Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 48
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Gameplay: The weapons and effects and just everything about it. always kept me going had some spots that were real easy but then some spots real hard. kept u on ur toes.
Graphics: superb. cut scenes were very nice. didnt seem choppy. excellente' all over.
Audio: excellent, except some parts it was to quite to hear what they were saying but im still giving it a 5
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Was what made the game a piece of crap. Absolutely no input from the player. You sat and watched your people fight over and over again. You could only move with the analog out of fighting, which was the only time you could have control. SUCK!
Graphics: The graphics were the one up of the game. They were nice and pretty smooth. But because its pretty doesnt mean bull for anything else.
Audio: Sound was suckey to. When you shot the gun it sounded to mute and dull. Wasnt much sound either. SUCK!
Suggestions: Yah, make a game where the player has some input in the game. Or just stop making games all together.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is good if you got live, if you dont then its alright. Split screen multiplayer is alright but when they join before you they take your profile and you get a different one and it really pisses me off.
Graphics: Graphics were very good and really smooth, but if you have a really small arena then its not worth how good the visuals are. If you had crap graphics and a HUGE arena it would be alot more fun.
Audio: Pretty realistic and nice. Jumped alot for me on live but that could just be my connection who knows.
Suggestions: Not to much just make the arenas larger.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay was great, it was easy to control, easy to aim, and the vehicle controls were real smooth to. After you pass the game you always got multiplayer.
Graphics: Amazing graphics, especially for one of the first Xbox games to be released. Wide open areas and detail were superb.
Audio: Loved the climaxing music througout the game. Gun shots sounded pretty realistic and voice overs were good also
Suggestions: Hope that Halo 2 will be just as good or better. Keep up the great work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great but i was hoping that it would have been more interactive like outcast with the squad based action of brute force.
Graphics: Very nice very sharp liked the horizon views especially on Dantooine. Nice and smooth throughout especially liked cantina dancers tee hee.
Audio: Nice classic star wars sounds. Love that your able to press y and engage ur light saber at any time always fun.
Suggestions: I love that it was made in Edmonton and that it was also a Canadian company keep up the incredibly great work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10