NBA 2K2 (Original Xbox) by Sega

NBA 2K2 (Xbox) by Sega Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: February 26, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.58 / 10

Without a doubt the most realistic basketball game out there. A never ending of options and gameplay. Franchise mode is next to none."

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Building upon a foundation of vibrant graphics and crisp, detailed player animation, NBA 2K2 talks the talk and walks the walk! High pick and roll? We got it! Killer crossover? It's in there! The big man's game? You betcha! On offense, use the versatile low post game to drop step around your defender and explode past him for a posterizing dunk, back him down into the key and pull up for a sweet hook, or lull him to sleep and pass to the open man. Tight AI defenders take away the baseline, deftly rotate to the open man, and establish rebounding position in the paint.


Friday, January 11, 2002

User Reviews

Score: 86
Overall User Average: 8.73 / 10 (85.8%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.00 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.93 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.87 / 10
The Jackal
Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: Its okay. I traded mine in though cause overall it wasnt a good enough game to keep. Didnt have that special thing it needed.
Gameplay: Pretty good basketball game. I hate basketball but i liked playin this for a bit. Just because the close games were intense but its like that for all games.
Graphics: Visually ok. Kind of square players though and i saw a few hands go right through the rim. so its losin big points for that.
Sound: Sounds good. you hear everything you should in a basketball game. Except the trash talkin. Thatd be sweet.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This game game is fairly good, but could be better. The small details makes it better. The gameplay is tight, but occationally glitchy.
Gameplay: The gameplay is the heart of this game. The control is easy, but not too responsive sometimes, specially when you are going out of bounds while doing a cross-over.

There are about eight gameplay types, but they are all basically exibition matches with added varaity. There are no reward after winning the playoff :(

Creat-A-Player is really good, but I wish there were more hairstyles to choose from.
Graphics: Not that great. Doesnt even take the advantage of Xbox. Player faces are horrible, areanas are nice, but blurry court, and some really awkward animation.
Sound: The sound is not bad. But the music during a street game is really really repetative and boring. I love the dunking noises, and shoe squicks ;)
Suggestions: A great game, but the graphics is not that great. And some varaity in the gameplay types...i.e. Dunk competetion would add some nice touch ;)

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: it is a very tioght b-ball game, the graphics are better then its brother nfl 2k2 and the controls are tioght, the sound is tioght, but it is harder then heck!
Gameplay: well not much of a discription here except for that fact that you shoota basketball into a hoop and stuff, but this game makes it very very tricky
Graphics: its ok, not the best not the worst, you can reconize the players by there faces and the replays are awsome!
Sound: i guess its ok, i never really paided attention to that detail, but i guess its sounds ok so a 5 is in order and i dont care who knows it
Suggestions: eh, your doing good...i got this when 2k3 was out so do good with 2k4

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: September 14, 2003.

Overall: Plenty of thought was put into this game. Best gameplay for any sports game out their in my opinion. Needs work on graphics, and its a bit arcadey.
Gameplay: Great gameplay. One of the coolest part is the way you can intercept passes. It is however to easy to get into the paint, and the cpu characters are pretty dumb.
Graphics: arent the best. The replays look great but the crowd looks cheesey and the player detail isnt all that great.
Sound: Not bad...Commentaters get old quick but thats the same in most games. Effects arent bad. You can hear the coach yell at you while your playing. Effects involving the rim and hoop need to be worked on.
Suggestions: Great job on this game. Make the graphics use the power of X. And make it tougher to get in the paint and try to encourage more shooting.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 14, 2002.

Overall: Sweet game but I am sure there are better out now. I thought it was good overall and liked all the options. Was a little bit of staleness in the players from a viewing perspective but a nice bball game.
Gameplay: Nice gameplay. I liked the crossover and the jump shot variability in holding at just at the right spot.
Graphics: Good is a nice step up from previous bball games but i expect more. I am sure the newer ones have better graphics.
Sound: It is sound. Not my biggest thing in games but it was okay. The crowd was okay.. Just had the anouncer repeated stuff after a while which is STILL a problem after 10+ years of video games! GEEZE!
Suggestions: Just like many sports can always dig this game up and make a title run. Nothing SPECIAL here but a nice made basketball game. If money is a concern I am sure you can pick this up for under $20 on EBAY right now.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2002.

Overall: Sega has always had a was with making good sports games, wheter its basketball, football, tennis, or baseball, they always make good games.
Gameplay: Nba 2k2 is a simulator. It is designed for hardcore basketball fans. it has one of the deepest francise ever made for a basketball game. this game is the closest thing that you will ever get to actually play in the nationaly basketball assosiation. you can do anything in this game, a spin move, fake the defense out, layups, dunks, post moves, this game has everything that you would ever want in a good basketball simulator.
Graphics: Best looking basketball game. Best annimations, best looking arenas, crowds, this is the best overall looking basketball game out ther.
Sound: commentary isnt as repetitive as other sports games, this game has top of the line sound in all categorys.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 12, 2002.

Overall: After seing the intro to the game you will be pumpd to play, with cool tunes and highlights the game starts off in a great way. And after that, its all downhill. The game is complicated and, well, kinda boring to play. As a basketball fan I was very disapointed with the overall appeal of this game.
Gameplay: To get good at NBA 2K2, you need to put in your fair share of time. the options list is endless with calling picks, your own plays, substitutions and strategies. However I find that I got sick off all of that very quickly. The best part of the game is the playing street mode with some friends. Then you can talk all the trash you want!
Graphics: VERY disapointing here. The players don't even look like their real selfs. The courts are nice but thats about all!
Sound: The play by play comentating is very cool at first, but after about 1 hour of play----well....youve heard it all. It the same thing over and over again.
Suggestions: Well, I think they know this game needs work cuz theve released NBA 2K3!

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: August 25, 2002.

Overall: To be completely honest, this game isnt very good and the computer AI even on the All Star level can be easily beaten. The graphics arent too good and the gameplay is unrealistic. Like, all those crazy crossovers while spinning isnt too likely to appear in an ordinary NBA game. BUT, despite all those flaws, i play this game a lot and never seem to get tired of it. Why? Because of its many modes of gameplay.
Gameplay: Like i said before, the gameplay is unrealistic but there are many modes of gameplay. My personal favorite is the franchise. The stat tracking isnt perfect but the franchise mode IS addictive. Even though my fantasy team wins all the time, its still fun, especially the offseason in franchise. Ive managed to get Kobe, Shaq, Nowitzki, and Garnett on my team. Other than the franchise modes and the street modes, the gameplay would get a lower score.
Graphics: The graphics suck. After the game, when the players walk out the arena, their butts would be sticking out. And the character models arent detailed enough. The crowd is also kind of flat and the coaches look horrible.
Sound: The sound is also not too good. The announcer gets way to annoying after like the 3rd game u play. The music is ok.
Suggestions: Improve everything especially the gameplay and graphics. Also make the stat tracking way better and put brackets when in playoffs.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: July 26, 2002.

Overall: This is the worst game ever played on x-box ! I mean this is a basketball game with nothing really special.
Gameplay: Shoot in the basket and beat a team, repeat the process and that all ! And it from sega so it's boring .
Graphics: The visual is really good ! I mean x-box is the best console so they can put some amazing graphic like that.
Sound: I forget the beat of the sound ! Who's care about music in a basketball game.
Suggestions: No more game for you should be great.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: July 3, 2002.

Overall: i love the game but the graphics suck. i think they should have done a better job with that but i think the game plays are the best. i love how you can steal the ball in the air. what would be really cool if you could dive for the ball. i also think the goal tending sucks becuase they call it all the time and when you re-play the shot it looks like is not goal tending at all.
Gameplay: i think the game play is the best ever i think some times it is a bit easy to get in side the paint in 2 player mode. i love how you can steal the ball. i also love taking foul shots.
Graphics: there not the best, well actually they really suck. the graphics i think should have been much better than they are.
Sound: the sounds are pretty cool but i think that the anouncers repeat alot of stuff. and it can get anoying specually when there making fun of you.
Suggestions: i think there should be better graphics. i also think that we should be able to dive for the ball. i also think it would be cool if we could play one on one.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 5, 2002.

Overall: This game is great for any diehard basketball fan, or for any sports fan! The graphics were the only dissapointing part of the game for me. The gameplay was the best gameplay I've seen in a basketball game! There are plays you can call, you can crossover, block, steal, and intentional foul. I played this game for 1-2 hours a night, and I never got bored. I recommmed buying this game, but if you don't think you'll like it you should rent it first... I would buy it but I'm broke!

Gameplay: The gameplay is AWESOME! What else can I say... you can do anything. Crossover, spin move, pump fake, post moves, block, and steal. After a little less than an hour you get used to all the controls. I like how they have the free throws set up... you miss the first couple of times, and then once you get used to it you start making more and more. There are so many different mods you can play... street (my favorite part of the game... I recommend starting with this, it will build your skill in managing 2 to 3 players before moving to the conventional 5). Defense is fun too, the stealing is well done. It is hard to steal just out of nowhere, but if you wait for them to pass it to a man downlow, and you go to double team while he's making his move you can steal it a majority of the times. You have playoffs... which is pretty fun, pracitce mode, which I didn't use that much, but you can use that to learn the plays and stuff. You have season mode, and a couple others that I never got to. Overall, the gameplay is what makes it the best basketball game (in my opinion) ever!

Graphics: The graphics are the only thing that really dissapointed me. The players don't look to good. They are pretty blocky, and the visuals just don't live up to what the xbox can handle. Guys are waking threw guys, and the crowd is horendice. I wish they did the crowd like in NHL Hitz where they are 3 dimensional. The heads are too small for the body... especially on the coach. But this part of the game only takes away from the overall game a little bit because it just has such good gameplay! The visuals are the only thing I would really have taken more time to improve on. But don't not buy the game just because of that.

Sound: I didn't really listen to the sound because I was too enthrawed with the gameplay... but of what I can thin the sound wasn't too bad, but not too good. The players would yell switch and ball, which would help me out on defense. The hometeam would cheer when you dunk, or make a 3-pointer. The commentating was alright but a little repetitive, but what do you expect from a sports game on commentating? You can go to the menu, and switch around what was loud and what wasn't. Overall it was alright, but nothing to brag about

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 3, 2002.

Overall: i own all of the previous 2k's so i was expecting alot from this game and boy did get it the main things were graphics and gameplay
Gameplay: i graphics are graet much better than inside drive the only things is the players don't really look like themseleves is it just me is it hard to block shoyts or what
Graphics: looks great the graphics are vry good but one thing i missed was the teams alternate jersys but maybe that's just me
Sound: i feel the commentary has realy improved since the dc version now when i'm blowing my opponets tey will now say it
Suggestions: could u add a 3 point contest and dunk contest also make the players look like themselves use the 2k1 blocking system

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 2, 2002.

Overall: really cool in all the things but the menus are a little complicated, but the game looks great the grafics and the sound are cool but has some erros an example is the timeout in a 2 minute game from 5 timeout remaining jumps to 1 timeout remaining
Gameplay: very well the grafics are cool and its very easy the controls are simply its a game very easy to play

Graphics: incredible the grafics are so detailed the players see very real some mistakes for example the coach always do the same movements
Sound: more rythim i dont like verty much because this game needs a lot of tracks like tony hawk pro skater
Suggestions: the menus are a little complicated

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 21, 2002.

Overall: This game rocks the house. Before i got the game i had played the Dreamcast ones and they rocked. IT ROCKS!
Gameplay: The gameplay is awsome. i love the nba2k2 series. it is the best basketball series ever. this game rocks i cannot say it enough.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty sweet. everything about the graphics rock except the faces. the faces suck. everything else is awsome.
Sound: The sound is pretty good. the announcers are pretty good. the sounds in the game are very good. i like the sound.
Suggestions: make the faces look better!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 16, 2002.

Overall: This is an awesome game. It is really fun to play. Most games dont give u all the options that this game does.
Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome. I dont really know if its better than live or not but i love both of them.
Graphics: The graphics are OK but come on the power of xbox u can have way better graphics than these. this is the lowest point of this game but u get used to the graphics
Sound: the sound is really good when u catch the ball u can hear it the shoes squeaking on the floor the players talking in street

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 16, 2002.

Overall: In my opinion that is the best basketball game ever! I have been playing this game since it was NBA2K on dreamcast and they have continued to improve it year after year.
Gameplay: The gameplay is great on this game, my only complaint is that the controls aren't quite as responsive as NBA2k2 for the dreamcast. It takes a couple games to get used to the small change.
Graphics: Overall the game looks very good and clean. On some of the close up shots the players look a little weird, but this game does have nice player models for the most part. Overall a very nice graphical presentation.
Sound: The sound is very well done in this version of NBA2k2. They added background music on the courts that you play street ball in. This helped create a more realistic feeling of the environment your in.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 12, 2002.

Overall: The games looks good but with all the power of X-Box I expect more!
The arenas look great and when the home teams get introduced and the lights go out is always cool. They need to work on the player and coaches faces.
Gameplay: If you like B-Ball your going to like this title. If you played on dreamcast Vs. CPU or on-line, You can see that there is much upside to what they can do with this game next year on X-Box. NBA2K3 better use all the horespower of the X-box and blow us all away!!
Graphics: Need to work on the faces.
Great stadium rendering.
The majority of the work that has been done on this game is awesome but a true gamer will expect more!
Make the fans a part of the game?
Sound: Need better commentary.
Can you all play music with words during a game? Do we have to be subjected to the same tribal dance song during gameplay?
Where's the trash talk? Need more, make it as realistic as possible!
I haven't heard "Your my BiAtch"?
Suggestions: Make use of the Power of the X-box..You have a grace period for now but I expect alot more with next year!
Have the crowd leave if your losing Big in the 4th quarter! Have them on their feet if your in a tight game with a minute left. Have the coach throw a freakin clip board or point a finger at a Ref.
Fix the goaltending problem. Fix the faces of the coach and players. Can you make it easier to save created teams and players~that's a pain! Some of the street courts obstruct your view on inbounds? THE SIGNS? Maybe have a few Hoochies in the bleachers during street Ball and maybe have a separate high scores page or top 10 street teams page?
Where is Dr.J's Afro? Need more Old school teams or players...Just go all out with NBA2K3...PLEASE!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: March 11, 2002.

Overall: NBA 2K2 is the best basketball game out for any system. It is a very good game but it can be better. Alot of things that they changed from 2K1 they should have kept such as the faking, and the faces. But the game is still the best.
Gameplay: The gameplay is good, there are alot of things that you can do. The things I don't like are how the look when they do the crossover some are good but I like the way they did it in 2k1, look more realistic when they went between the legs. Also stealing the ball is not a easy, even against players that have no handles like Shaq. And the pump fakes take to long, if it was one thing they should have left alone it is this you can no longer fake real quick and take that nice first step to get the dunk. Everything else was good I really like that you can play the passing lanes and just about dive for the ball. The playmodes are great. I like the post moves too, The use of the drop step is excellent.
Graphics: The Graphic were ok. It looks just like the dreamcast one. The faces on 2k1 looked alot better. The courts and the lighting looked very good though.
Sound: The sound was good. I like hearing trash talk and the movement of the players feet on the court. Commentating is alright.
Suggestions: I think they should improve the graphics, work on the crossover, also change the goaltending cause they call it to much when it should not be called, add more speed to the turbo, and change the faking back to the way it was.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 9, 2002.

Overall: This game is great for any diehard basketball fan, or for any sports fan! The graphics were the only dissapointing part of the game for me. The gameplay was the best gameplay I've seen in a basketball game! There are plays you can call, you can crossover, block, steal, and intentional foul. I played this game for 1-2 hours a night, and I never got bored. I recommmed buying this game, but if you don't think you'll like it you should rent it first... I would buy it but I'm broke!
Gameplay: The gameplay is AWESOME! What else can I say... you can do anything. Crossover, spin move, pump fake, post moves, block, and steal. After a little less than an hour you get used to all the controls. I like how they have the free throws set up... you miss the first couple of times, and then once you get used to it you start making more and more. There are so many different mods you can play... street (my favorite part of the game... I recommend starting with this, it will build your skill in managing 2 to 3 players before moving to the conventional 5). Defense is fun too, the stealing is well done. It is hard to steal just out of nowhere, but if you wait for them to pass it to a man downlow, and you go to double team while he's making his move you can steal it a majority of the times. You have playoffs... which is pretty fun, pracitce mode, which I didn't use that much, but you can use that to learn the plays and stuff. You have season mode, and a couple others that I never got to. Overall, the gameplay is what makes it the best basketball game (in my opinion) ever!
Graphics: The graphics are the only thing that really dissapointed me. The players don't look to good. They are pretty blocky, and the visuals just don't live up to what the xbox can handle. Guys are waking threw guys, and the crowd is horendice. I wish they did the crowd like in NHL Hitz where they are 3 dimensional. The heads are too small for the body... especially on the coach. But this part of the game only takes away from the overall game a little bit because it just has such good gameplay! The visuals are the only thing I would really have taken more time to improve on. But don't not buy the game just because of that.
Sound: I didn't really listen to the sound because I was too enthrawed with the gameplay... but of what I can thin the sound wasn't too bad, but not too good. The players would yell switch and ball, which would help me out on defense. The hometeam would cheer when you dunk, or make a 3-pointer. The commentating was alright but a little repetitive, but what do you expect from a sports game on commentating? You can go to the menu, and switch around what was loud and what wasn't. Overall it was alright, but nothing to brag about
Suggestions: Spruce up the visuals... and make another one!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 6, 2002.

Overall: Basically at this moment of time, you have three nba games to choose from (I think maybe ESPN is releasing another one soon though)... Nba Live, Nba Inside Drive and Nba 2k2. Since I only had Live, and 2k2, i will comment on them. Basically you cannot go wrong with exchanging Live for this title.. they are TWO totally different games (2k2 being WAY better). AI and gameplay are miles ahead of what EA has produced.
Gameplay: The button layout is practically like the Dreamcast version so there's not much of a problem here. You can easily turbo, post-up, pass and shoot... though passing still sometimes goes to the wrong players (guess you have to rely on icon passing?).

Lots of different modes to play from including street ball, franchise, and season. One thing i've noticed is that even though i'm playing 5 minute quarters (so my scores average about 50 points), other simulated cpu games have scores in the 100's. I think this messes up the stats if you're trying to go for something like top scorer (i'm not totally sure on this though).

Teammates will run picks for you and such.. and they will switch if you get caught, cool! Some flaky stuff with goaltending calls though... they happen if you're just grabbing a rebound on occasions!!
Graphics: The graphics look pretty decent in this game but i wouldn't say it's anything mind boggling. I actually thought the renderings of the players in NBA Live were better cuz they seemed more lifelike. Nonetheless the animations are well done and you'll enjoy watching your player pull those cross-over, spin moves around your opponents!
Sound: Crowds chant for their team and players commend each other on good plays. Commentary isn't the greatest but will do as there are slip ups now and then. I wish they also announced the game with more enthusiasm!!
Suggestions: the commentary could use better spicing up... and fixing minor AI problems (goaltending problem big fix). Also, with all the buttons on the controller i should be able to call more plays on the fly than just four!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: March 6, 2002.

Overall: This game has its advantages and also some disadvantages compared with other basketball titles out now. But overall its a great game to play with a good representation of NBA basketball. IF you play with your friends then this is a keeper. If you want to take this and run a team through franchise you might get bored after the first year. The new players don't have real school names. They uses schools titled "Acadamy of the Arts". And the stats aren't really in an organized fashion. But this game is still fun to play. There are many modes to keep you entertained.
Gameplay: Controls are just like the dreamcast version which are pretty easy to learn. But the AI is pretty weird at times. Sometimes they stand out of bounds when you want to pass an inbounds ball. Then my centers just stand there and ogle at a player driving to the basket. But the AI is also better in other aspects. It seems to figure out your defense and runs plays to find an open man especially when you run a zone. Game gets a little easier if you have carter or kobe because their crossovers almost always leave your defender 5 feet farther away.
The game calls goaltending a little too much considering a lot of the times the basketball just came off the rim. One thing that i'm disappointed in is you can't take your created player into a season or franchise mode only exhibition. Not sure how much sense that makes.
Graphics: Graphics are good for a dreamcast game but this is the Xbox. Graphics just don't compare with Inside Drive or Live. However the courts are pretty nice and theres actually some movement of fans when you're a visiting team at the freethrow line.
Sound: Sound is around above average. You have the announcers who get pretty repetitive after 10 games but you can hear the players and coaches on the floor. You'll hear it from your coach if you take an ill-advised three or don't pass to your open man. I love hearing the little things like the squeak of shoes or the grunts when a player runs into a screen. Sega definitely picks up the little sounds.
Suggestions: Work on the goaltending calls. And how come the computer uses hand signals when he calls a play but I can't do that. Please be able to take a created player through season and franchise and hopefully graphics will take a huge advantage of the xbox for 2k3. Announcers were ok but I feel they should have a couple more things to say. Good job but always room for improvement.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 2, 2002.

Overall: Solid ps2 port. The stats, gameplay, sound, controls are all pretty good. Overall it's a very solid b-ball game (hence the 4.5 rating). There are still some things that could have been improved...
Gameplay: Not bad. Probably not quite as solid as Inside Drive but after playing for a few hours you'll forget about any other b-ball games. Lucky you can change the camera angle cause the default angle is kind of awkward (ie. camera swings 180 degrees after every defensive rebound).
Graphics: Could use some work. The courts look very nice. The players are decent, but not as good as NBA Inside Drive. This really doesn't take away from the gameplay though.
Sound: Commentary is not too bad - I think Inside Drive's is better and more natural sounding. The gametime sounds are good. You don't really notice anything weird. But i'd like to hear the players do a little trash talking, grunting, etc. Also some yells from the coaches and the crowd would be nice.
Suggestions: 1. Need to work on the commentary (i.e. timing & content).
2. Lighten up on the alley oops and goaltending.
3. The physics of the ball movement is pretty wacky sometimes and seems to quick (i.e. during some passes and last second shot attempts).
4. Allow for multiplayer franchise mode.
5. Dont allow the user to trade any player for any other (compare player ratings).
6. Steal some of the gameplay from Inside Drive :)

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: Overall, 2k2 offers you everything you want in todays BB games. What separates 2k2 from most other games is it's realistic play. It's the best sim out there.
Gameplay: Besides a few glitches, 2k2's gameplay is very good. Jumpshots look great, the computer AI is very good (maybe too good with their sh. percentages)and you also have the capability to play zone defenses, something that is not offered in Inside Drive.
Graphics: Some player models look terrible, especially their faces. Graphics overall are very good, and I like the replays from different angles on big dunks.
Sound: Sound effects are so so. Nothing really to write home about, but nothing bad about it. The biggest component is the commentary. It is too repetitious and what's annoying is the CPU doesn't reflect your free throw points when they calculate your opponents and the run they are on. For example, the CPU scores 6 straight, I'll put in two FT's, and the next time down they score. The CPU will say "That's 8 unanswered points!" Annoying. Inside Drive's commentary is much better.
Suggestions: I think the commentary is the weakest point in this game. It's not bad, but needs improvement. Also, goaltending needs to be fixed. Too many times you will go up for a rebound and get called for goaltending after it hit the rim. I guess this is a Halo infraction, but it happens to often.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: Great gameplay, tons of options & features and excellent animations make 2K2 a great overall package. The simulation mode does just that while arcade will provide the run 'n gun type of game for those who want to just pick up and play.

Because it's a port, the graphics and sound don't do the XBOX justice. The strengths of the gameplay and options greatly outweigh these weak points though.
Gameplay: Very solid gameplay. Great dribble and post-up moves. Defense is fun to play as well. AI is great.

The turbo could have used some more turbine though.
Graphics: Because its a port it doesn't take advantage of XBOX's hardware. Models are decent though. The animations are smooth and there's plenty of them. Great looking dunks too. Arena's are OK while the crowd is just bland. Hopefully, we will get a graphic overhaul for 2K3.

Also, the camera angles can be tweaked a whole lot but still leave a bit to be desired.

Sound: Sound is average. Announcers are decent and somewhat accurate but do get repetitive. Sound effects and player chatter seem muffled. The crowd sounds good though. Overall, I was dissappointed by the sound.
Suggestions: Make use of the XBOX's horses for graphics and sound next year. Put a little more juice in the turbo and allow for a user-set camera angle.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Disco Stu
Date reviewed: February 27, 2002.

Overall: loved this game on weak dreamcast so it will only get better for the more powerful xbox.
word to ya motha
Gameplay: better than any basketball game ever. ea is the worst producer of games in histor.
word to ya motha
Graphics: the graphics are awsome just by looking at the screen shots

word to ya motha
Sound: sound effects and player chatter is awsome
word to ya motha

Suggestions: keep making sweet games my brothas

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 27, 2002.

Overall: This game is great. I am glad I waited for this instead of jumping on NBA inside drive. The realism of this game is like no other basket ball game I've played. Great graphics and different modes to keep this game interesting for a long time.
Gameplay: This is what makes it the best basketball game I have eve played. No hoisting up Threes with people in your face and hitting nothing but net. You must be smart and work plays and screens and pics or make a GOOD move to get free if you want to make jumpers. Also you won't be able to just dump the ball into Shaq or other big men hold back and power over the defender with dunks. Again using drop steps and other low post moves is how you will have success in the paint. The crossovers, fakes, the form of shots and dunks are very realistic. Again this is a great game.
Graphics: The graphics are awsome, You can tell who each player is just by looking at the court. You don't need a close up shot to be able to see the detail put into making the players. The courts, crowd, and coaches have alot of time and detail put into them also.
Sound: This is the only part that needs work. I hope that soon other software makers will pay attention to the NHL 2002 game which is the best ever for play by play. It needs alot more variety in comments and needs to keep up with the game. Nothing is worse then when the commentator says something that is well after the event has happened or something that makes no sense. It don't happen as much as it used to in the other 2k series of games, so I give them credit for trying to improve.
Suggestions: Fix the commentating errors. Add a three point contesst and maybe a horse game. Get Jordan on the game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 26, 2002.

Overall: For a basketball fan I feel this game is a must have for XBox owners. NBA Live is a franchise going down the gutter. NBA Inside Drive is a great game but I feel it lacks the polish of NBA 2K2. The graphics in this game are good but the real reason you'll want this game is for the gameplay.
Gameplay: The gameplay of NBA 2K2 can be summed up in one word: amazing. This game is without a doubt the most realistic. The franchise mode is great and lets you make trades, sign free agents and scout college players for the upcoming draft. The street mode is great and adds an arcade feel to it for people who like NBA Jam kind of games. I can guarantee you will not be disappointed with this gameplay.
Graphics: Graphically this game is solid but like most other games from Sega it's a simple port from the PS2 version. The animations in this game are probably the smoothest and best looking in any basketball game.
Sound: The sound of this game is just above average, the announcers do what their supposed to do but can get repetetive and annoying. On the court sounds are great, you can hear players trash talking, calling for the pass and coaches talking to their players.
Suggestions: The only real suggestion I have for Sega is too take advantage of the Xbox's power. The graphics are nice but barely above the PS2 version. Sega should definately keep the gameplay the same as it is easily the best around.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

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