Average Overall Score Given: 6.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 285
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War

Gameplay: It was alright, but not great. There are ample opportunities in the story line for the makers to add in extra things that would have made the story much better. For example, one level you have to prep a jet for take off, it would have rocked faces if you could have flown it and shot down Nazis. But you didn't even hardly get to see the jet because you had to go open some door. I was disappointed that you didn't get to drive vehicles. There was this level where you had to kill all these guys and guard a tank. They could have made it where you could drive the tank. Also, you only got to use a turret like 4 times the whole game. But you did get to shoot a lot.
Graphics: Visual were alright. I though the zombies looked stupid. It did give you an almost creepy atmosphere while playing. Nothing spectacular though. The movies had alright graphics.
Audio: Was it me or did all the soldiers sound like the same guy? The music sucked if you ask me. And the zombies sounded stupid.
Suggestions: Make your game more interesting by adding in the option to drive a vehicle. Get better music. Alright game, but it could have been a lot better.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome. It all starts out a lot like the first Halo. The dual wielding is a great new add on which I love. There are a lot more turrets, weapons, vehicles, and things you can do. For example, you can kick somebody out of a Ghost or Banshee. The weapons are awesome (ex: Energy Sword, SMGs, Battle Rifle, and the ability to lock on with the rocket launcher). The combat is pretty intense too. Trust me, you will like this game if you love First person shooters.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good. The marines and aliens look realistic. Also, the guns look cool when you are blazing with SMGs. If it's your first time playing either Halo or Halo 2 it will be breathing taking. The maps are realistic. The levels look good. Everything is good with the visuals.
Audio: Good sound also. Except when Keyes (the chick) is talking to you through her microphone, they might have meant for it to be this way but come on it's like 400 years from now, they should have better communication. The grunts say hilarious stuff. The voices accurately fit everyone. The grunts have high pitched voice, the elites have low pitched voices, the marines sound like human from around the world. The mouth and sound are correctly matched. The weapons sound cool. The vehicles all sound cool.
Suggestions: I highly recommend anyone that likes video games of any type to get Halo and Halo 2 if they don't already have them. This game is great, fun, and you will be talking about it at work or school.
For the developers- keep the awesome Halo games coming.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: During the game, it was ok. I mean not too bad. I wish there was a mode like career and just drop the play off mode. Rookie diffuculty was not a challenge for a 2 year old. I hated how the other teams infield or outfield would always catch a ball. the infielders must 2 feet tall then all of sudden they go to about 20 feet tall and just reach out and catch the ball.
Graphics: The graphics sucked. No no I hated the graphics. 300 pounds is supposed to be big not the size of weeman. 150 is supposed to not be the size of the 300 pound man.
Audio: The songs where irritating. I mean I didnt exactly hate the song but i dont know what it was about it........ oooo maybe i heard the same song for 20 minutes??
Suggestions: Take your time. You have got better potential than this. You lose a lot of fans by game like this.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10