Average Overall Score Given: 5.77778 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Dead or Alive 3

Gameplay: The gameplay is simply awful save your money I hear it's going for like twenty bucks now on the Xbox Platinum Series. Believe me it ain't worth it. A TOTAL BUTTON MASHER. Not much redemption in GAMEPLAY which is everything to me. If the game is not fun to play who cares.
Graphics: This is the only redeeming Quality of DEAD OR ALIVE. For a title that came out in the Xbox's first couple of months the Visuals and Graphics were top notch. But if I wanted Great visuals I would watch a movie.
Audio: The sound was decent nothing special. I guess it was serviceable. I usually put my stereo on when I play games so who really cares. Definetely nothing in the game to make me want to turn my stereo off and listen to the game.
Suggestions: Fire the guys that were in charge of the gameplay aspect of this game. Completelety rework the Game Engine. You got the graphics which were good. But I would rather have a great fighting game with decent graphics than a bad fighter with great graphics.The ultimate is a great fighter with great graphics. Shoot for that next time. Don't put out DOA4 with the same kind of engine please.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Gameplay is good. Lots of punches and kicks. The combos are pretty kool. The reaction time of the button pressing to the actual move is good. Definetley not a button masher. I hate button mashers.
Graphics: This is where the game stands out. the visuals are great. The characters look diferent from each other. i am not big on visuals as long as the game is fun to play but good visuals.
Audio: The sound of this game is good The Character that plays the Director is pretty funny and the the thuds and kickc all sound like thuds and kicks. The backround music is good I guess i didn't really notice.
Suggestions: Very good game keep them coming. I don't think I would make another one though. One is enough and I don't know what you could do to improve on this one.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is not good at all and definitely not worth the fifty clams I spent. Burned by the hype again. Triple Play was not good either. I haven't tried allstar baseball. Do yourself a favor and save your money.
Graphics: It looks great too bad it is not fun to play in two player mode. When will these game companys stop spending all there money on making Luis Gonzalez look like Luis Gonzalez and make sure the game is fun first.
Audio: The sound is great. Too bad I don't give a lick on how good the sound is.If the game is not fun WHOOOOOO Cares.
Suggestions: You ripped me off and i am ticked off. Your pitching Batter interface sucks. Player reaction time sucks. Game is not good.Why dont you look at Triple Play "97" "98" for the playstation and steal the playability.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty fun. I found myself sitting down and playing for a coulple of hours. If I play a game for a couple of hours there must be something to the game. I found the tricks really fun and challenging.
Graphics: The game is allright visualy, I haven't seen any other bmx game come out or slated to come out for xbox that looks better.
Audio: I think the game could of been better in this area. From what I remember I heard birds chirping and some lame backround music. I don't put alot into sound though since i usually turn on my stereo.
Suggestions: Keep it up!! overall it was a pretty good game. Maybe add some new music and kick up the soundtrack. Maybe a few more features for xbox owners to make it worth their wild to purchase next years model.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is probably the biggest problem with the game. At first the game seems like fun but quickly loses it's appeal. You can actually improve your lap time around turns by gunning the gas and slamming into the walls, instead of running a clean lap as fast as you can. The main point to the game is stupid who can have the best run while skidding around the track. Points bases on how well you slide rather than lap time. This is moronic!!!!
Graphics: The game looks great. I do wish that they would design a game that the more you wrecked the car would keep getting worse and worse and worse until car falls apart instead of damage just all of a sudden stops happening no matter what you do to the car.
Audio: The sound is average nothing special. I believe the game is soundtrack optional. I believe there will be better racing games coming out.
Suggestions: Work on making game more interesting. Kudos points where original but lame. I mean who cares if you can slide good around turns. Everybody knows its who runs the fastest lap time. Add some people to the streets, someone to avoid or to run down.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay could not get any better. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Graphics: Great visuals!! I haven't seen snow capped mountains like that since I was in Lake Tahoe. Wait these look better.
Audio: Great sound Pros, Cameramen, Snowmen. Soundtrack Optional Original pretty good. I don't know how they could of done more.
Suggestions: GREAT GAME ONE of the best games I have played on the XBOX so far. Probably the most fun!!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is allright at first until you get on it for about 4 hours. then you realized they screwed up on the defense side of the ball. At first you think the dunks are so cool but then it becomes monotonous. Because it does not take any skill, or little skill to play the game.
Graphics: The game looks good compared to the original playstation version I played five years ago. The players look like the players. When you slam, the backboard bounces which is cool. I am not a big graphics guy though. Don't get me wrong when I see great graphics I flip but the game has to be fun to play against other people or I wont like it. I mean the best game you will ever have will not be against a computer that does'nt know or care he got beat, but against someone of your same skill level that you could rub your win in their face. AI will never produce that type of fun and intelligence.
Audio: The sounds are allright. I ususally turn off the announcers because they get repetitive. I usually turn off all the lame music too. Because after 4 hours that stuff gets on my nerves. By the way I think adding soundtracks to games is cool, but turning on my stereo and picking out a CD that I like and putting it on is not a big inconvenience. I am usually to into games to notice sound affects that much. Oh ya this game is not optional soundtrack compatible.
Suggestions: I think as long as they use a port to make XBOX basketball games they will never make the Quintesential basketball game to rent or own. I don't know how many times I heard this, but you have to take advantage of all the extras and power on the XBOX.But I will give a few suggestions. Pump up the defense!!!!!!! Put in ZONE DEFENSE SELECTION!!!!! Make Defensive and offensive play selections work!!!! I doubt even if you do this you will be able to compete with what microsoft will eventually come out with exclusively for the xbox in the years to come.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10