Average Overall Score Given: 7.69231 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Hunter: The Reckoning

Gameplay: The game is very fun and addictive, and that can be one of the problems cause I finish it in 3 days.
Graphics: Great visual. Blood,blood and a lot of blood. Good interaction with background.
Multiplayer without split screen, it make it really good.
Audio: Great sound.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Game is easy to play and fun to play. But I get really tired of benn in a snowboar all the time doing trick or racing againts others. how ever i think the trick are really cool and diferent from the rest of the snowboarding games.
Graphics: The graphics r cool. But they can be better, like we have seen in games like halo and wreckless.
Audio: Really cool sound, with cool voices like Macy gray and others popular actors. But you can't play your own music, and in a game like this i think this is a very important component!
Suggestions: Make some crazy stuff, like fights in the snow, add some blood and some action!
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Its easy to play. And its a fast, making it very interesting. I found that the Junk man (i dont know the name) can beat every other character easier including the girls that are very quickly. I dont know if this is true. If you want to try it. Take him and press down and the kick bottom. Your opponent willn't even touch u.
Graphics: Really good visuals. I really like the graphics and the scenarios. How the characters moves looks very real.
Audio: Good sounds sfx and good music. I think that all the xbox games should have the ability to play your own music. But in this one you can't do this.
Suggestions: Make it to play on the internet.
Some way you can play 2vs2 everyone on the fight. Maybe with a split screen. More character for the next games.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Easy to control, fast game it make this game for playing it in multiplayer. Not to much option to choice in the game... I play this game in Babbage, I pick a susmition fither and i just make a move throw him to the foor and i maked him a susmition move and he always lost. I thinik susmition fighters are to mucho for the other kind of fighters.
Graphics: The graphics are just ok, i think the xbox have more power than that, if you dont think so check "Wreckless". I habe good animations.
Audio: The sound its ok. I domnt know if you got the possibility to play your music. I think it dont.
Suggestions: Work on the graphics.
Make a violent game like the real UFC.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Easy to play. but thew mision in easy ans ligh traffic are very hard, cause its a time game and some missions you will have to do it just perfect.
Graphics: One of the greates visual I have ever seen. The replay are just great it look like a 007 movie.
Audio: I dont know why everyone its saying the sounds sucks. It have cool music, and the sound effect sound just great.
Suggestions: Play your own musica
More mision
Multiplayer (please)
I want to kill some person with mi car!!! (make it mature if is necesary)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Its easy to play. I thing is to !&%$@#* easy. In 5 minute you will be making everyone special. But this make it more competitive in the multiplayer.
Graphics: The greatest graphics in a wrestling game.
Audio: The sound its pretty cool, but like everyone else said it need the option to add your own music.
Suggestions: Costumise music.
Blood mode. (please)
More match like royal rumble, etc.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good control, fast game, cool multiplayer, it have it all.
Graphics: Good graphics... Good scenarios interaction, like in the gocars were the gocars actually moves.....
Audio: The music is really good and goes with the game + it have the option were you can play your own music. SXF are great too.
Suggestions: Don't have any suggestions... For the next one work on the graphicts and make them better, thats all.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game its really cool, you can call a play in your play book in defence or offence. It very reallistic.
Graphics: The player actually look like them self. Every arena it as same as real. The graphics are the best part of this game.
Audio: One cool thing I notice. Its that when you are playing a season and a player get injured, the comentarist say thing like... "It look bad he will be in the bench for a long time" or "He looks ok, he can sill playing this game"
Suggestions: 1)Franchise mode
2)3vs3 mode
3)1vs1 mode
4)streat mode
5)create your player mode
6)create your team
7)Maybe someway you can fight with other players, or you can argue with the referies and they call technical foulds.
8)in the reply, presented from diferent angles, like grand turismo.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The story is cool, but I don't like the movies betwen the missions if we can call them movies. They are just a picture and they are talking about what you have to do on the next mission.
Graphics: The graphics are cool. This game dont have the graphics of Halo bt it look good. The water looks pretty real.
Audio: If the voice of the passager don't suck like it does i will rated the sound 5.0 cause the music it's cool and the sxf are great too.
Suggestions: More boats, more arms, more multiplayer games, movies (like Halo) will make the game more interesting. The voices sucks. More work on the graphics. Everything else its cool.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game its really fun to play. The one player campain s really good. But the Multipleyer its the best of the game. You have to play this in a 2vs2 its really fun.
Graphics: The graphics are great... If you have the game go to the second level and look down to the gras. It look very real... You feel like you are inside the game.
Audio: The sound its really good.
Suggestions: I know this game rules, but there are things you can work on it, like:
1) The next version of the game must have a internet multipleyer.
2) The aliens looks like very silly, next time make the scary. Like Resident Evil.
3) The game was to short I end it in 4 day in Heroic.
4) I'll like to see more vehicles and more weapons.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Even the creator of the game knew it suck cause in the credits says: "Worst game ever".
If you like this kind of game don't buy this one, just wait until Gran Theft Auto 3 release.
Gameplay: This game is cool, if you play only 5 minutes. Then is the same over and over and over again.
Graphics: This graphics are as same as Sega Genesis... Ugly, very ugly...
Audio: I think the sound is the only cool part of the game. Cause it have the same voice of the real characters.
Suggestions: Come on... Plz do something better than this, you know is possible. I love the cartoons but this game sucks a lot. And well you all know is the "Worst game ever"
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10