Triple Play 2002 (Original Xbox) by Electronic Arts

Triple Play 2002 (Xbox) by Electronic Arts Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: March 19, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
7.00 / 10

Admittedly, I am not the best person to offer a review of a sports game. Not since the days of the NES and Jaleco's "Bases Loaded" have I found myself interested in console-based sports games. However, given the superior quality of today's sports titles, I just mayhave to increase that portion of my game library."

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The season comes down to one last pitch, one final swing of the bat. Major League Baseball is built on big moments, and no game captures the essence of big league drama like Triple Play 2002 from EA SPORTS. America’s national pastime comes to life with new scanned player faces, new player models and a faster pitching interface that keeps the action flowing. All the essentials are here for the most realistic baseball gaming experience yet. Break out the heavy lumber and take aim at October with Triple Play 2002.


Friday, December 17, 2004

User Reviews

Score: 70
Overall User Average: 6.92 / 10 (70.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.75 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.50 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.08 / 10
Date reviewed: October 14, 2003.

Overall: This game is funny the way they have it set up. You can like do any trade you want to with another team. You can sign any free agent- you do anything with out any competition. thats basically the game- No competition. I set down the first time and started playing and I could beat the All Star level with ease. So its not a hard game. The music was pretty sorry the singers sucked i thought. The music will make you sick. Visually, its was bad. David Wells head looked as big as his body.
Gameplay: During the game, it was ok. I mean not too bad. I wish there was a mode like career and just drop the play off mode. Rookie diffuculty was not a challenge for a 2 year old. I hated how the other teams infield or outfield would always catch a ball. the infielders must 2 feet tall then all of sudden they go to about 20 feet tall and just reach out and catch the ball.
Graphics: The graphics sucked. No no I hated the graphics. 300 pounds is supposed to be big not the size of weeman. 150 is supposed to not be the size of the 300 pound man.
Sound: The songs where irritating. I mean I didnt exactly hate the song but i dont know what it was about it........ oooo maybe i heard the same song for 20 minutes??
Suggestions: Take your time. You have got better potential than this. You lose a lot of fans by game like this.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 50 %

Lord Vivic
Date reviewed: October 14, 2003.

Overall: For a sports game it is pritty good.Good graphics,good gameplay.Lame sound effects.Not a game for me.
Gameplay: There is only one way of playing this game and that is what I hate most about playing games like this but i will rate this game acording to personal exp.
Graphics: Great graphics.It kind of gives you a scence of a computer simulation.It is okay but there are better games
Sound: Sound on these games are always bad because there is not much going on around you.The bat hitting the ball was pritty impressive
Suggestions: Good job?

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2002.

Overall: Triple play was my favorate baseball game on playstation, but these days it takes more to satisfy my taste. triple play without a doubt the worst baseball game of the year, but theres still some entertainment.
Gameplay: Fielding is simple, pushing A plus directional pad to the desired base throws it to that base. batting is a little too easy, i can get a hit every single time, if i dont swing at bad pitch. its imposible to get a hit from the infield, the defense will jump like 20 feet and catch the ball, which is frustrating. cause ever single play the computer does sould be on sportcenter top 10 plays.
Graphics: graphically this game is crappy. the player models look crappy, faces look like garbage. ive also noticed that when the pitcher pitches the ball, the cather never throws the ball back to the pitcher, the pitcher just seems to have a ball in his glove already.
Sound: the commentary is the strongest part of the game, but its still weak, it gets repetitive, sound affects are good.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: September 2, 2002.

Overall: the game seems to ba solid baseball sim but the difficulty needs to be steped up a bit it is way to easy.
Gameplay: Like i said diffuculty is way to easy now im not sayin make it so sammy sosa cant beat it im just sayin make ur easy a meduim thats about it.
Graphics: graphics look really good here very realistic and very true to life i dont think there is better graphics in a baseball game to date.
Sound: the sound is good but can be better the sound when u hit the ball is pretty cool just need better music.
Suggestions: make the game a tad bit harder

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: July 19, 2002.

Overall: The game is pretty good. Definetly a contender for best baseball game for the X-box. Enough to keep you glued for a season but the lack of franchise mode keeps you hungering for more...
Gameplay: The controls are fairly easy to understand. I like the game and I am a real baseball fan so I am picky when it comes to baseball games.
Graphics: The graphics are outstanding. They really used the xbox well for graphics and the physics are very nicely done.
Sound: The sound of the bat hitting the ball is good. You can distinguish when its a weak hit or a power hit. The audience is a pretty good and the commentary is fairly good
Suggestions: Please make a franchise mode on Triple Play 2003! PLEASE!!!!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 31, 2002.

Overall: I have to have a baseball game in my game library. A current baseball game. Triple Play has been my favorite series since the old PS one. It is just as good as I remembered, but I noted few improvements in the overall game. You would think that the game would have been incredible on the xbox, but in my opinion it was barely above average.
Gameplay: The gameplay is better than average. I was used to the controls, in a way, so it was like getting back on a bicycle after not riding for a while. It took a little getting used to the controls that throw the ball to the base, but that didn't take long. I love hitting home runs, but this game makes that a little too easy. It is so easy to hit home runs that it makes me think a more appropriate title would have been "Home Run Baseball 2002."
Graphics: The graphics look good, but not as good as they could look on the xbox. Some of the players faces look great while others look as if they were run over by a truck. The stadiums, however, all look incredible. The realistic and very accurate design of all the stadiums is almost enough to make me want to sit down and play a season just to take a tour of the major league stadiums. Even though the stadiums are exremely well done, the visual appeal of Triple Play 2002 could have been better with minimal effort from Electronic Arts.
Sound: The sound is not extremely impressive, but it passes the test. I like the sound of the bat hitting the ball and the ball smacking into a glove. Makes me want to go throw the ball around at the park. The commentary is pretty good and seems to follow the gameplay well. Although the sound quality is okay, it is similar to the visual appeal in that it could have been improved with minimal effort. EA is getting lazy.
Suggestions: Stop resting on your laurels as the sports gaming publishers to beat. You have serious competition coming up that is going to give you a first rate !&%$@#* whipping if you don't start delivering games of superior quality.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 4, 2002.

Overall: Overall a decent baseball game...this coming from someone who can only stand to watch baseball in person. The game could use some improvement as far as fielding and graphics go. It's not enough to keep me glued to the tv for more than a game though.
Gameplay: The gameplay is fair. I like the way that the hitting is set up. however, the pitching and batting displays sort of defeat the purpose when it comes to two player games. The fielding could use some improvement. I don't know what is used to figure out what player to switch to when the ball is hit, but whatever it is, it is broken. When it seems the ball would be picked up quicker by the centerfielder, the computer selects the left fielder???
Graphics: the graphics are pretty good. The players' faces however, seem too cartoon-like. EA's Tripple Play developers should walk down the hall and learn a few things from the NHL developers. They also could have put a little more work into the detail. While coming from cincinnati, I am impressed with the construction of the upcoming ballpark, the "black hole" inbetween the cinergy and the new field is disappointing.
Sound: The sound is pretty much what you would expect from a baseball game... nothing outstanding, but nothing really disappointing. The comentary is a bit repetative and inaccurate at times, but nothing more than most sports games.
Suggestions: Spend a little more time on graphical detail. Work on the auto feilding and pitcher/batter interface.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 30, 2002.

Overall: Over all the game hasen't changed from the Triple Play I used to play on my old Playstation. It's cool and I think it's the best Baseball game for the XBox.
Gameplay: Good gameplay, controls are simple and easy to remember. Only thing that really sucks on it is the fact that rookie mode is for parapalegics, pro mode is for 2 year olds and not even Clemens or Johnson in the flesh could pitch a good game in All-star mode. Ease up on the modes of play by making pro a little more difficult or All-star a little easier and the game would rock.
Graphics: Great graphics. The stadiums are really nice looking. Players faces are pretty cool too. Most really loook like the player.
Sound: Good ammount of music and a great selection. The ballpark sounds are very realistic as well.

But may Harold Reynolds get a thousand paper cuts and fall into a pool of AIDS. He is the WORST announcer in the history of the sport and the most annoying thing about this game. No one can seem to get announcers to say the right thing at the right time... ever. If it wasn't for Reynolds I would give the sound a 5. That's how annoying he is...
Suggestions: Like I said throughout, change up the modes of play and take Reynolds on a ill-fated bungee jumping excursion and the game would rock.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 50 %

Project Ego
Date reviewed: March 27, 2002.

Overall: TRIPLE PLAY TRIES new things with the game's presentation, but what it really needs is to revamp the fundamentals like the pitching interface and two-player matches. Triple Play 2002 offers easy, arcade-like play controls and decent enough visuals, but the weak two-player experience seriously cuts down the overall enjoyment.
Gameplay: The game also drops the ball in the pitcher/batter interface department. The pitcher places the icon where he wants to throw the ball, and varies the location by selecting from his personal reperoire of pitches and deciding how much extra mustard to put on it. You can never alter the location drastically enough to fool the batter with this method, which is fine for sigle-player matches, but two-player games are reduced to batting practice with base running.
Graphics: Triple Play 2002's sweeping camera pans, zoom lenses tricks, and situation-based "dramatic showdown cinemas" add pepper to how the national pastime is normally viewed, but the graphics package goes downhill from there. The worst offender has to be the player models, which have larger than average heads and questionable likenesses to the real-life players.
Sound: Getting Bob Costas to do the play-by-play is just pure genius and is the most redeeming feature fo the game. His massive love and knowledge of the game translates into an assured, natural delivery that really elevaates the proceedings. The only flaws are some awkward transitions that makke Triple Play's commentary sound like that of a "video game" as opposed to a live telecast.
Suggestions: Improve the graphics and batter/pitcher interface.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 25, 2002.

Overall: While better than All-Star Baseball, tihs game still has its quirks. I had 19 Home Runs in my second league game playing the Mariners against the Tigers. 19 HR's in one game, where I win 32-3? I don't think so.... It is better than All Star Baseball by Acclaim, but my review of the latter has been pulled by XBA so there is no way to compare the two. Still, this is not a great baseball game, although it's better than All Star Baseball.
Gameplay: Overall, this game is better than the previous baseball outing by Acclaim. The graphics are much better (except for the batters), and the gameplay is better and announcing is better than Acclaim's, albeit only by a small margin. With Bob Costas at the helm of commentator, and the faster pace of the game, it's much better than All Star Baseball. Games are easy to jump into, and the ability to alter the length of the season (in Season mode) and the length of games (from 1 to 9 innnings) is a plus, this game still has its drawbacks. Batting is easy and sometimes unfair (i.e 19 homers in my second game). Fielding is a no-brainer, too, although some player are slow to throw to the bases which means no double plays. This is better than All Star Baseball by Acclaim, but my review of that game was removed by/from XBA for unknown reasons.
Graphics: The graphics, except for the batters, is better than All Star Baseball by far. There is much more detail in the stadiums and player movement than in previous outings. Cutting to the pitcher after a strikeout and better fielding graphics help bring this game to a level slightly above All Star Baseball. There are no really bad graphic glitches that make you think you are playing a computer game and not an actual game. And there's dust when players slide into bases! As mentioned in my review of All Star Baseball (which, again, was removed by XBA for unknown reasons except that it had a lower than average score), plays around the infield have nice dust effects. The baseball itself could generate dust (which it doesn't) but at least the players do.
Sound: Good 5.1 surround sound. The stadium announcer calling out the players, lost children, and winners of keychains is nice. I generally hate play-by-play announcers at any sporting events make me want to turn Bob Costas and Harold Reynolds off, but unfortunately turning them off turn off the stadium announcer, too (why?). And the commentary can get repetative and, at times, incorrect. 2 Examples: 1) Having hit a second home run off my pitcher, Bob announces that it's the first homer given up in the game; 2) a swing-and-a-miss strike has Bob saying things like "Caught the corner for a strike." I swung! Who cares if the pitch would have been a called strike! The bat being dropped to the ground is cool, as is the gunshot when you rip a homer. Overall, though, the sound is adequate.
Suggestions: Improve the commentary. The player models look like overgrown children. XBA might not want you to like this game. They removed my review of All Star Baseball, probably due to an upcoming promotion by Acclaim. This game is not great, but better than Acclaim's game nevertheless. Oh, and I've archived this review on my own machine lest it be removed like my previous review of All-Star Baseball, and thus lost for gamers present and future.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Triple Play 2002 News

EA says Ubisoft buy not hostile
Here's a little more information regarding EA's investment in Ubisoft and each companies views and strategies on the situation.

Triple Play 2002 Ships

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