Total Reviews: 5
Average Overall Score Given: 7.20000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Unreal Championship

Overall: I honestly don't know what to say any more. I was just fantasising about an unreal tournament game to come to me and finaly it did but I was so dissapointed I would rether buy unreal tournament or unreal tournament 2003.

Gameplay: The gameplay was alright. nice weapons gopod graphics but what went wrong. for one theres only about 15 different maps. for two this is not a 1 player game only good multi player.

Graphics: I have to say this game has awsome graphics so you can't just keep on going on dissing this cuz of it's sucky gameplay and crapy levels.

Audio: The music I don't even listen to becasue your always killing someone so there's no real time to listen.

Suggestions: I can't say just I was really dissapointed.

Overall Score: 4.0 / 10 Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

Overall: This game was alot different than the original ps1 versions. But this was a big leap for xbox because it started out as a side scroller and now 3d and pretty awsome graphics. Not only the graphics but the gameplay rocks to besides the fact that you can mind control almost anything and also all the guys that follow you to complete tasks and fight just plain old rocks.

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good because you have so many allie's following you at once and each one can complete a certain task like having some work or having some even fight. There is also another new character added to the oddworld series called Munch and he has some pretty good tricks behind him to.

Graphics: The garphics are alright but could of been better with the xbox. So many different creatures on the map at the same time you start to forget about the graphics.

Audio: I haven't really payed to much to the sound but when I do it's clear and actually goes with the scene. It's not like playing techno while your just playing in flowers.

Suggestions: I don't have any suggestions yet because I just got the game but I hope I wouldn't have to give any in the first place.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Hunter: The Reckoning

Overall: The game itself has a good story line even though it is confusing and also the weapons rock. There are so many limbs that you can chop off or shoot off that the game is basicly endless in fun except for when you die which makes u not want to play again because you have to start all over which is a real hassel besides everything is great but the graphics could use a touch up with the xbox engines power but with over 30 enimies it's pretty descent.

Gameplay: The game rocks with over 15 weapons that you can find and you have a weapon with infinite ammo which is pretty cool. I also like how you get experinced up and get level ups which make you stronger and usually a new special which are very useful. There's only one downside which is that the victims that are getting hit by the zombies or other creatures can die or get badly injured so if they die you lose which kind of sucks.

Graphics: The graphics are pretty good but they could of made it way better with xbox but it was made a little while ago. But having over 30 enemies on the screen at once with pretty good graphics rocks.

Audio: You get so into the game when all the zombies come all the time so the music doesn't really stick out but when you get into a big fight you can hear some pretty good tecno.s

Suggestions: A little better graphics and a few more people and your set for number 2.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Metal Dungeon

Overall: This game had no point besides why do you have a weapon if you cant even use it. Also I always so the same exact people couldn't you of atleast made a variety.

Gameplay: It's boring and pointless and there's no story line any ways so whats the point of playing it. I would rather sit around and play thumb wars than this.

Graphics: The graphics are !&%$@#* except for the movie clips whitch are pretty cool only 1 though. What a laugh the games shit because the people didn't take the time to make nice graphics or even gameplay.

Audio: Dun delily dun bum dun. thats all I hear !&%$@#* it sucks. Maybe if they put in system of a down or the used it might of ben a lil better

Suggestions: Yeah here's a suggestion never make another game.

Overall Score: 2.0 / 10 Shenmue 2

Overall: This just became my favorite game because I love simulations and it just rocks because you have to actually work for monay or gamble to live. Besides the fact that you cant eat. You even have to pay for your own hotel that's about how close to life that you can get.

Hehe I love the arcade

Gameplay: This game has so much to do even though I do agree that it has alot of cut scenes but besides that it's a really good game. When I started to explore around alot I even found an arcade filled with old sega games. And also Shenmue 2 is just like a life simulation in Hong Kong you can sell stuff at pawn shops or even get jobs. Some times the game can get kind of complicated when your trying to find the four parts of wude, it was so annoying on the 3rd part at the barber shop when he says sit still, but when he pulls the knife out and the blinking A pops up I thought you were supposed to hit A, so then I kept on trying and trying thinking that you had to hit and found out that you didnt. about 4 days went by just trying to figure that out so I wanted to restart oh yeah I forgot you can't restart you have to restart the whole system to reload but besides that it's awsome.

Graphics: I think that this game has alright Graphics could be very better with Xbox's power but owell the game still rocks.

Audio: When you get so into the game you kinda forget about the sound but the talkings right on and when I do hear the music it's good.

Suggestions: I think that you should make it so you can reload with out getting up and wasting time but besides that maby a few more part time jobs and thats all.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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