Average Overall Score Given: 8.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 326
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Gameplay: The stealth action is this is great. It's challenging without being impossible, a real treat for gamers who hate easy games. Taking out guards and enemies without firing a shot is great, though there could have been a little more gunplay. Also, it would be preferable to be able to save whenever you want, but that can be dealt with.
Graphics: The visuals in this game are absolutely amazing. This is one of the most beautiful games you'll seen on any platform, including the PC. The different vision modes work well and the shadows are very cool looking.
Audio: The use of sound is done very well. When you throw that can to distract the enemy, it sounds like a can bouncing along the street. The weapons all are very accurate as well.
Suggestions: I would say Live support, but I'm not sure how you could pull it off. Guess we'll see in SC2.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The single player missions are where you'll spend the majority of your time. They're fairly good, though not that difficult. You can probably play through the entire game in a weekend. The multiplayer really doesn't add too much to the game, especially since it's split-screen only.
Graphics: The visuals are pretty good. Your Jedi Starfighter looks very good and the environments have lots of detail. Some of the other ships can seem a little blocky at times, but it's not a huge distraction.
Audio: The audio is great. Typical Star Wars soundtrack and the weapons and force powers are all well done. The voice acting also is top-notch.
Suggestions: Xbox Live support would have been great.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: From the moment you first fire your pistol at some covenant, you're hooked. As you progress through the game, the thrills never stop. Okay, some parts can be somewhat monotonous, but those are easily outweighed by the other fantastic levels. And multiplayer... just think if this game was playable over Xbox Live... *drool*
Graphics: The visuals are simply amazing. The first time you set down on land and look up at the sky is just amazing. And they only get better.
Audio: The audio is nice. Everything sounds very good, but nothing that will really blow your mind. The soundtrack does mesh well with the gameplay, helping to immerse you even more into the game.
Suggestions: If only this could be made playable over Live!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The new voice commands are great. No more taking time out to hit your buttons to get your squadmates in action. The controls seem to be a little slow sometimes, but once you get accustomed to it, it's not a major problem.
Graphics: The visuals are just amazing. Still get some enemies who fall through walls and such, but nothing that takes away from the gameplay. The flashbang effect is great, really gives an advantage.
Audio: The audio is this game is great as well. You can hear your squadmates respond to your commands and the sounds from the weapons sound very good.
Suggestions: Great game, hard to make any suggestions.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is okay at the best. I haven't ever been able to find what I call "traditional Tetris". I (and my wife who I bought this for) were both very disappointed that it was missing.
Graphics: Hmm, well the graphics are okay at best. Good old blocks and lines. The backgrounds are well done, but don't effect the game at all.
Audio: The music is good. Nothing spectacular done here. The in-game sounds are pretty much the same as the old Nintendo versions.
Suggestions: Bring back the "traditional" gameplay. Online play.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. You can play through missions, have firefights and others. The best part is that all modes are available through multiplayer as well!
Graphics: The visuals in this game are great. Most of the models and such look absolutely great. The only ones that don't look very good are the leaves on the trees, which no developer seems to be able to master.
Audio: The sounds in this are just amazing. The guns all sounds like they should, though the grenades just don't seem as loud as you'd think they would. The music on the menus is very well done as well.
Suggestions: Not many. Maybe make some more weapons and maps available as downloadable content!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. You can play a game between some all-time teams, fire up a college classic or build your team into a national power in dynasty mode. This is where the game really excels. The new Sports Illustrated covers are really cool looking, as well as the Heisman Watch. You can play this game all the way through the release of next year's game or into the future.
Unfortuantely, no Xbox Live!
Graphics: The visuals are great. They did a terrific job on the stadiums this year. The uniforms and player models look fantastic. The new presentation is very appealing as well.
Audio: The audio is fantastic. The commentary is much improved over last year. They'll actually comment on how you did on your last drive ('they went 3 and out on their last drive' or 'they moved the ball through the air well on their way to a touchdown'). The fight songs are good as usual.
Suggestions: Xbox Live support! Duh!
Oh, and bigger rosters certainly wouldn't hurt.
Did I mention Xbox Live support?
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great. The atmosphere is about as close to a college football stadium as you can get. The gameplay is all very realistic, though on occassion you still get some of the freak things that happen (balls passing though people, etc.).
Graphics: The visuals in this game are great. The uniforms are magnificent looking and so are the stadiums. As you move through the game, you pick up grass stains and other wear and tear. The field ac !&%$@#* ulates these as well.
Audio: The commentary by Kirk Herstreit and Lee Corso is great. You only get those if your a "major" team playing another major, but it's very entertaining most of the time. The on-field sounds are very good as well.
Suggestions: Online play via Xbox Live. Bigger rosters would be helpful as well.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The basic gameplay is very easy to learn and with a few hours more of play the more advanced controls can be figured out. You can play about any kind of golf that you want (skins, match, or stroke play), go through some scenarios (3 down comeback, par 3,4, & 5 challenges, etc.), go through the Tiger Challenge (a matchplay mode), or play in a tournament. One of the things that can keep the game interesting is the ability to upload your "resume" to the Tiger website. You can then see how you stack up against other Tiger players around the world. Another great feature is online tournaments. You get a code from the Tiger website, put it into your game and then you play a specific course with a specific golfer. Then you get a code to upload your score to website and you can see how you fare.
Replay value is killed some by the fact that once you max out the stats on your golfer you have nothing to do with your money. You can't buy new equipment or anything. I was also disappointed with the lack of customization of your golfer since you must pick the model of one of the existing golfers.
Graphics: The visuals on this game are great. The work on the course is very well done as well as the golfers themselves. Everything looks as it should (right down to the swoosh on Tiger's ball and clubs).
Audio: The sounds in the game are just amazing. The sound of the ball hitting the club is unmistakable to an experienced golfer, along with all of the other sounds of the game. Also, the commentary supplied by David Farraday is great. He supplies slight touch of humor to coinside with Bill Macatee's shot-by-shot.
Suggestions: Ability to do more customization of your golfer would be ideal. Also, the ability to be able to do something with all that cash you have sitting around once you max your stats. Oh, and add Xbox Live support, of course.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10