Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Metal Dungeon

Gameplay: The random map generator does an excellent job of never letting you roam around the same map twice..Ever. This is excellent as far as re-playability is concerned. The character customization is indeed very well though out and the game engine never gets out of hand as far as pitting too tough enemies against you.
Graphics: The character animation of some of the enemies has really got to be seen to be believed. And the visual effects of the spells are spectacular. I like the way your character(s) change weapons/armor with new stuff you outfit them with. The maps are very futuristic and the enemy designs are quite good, kinda like the monsters from Etherlords meets The Borg. Very nice indeed.
Audio: Nothing new here, the music harkens back exactly to FFVII during the fight sequences and the weapon sounds are unique to each but again nothing to write home about.
Suggestions: A newbie guide that walks you through an easy battle would be a good help as far as getting to know the controls. Something akin to the entrance guide in Earth & Beyond would be a great addition to Metal Dungeon II!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10