Metal Dungeon (Original Xbox) by Xicat Interactive

Metal Dungeon (Xbox) by Xicat Interactive Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: December 15, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
6.20 / 10


In the distant future, man and machine are one. Twisted, robotic cyborgs walk the planet ravaging the land and destroying all that they find. Mankind retreats to metal fortresses, and holds out for the future. Underneath the scorched earth, evil awaits, magic returns to life, and terrible creatures of myth are revived. A group of battle cyborgs must now journey below the surface of the planet, to tame the Metal Dungeon.


Thursday, April 12, 2001
Tuesday, April 10, 2001
Thursday, April 5, 2001

User Reviews

Score: 62
Overall User Average: 6.20 / 10 (62.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.40 / 10
Graphics User Average: 6.00 / 10
Sound User Average: 5.40 / 10
Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: It was I have to say one of the worst games on the Xbox console. Waste of my money and time. SUCK!!
Gameplay: Was what made the game a piece of crap. Absolutely no input from the player. You sat and watched your people fight over and over again. You could only move with the analog out of fighting, which was the only time you could have control. SUCK!
Graphics: The graphics were the one up of the game. They were nice and pretty smooth. But because its pretty doesnt mean bull for anything else.
Sound: Sound was suckey to. When you shot the gun it sounded to mute and dull. Wasnt much sound either. SUCK!
Suggestions: Yah, make a game where the player has some input in the game. Or just stop making games all together.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: June 1, 2003.

Overall: If you liked the combat system of FFVII, then you will love this game. I consider this game a very well thought out "niche-game" for those of you willing to take a chance on endless battle upon battle Final Fantasy style. The weapon upgrades available are enormous, and character cutomization as well is pretty exhaustive. Essentially it all comes down to this: You create up to 5 characters and then go "dungeon crawling" though very futuristic maps and battle a series of harder and harder enemies as you decend farther down the levels. All this time, your characters pick up exp points you can use to upgrade their stats, and pick up loot in random lockers or dropped by bosses to sell or use. When the battles begin, EVERYTHING is in FFVII style, from the music to the camera angles, though you will be amazed at the zoom in ones that really show off the enemy details like when you battle zombie-cyborgs, your team members take turns dishing it out as you control their attack-defend-heal/use item commands all to a very good effect. In conclusion, I was skeptical at first when I found this game ($49) yet was intrigued because not everyone likes the same style of game, but I am VERY impressed with the game as a whole in it's ability o deliver a satisfying gaming experience. Like I stated earlier, this is a game not intended for everyone, if you are expecting Diablo or even Baldurs Gate style gameplay, this is not for you, but if you liked the combat system utilized in Final Fantasy VII, then you will LOVE this game.
Gameplay: The random map generator does an excellent job of never letting you roam around the same map twice..Ever. This is excellent as far as re-playability is concerned. The character customization is indeed very well though out and the game engine never gets out of hand as far as pitting too tough enemies against you.
Graphics: The character animation of some of the enemies has really got to be seen to be believed. And the visual effects of the spells are spectacular. I like the way your character(s) change weapons/armor with new stuff you outfit them with. The maps are very futuristic and the enemy designs are quite good, kinda like the monsters from Etherlords meets The Borg. Very nice indeed.
Sound: Nothing new here, the music harkens back exactly to FFVII during the fight sequences and the weapon sounds are unique to each but again nothing to write home about.
Suggestions: A newbie guide that walks you through an easy battle would be a good help as far as getting to know the controls. Something akin to the entrance guide in Earth & Beyond would be a great addition to Metal Dungeon II!!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2002.

Overall: This game had no point besides why do you have a weapon if you cant even use it. Also I always so the same exact people couldn't you of atleast made a variety.
Gameplay: It's boring and pointless and there's no story line any ways so whats the point of playing it. I would rather sit around and play thumb wars than this.
Graphics: The graphics are !&%$@#* except for the movie clips whitch are pretty cool only 1 though. What a laugh the games shit because the people didn't take the time to make nice graphics or even gameplay.
Sound: Dun delily dun bum dun. thats all I hear !&%$@#* it sucks. Maybe if they put in system of a down or the used it might of ben a lil better
Suggestions: Yeah here's a suggestion never make another game.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: December 28, 2002.

Overall: It's hard to rank Metal Dungeon in this category. It's overall appeal to the old school "Dungeon Crawler" would be a 5.0, however, it's overall appeal to the general gaming arena would be a about a 2.0. I love this game, and would have reviewed it sooner but I couldn't get past Dungeon 3. Ironically that is also the best way to describe any level or dungeon scenario -- by it's number. Theres not much in the way of story -- but that's ok if you're like me. I enjoy leveling, looting and learning new spells. I'm also very addicted to upgrading armor, weapons, and stats. This game does all of this very well. Fantastic Math!
Gameplay: Here's the gameplay; Create a party of various classes. Pretty standard fare, although, the classes are basically - Caster, Melee Fighter (Swords, Hammers, Staffs etc.), and Gunman (Guns of all sorts). The casters can focus on 1-3 Types of magic: Effect (Buffs and Debuffs), Attack (Direct Damage, Nukes) and Defensive (Healing etc.) It might be possible to try to make a caster do well in all three areas, but I choose to focus in one. You shop, upgrade, level up, raise stats back on the home ship (aka: Phantasy Star On-Line) and then select a dungeon to enter. You can only enter dungeons as you beat them. Each dungeon gets some type of basic twist, such as poison air, or confusing teleports. The layout is random, so a map is only good until you return to the base. I like this, you really feel like your adventuring and not simply steering a graphic at a known goal. In fact, I found myself whipping out my old graph paper from the old AD&D days on some of the larger levels, and trying to survive without zoning out and scrapping the map. At the end of each dungeon is a rather large boss. Loot is in chests, and rarely dropped by enemies. Each character will develop specific effects or "Procs" either through leveling or acquiring a weapon that does so. At first the "Procs" were few and far between, however now that most of my party has surpassed level 20 they seem to be happening a lot more.

So by now if you?re saying or thinking the word "geek" or what's AD&D? You would fall into the General Gaming Arena. This game is not for you.

Also, this is not truly "Turned Based" combat that you can't interact with. Xicat threw in a simple scroll bar and you must instruct all of your party members prior to what would be their next turn. Forget to setup your heal a couple of times and you'll learn. This becomes even cooler as you begin to get tons of items, spells and attacks.

Graphics: Graphically the dungeons are dreary and dark. They are certainly better than any graphics for a game like this that I've seen. Enemies once you are in combat mode (they are all represented by the same eerie graphic and sounds during travel to throughout the dungeon. They are much better than random encounters because you have some control over whether your there to level and fight or avoid and loot! Spell effects begin to get much better as the game progresses. Character models are well done and the bosses have all been impressive. Different graphics for the weapons are nice and the attack animations are cool.
Sound: You are greeted with a standard techno soundtrack for the menus, the base, and dungeon crawling. The music is not bad, although a bit repetitive. Sound effects are pretty generic and full of reverb effect. Again, once you get to the combat sequence the sound and music get better. Making it all the more reason to keep picking fights.
Suggestions: The game is original and true to it's real "Genre". Metal Dungeon to RPG's is what Serious Sam is to FPS. WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT! If you do a sequel throw out the story line altogether and spend that money on "Armor" graphics that change as you acquire it within the game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

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