a tree pops up out of no where but take a step back and it disappears.
Audio: Gunfire and explosions sound really nice. It makes you feel like you're a part of the action. The only bad part about the sound is your player will huff and puff when he runs and it sounds annoying.
Suggestions: Improve the graphics and make it so the bad guys are in different spots each time you play through a mission.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are lots of challenges. Some I swear are impossible and after playing for a long time I still have been able to finish them. There are lots of big tricks to pull off and a variety of riders to choose from. The different levels are designed pretty good too.
Graphics: The graphics are not a real strong point of this game. The environments are mediocre and the riders look ok too. Its nothing spectacular but it doesn't look horrible.
Audio: The music that comes with the game is ok but the best part is you can use custom soundtracks with the music from your harddrive. Its good to see this feature included in the game.
Suggestions: I think you should tone down the difficulty on some of the challenges.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game has great gameplay. Some critics say that this game is too hard. However, with practice you will be able to powerslide around corners with ease and beat your opponents. The difficulty makes this game even more satisfying when you beat one of the challenges.
There are many different modes of play. A few are races against computer controlled cars, top speed challenges, style challenges, time challenges, and overtake challenges and theres many more.
Graphics: The cars really look amazing in this game. There is reflections on the cars and they also take damage. When you drive in the rain you can see the water splash up and the reflections off the water. You can also drive through fog which looks cool. I think this game has great graphics.
Audio: The engine noises in this game sound great. While driving you can listen to music. You can listen to music that you rip onto your harddrive or music that comes with the game. The music that comes with the game is like a radio station with djs introducing the music. Personally I like to listen to my own music.
Suggestions: The only thing I would suggest is to add more cars. The game has about 25 cars but it would be nice to have even more. Other than that I don't think this game needs any more improvements.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10