Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Sega GT 2002

Gameplay: Compared with the previous Sega GT for the Dreamcast, I can say that the controls and handling of the cars have been improved greatly, and obviously the graphics too. The "virtual" damage (there are no real car damage models) system is what really makes this game challenging. Like in the real world, you will find yourself chasing the $ signs, and since doing "perfect" (no damage whatsoever) is both lucrative and difficult, expect to have to retry some races a few times. What the circuits themselves lack in numbers they make up in quality: the tracks are beautiful and piloting your fully modified, 600hp monster will demand a great deal of concentration.
My real beef is with the AI cars: it seems totally unaware of your presence. How many times did I manage to slip between two cars (alway being careful not to register any damage to my ride) only to have an AI car ram me as if it was blind.. And if you feel like taking revenge on them, you will be able to notice the also ridiculous colision model: apparently a car can't lift off of it's 4 wheels in Sega GT...
The unlockable cars and add-on parts serve as a good motivation for racing some more.
Graphics: Higly detailed car model, awesome sun glare effects and textures.... everything is shinny (too much?), gorgeous and runs smoooooooth!
Audio: Nothing really special here, the motor sounds help the pull you in the game. At first I though the music was horribly cheesy, but I got used to it (plus you can select your own soundtrack which is always appreciated).
Suggestions: FIX THE F*CKING LOADING TIME BETWEEN THE MENUS. This issue is a real PAIN in the arse, plus the menus themselves are nothing great and certainly not on level with the quality of the game. More technical details on the cars would be appreciated. Other than that, get to work on the next Sega GT!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Flying around in space crafts is usualy fun, and this game is no exception. The controls are adequate, but I hated the way you bounce off the level's boundaries if you ever touch them. The actual missions are not exciting, the level of sophistication is that of a dated N64 game.. For the most part the levels themselves are extremely small and simplistic.
Graphics: Looks good, no notable slowdowns, but nothing awe inspiring either. Like the rest of the game, the camera system is basic and dated.
Audio: I liked the sound effects, questionnable voice acting, but eh, the movies themselves are troubled by bad acting so I guess the developpers were trying to stay authentic.. :P
Suggestions: This is 2003 (almost), apparently you they didn't notice the incresease in elaboration in modern games..
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10