Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (Original Xbox) by LucasArts

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (Xbox) by LucasArts Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible Xbox One backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: May 14, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
6.82 / 10


Star Wars Jedi Starfighter for Xbox presents more than 20 breathtaking one and two-player cooperative story-based missions set amidst a variety of new and beautifully rendered worlds and environments from Attack of the Clones. In addition to the ultra-fast, ultra sleek Jedi starfighter, players can battle in three other original heavily armed and highly maneuverable craft, the Havoc, Zoomer and Freefall. Missions take place over land and in space, with players skirmishing against more than 40 starships and capital-class vessels - including some notable enemy craft from the Star Wars: Episode II film.


Monday, April 22, 2002
Tuesday, March 19, 2002

User Reviews

Score: 68
Overall User Average: 6.82 / 10 (68.2%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.82 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.18 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.71 / 10
Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Being a big fan of Star Wars and the earlier flight sims (XvT and XWA on the PC), I was really looking forward to Jedi Starfighter. I was pleasantly surprised. This is a nice game that won't blow you out of the water, but isn't a huge disappointment, either.
Gameplay: The single player missions are where you'll spend the majority of your time. They're fairly good, though not that difficult. You can probably play through the entire game in a weekend. The multiplayer really doesn't add too much to the game, especially since it's split-screen only.
Graphics: The visuals are pretty good. Your Jedi Starfighter looks very good and the environments have lots of detail. Some of the other ships can seem a little blocky at times, but it's not a huge distraction.
Sound: The audio is great. Typical Star Wars soundtrack and the weapons and force powers are all well done. The voice acting also is top-notch.
Suggestions: Xbox Live support would have been great.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 11, 2003.

Overall: Well, another star wars game. Overall i always thought star wars games were good. They still are but something in jedi starfighter is missing. Im not a big fan of star wars but again the games are fun to play. So thats why i came upon this one when i first actually noticed it.
Gameplay: The gameplay to me was average. Depends on the difficulty levels to tell you all the truth. The game itself needed more levels because some just seemed to easy. You'll maybe want to play this game twice all the way through then give up on it but the game itself is fun. Not as good as the rogue squadron games but still good.There seemed to be slowdowns during the game,especially on the levels with water. yeah seems stupid to what im saying but i cant describe it well. i thought there would be more to it on the xbox version than the ps2 version but still.....yeah you get the point im saying.
Graphics: The graphics varied from good to bad. There is really no answer to this but the textures seemed like something on a ps2. (like everyone says. The ships though seemed like xbox power. You can tell that the ships were worked on better than the other textures. The stars looked like crap to me, that could have been fixed. almost like they were jittery. The land textures had somewhat difference compared to the ps2 but not much. The water effects could have been worked on. They should have made the water look real like in bloodwake. That would have been good.
Sound: The sound is good, especially with surround sound hooked up. The voices were in good tone and so were the sound effects. So the sound was very good,even without surround sound. Its the xbox's 5.1 roaring power
Suggestions: Fix the framerate and faster loading times. Also make more levels instead of more content

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 16, 2003.

Overall: The overall appeal is just the game. I am not a huge Star Wars fan, especially not of the new ones but this game I loved. The action was always fast and there was always something to do and discover. Pushing up the difficulty made the game really fun.
Gameplay: The controls are very easy to get used to even though I'm used to flying where moving the stick left and right rolled the craft instead of turned it, but that I got used to. Unless you play alot of flight sims you will not have a problem with it. Targeting and commmanding wingmates was made as about as simple as you could with an xbox controller.
Graphics: All I have to say is the it is all cool from the capital ships right down to the droids. I was inpressed when you blew the airlock on the prison the droids that had your crew pinned down actually flew out and starting shooting you.
Sound: Getting killed over and over trying to do a mission. You get really tired of the plot dialog, just because there is alot of it. But other than that when you are playing for the first time it is actually an additive.
Suggestions: All I could suggest was to make the game a little longer. I mean I was hooked when I first played it, and blasted my way though half of it in one night.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 21, 2002.

Overall: Star Wars fan or not, I would not recommend to buy this one, but, if have an afternoon to kill (because it won't last much longer than this) you might want to rent this one.
Gameplay: Flying around in space crafts is usualy fun, and this game is no exception. The controls are adequate, but I hated the way you bounce off the level's boundaries if you ever touch them. The actual missions are not exciting, the level of sophistication is that of a dated N64 game.. For the most part the levels themselves are extremely small and simplistic.
Graphics: Looks good, no notable slowdowns, but nothing awe inspiring either. Like the rest of the game, the camera system is basic and dated.
Sound: I liked the sound effects, questionnable voice acting, but eh, the movies themselves are troubled by bad acting so I guess the developpers were trying to stay authentic.. :P
Suggestions: This is 2003 (almost), apparently you they didn't notice the incresease in elaboration in modern games..

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 1, 2002.

Overall: I played a demo of Starwars Jedi Starfigher on an OXM disc once upon a time, and it seemed awesome so I went ahead and got it. I'm gonna try not to call buying this game a "big mistake", but rather a misjudgement.

The engine is good, controls are fine, and overall it's neat. A good game to play indeed with some minor control issues (such as hitting the ground rapidly and exploding when all you wanted to do was skim it.)
Gameplay: game's seriously lacking in the levels department! I had this game beaten, as well as everything unlocked in a matter of days. If I'd have known that I'd have whipped Jedi Starfighter over the course of a weekend, I would have rented it instead.

Jedi Starfighter is the perfect renter, but I dont think anybody would get their money's worth by buying it.

The game does offer a multiplayer mode with both cooperative and head-to-head options, but it gets boring quick and isnt enough to save the game.

Graphics: The graphics are good in-game but the CG Cutscenes are a little unsettling. I wasnt expecting FMV sequences with the real Samuel Jackson, but what I got seemed a little poor.. Why couldnt lucas arts go nuts with the cgi like in the movies?
Sound: The sounds were nice enough. The game includes full voice narratives and other such things i've come to expect in starwars combat sim games.
Suggestions: More levels fool!!!

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 17, 2002.

Overall: This was an average star wars game. I don't really like many games, (except for Shadows of the Empire that was the best) this game gets boring quickly. It did for me, you have to be a a star wars fan and combat spaceship fighting to like this one. The load times are so !&%$@#* long and get annoying. It had a star wars feeling to it though.
Gameplay: The gameplay is tight and solid. Easy to control your spaceship. Easy to control the blasters and turbo and missles. Not much more to say for gameplay, its a strong point and this game needs one.
Graphics: The graphics were blah and plain. there were blurry and weren't enjoyable. I was very dissapointed, i thought this game would of had better graphics.
Sound: The sound was the best part in the game. From the star wars classic music and spaceships blowing up the sound was immpressive and really got you into the game. The best thing in this game is definatly the sound
Suggestions: make the next one multiplayer and better! And thats if you make another/.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2002.

Overall: I was excited about this game, but man did I change my mind about it after playing it. It's a 90s game that was never updated.
Gameplay: This is one of those games that sucked, but the multiplayer sucked even more than the single player tell me how often that happens. Just rent this game to see what I mean. lol
Graphics: The Graphics are ok, some scences are good, others make me think I am playing the N64 or PS1. This game looks like a 90s game graphics wise.
Sound: The sound is what you expect. Nice sound.
Suggestions: Better design for the controls, better modes for mutliplayer, better graphics, and online mode wouldn't hurt, but I think you guys got a lot of work to do.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 100 %

Bad 1
Date reviewed: October 7, 2002.

Overall: I quite enjoyed this game. The Star Wars license seemed well used & liked the cinematics as well as the in-flight chatter. It did seem a bit short to me though.
Gameplay: Gameplay was generally good. Handling was good & I like the paradigm of fly the mission and try to decipher the correct strategy for success. Split screen play is almost impossible though...
Graphics: Cut scenes were of good quality. Overall, visual appeal was quite nice I thought, but not really "awesome".
Sound: The in-flight chatter was good as were the overall sound effects. I thought that maybe blowing a capital ship could have been a bit more impressive.
Suggestions: Come out with a meatier sequel that takes a bit longer to finish. Maybe could use an extra notch on visuals/sounds. Very good game though. Also support x-box live with sequel.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: July 22, 2002.

Overall: I enjoy star wars flight simulators, but this game weighed too much towards the 'use the force' genre than say TIE fighter. The game is difficult on harder levels, but i felt no real strategy in the flight, simply point and shoot.
Gameplay: Point and shoot, some people would enjoy it simply for the name star wars, but i more enjoy the flight simulation and the kick out of actually flying an x-wing, or whatever the ships are your flying in Jedi Starfighter. No chase, just point and shoot and hit the boosters if your shot at..
Graphics: Looked good, would of appreciated a more 'cold' image of the !&%$@#* pit console. Would of been cool if there was more strategy than point and shoot
Sound: Sound was cool and the trainers voice was great.. I cant think of anything else to put in, but i need 100 characters.
Suggestions: More strategy like the way old PC Xwing or TIE fighter .

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: July 9, 2002.

Overall: Well going in i thought, kick ass, a Star War flight sim! And it was used plus I got a discount so good deal right? Wrong...
Gameplay: The controls were absolutely horrible, even when i had option to customize, none of them worked effectively. The missions were ok but not great, and cheats did not work.
Graphics: Well XBOX glory made this visually cool. But really thats all it had going for it. Nice explosions, and um...stuff. I've always liked Star Wars art and concepts. Good design.
Sound: Awesome blaster effects and R2 D2 stuff. Classic Wars effects all the way, and great musical score.
Suggestions: Better controls! I mean for god sakes it took me 20 minutes to get it right and I still dont like it.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 24, 2002.

Overall: Not too bad of a game. Wasn't nearly as fun as rogue squadran for n64. However, it was entertaining for a while. Its got a lot of bonuses you can unlock that are pretty sweet. The displays kind of sucked. Needed some more work put on to it. Some cut scenes were pretty good. Its worth it to rent it, but I'd never buy it unless it sold for around 20 bucks max.
Gameplay: Gameplay doesn't last too long. But you can unlcok bonuses that will allow you to do different missions not of the main storyline, just like the other star fighter games. Pretty nice gameplay.
Graphics: Visuals were ok. Not a game that takes too much advantage of the xbox's power. Some of the cut scenes had real nice graphics however.
Sound: Great! If you love star wars music, then you will love the music and sound effects in this game. And that says it all.
Suggestions: Make it better, longer, better graphics, and better gameplay!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter News

Layoffs At LucasArts?
Reliable sources are saying that numerous reports about layoffs at LucasArts are correct, details inside, but LucasArts has declined to comment on any changes.

Jedi Starfighter Has Gone Gold
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter Announced

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