Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Gameplay: well there's new moves like rail-flipping, boost, human ladder and fun new stuff like that and the online is fun and better too
Graphics: sam fisher sort of looks different but the graphics DEFINETLY look better, listen to the bad guys sometimes they say funny stuff like
Guy 1:"Paris Hilton has a niiice body"
Guy 2: What was that sound?
Guy 1: Oh yeah, we're supposed to be guarding
Audio: the neck breaking sounds neck breaking just like online, when u rail flip guys there like aahhhhh and then smash
Suggestions: its all good
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game has the best ever dialogue like
"So its blue, green... no wait, green then red..."
"And he's our demolitions expert?"
Or when i was doing a door breach...
"So what are we standing around for?"
"Uh.. Scorch... the door?"
"Oh, yeah, my bad"
Graphics: its good, but not the best, the movement is good, i like how it shows the helmet, it just feels cool
Audio: the trandoshans sound trandoshany, battledroids sound like the movie kind, the wookie sound great too
Suggestions: Co-Op, maybe, or maybe we can drive vechicles!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: hijacking vechicles is fun, kicking people in the balls is fun, blowing up anyone and anything, this is a great game if u like destruction
Graphics: the driving looks great, the running, the jumping, the blood, splatters from wherever you shoot them
Audio: the guns sound good, the vechicles engines sound good, the Chinese sound really Chinese, the Koreans sound Korean
Suggestions: Make Mercenaries 2 online, if there is a Mercenaries 2
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Xbox Live is sweet!!! I prefer Spy by far but Mercenary is ok. The best levels to me are Federal Bank (download content), Warehouse, and Deftoch whatever, its really fun if its 2 vs 2
Graphics: visual is good, so far i've only found 2 glitches that the patch didn't fix, its a really fun glitch though, useful for Spies
Audio: its good!! the neck-breaking sounds good, the gun-fire, the running, the climbing, voices, grabbing guys
Suggestions: not really, theres Splinter Cell 3 coming out already
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: theres a lot of opitions to do like, doing stunts over enemies, wall running, basically everything that happens in The Matrix
Graphics: it was really good, we're talking about Ubisoft here, it already means its good already, look at Rainbow Six 3, it was good graphics and all and this is good too
Audio: the sword-clashing could have been improved but still, it's still a good game, and voice for the Prince is really good too
Suggestions: make Prince of Persia: Warrior Within online, or Prince of Persia 3 online play
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Single player is great, split-screen is even better, and Xbox Live is just rad, dudes. The better the connection, the more people can join (The best is a T1 connection)
Graphics: Its good, but it could be better, but still, when explosions happen its pretty awesome dives and stuff
Audio: some guns sound just like from the movies (The Clone Wars movie). The teams are CIS and Empire (they bad guys) and the Rebels and Republic
Suggestions: Wow, make a Battlefront 2
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: crash mode rocks, road rage is really fun with split screen/multiplayer and Burnout World Tour has nice new cars way more than Burnout 2
Graphics: big improvement since Burnout 2, the car phsyics look more real and the more you damage a car and if all their windows are broken you get points
Audio: music is on the %50 good side and %50 bad side, one particular song i like is "Lazy Generaton" its on the intro of the game, but a good thing you can do is custom soundtracks
Suggestions: EA, (takes deep breath) update Burnout 3's Xbox Live stuff, cause...... I KEEP DISCONNECTING!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: ya like a lot of other people said it's too few levels but a crap-load of missions, and guess what? you can do multiplayer co-op now!!!! the missions go up to 4 player so get 3 other friends and play the game
Graphics: the visuals are good, but destroying stuff would be fun, like shooting a tree so that ur opponents get crushed
Audio: sounds are normal, the screams of people going on fire is normal, opening a door is normal, having Ubisoft create a awesome game is normal too
Suggestions: In missions or Xbox Live could you add a download where you can pick up medpacs/ammo in some spots? and it would be cool if you could destroy the enviroment around you
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Some fight moves are pretty sweet and kills enemies in one hit. They still have the Fair, Good, Excellent, Perfect bar to get money to buy attacks or defenses or group attacks!
Graphics: Graphics are really good, like when u press Y on people that have no shields the blood comes all the way from there chest to their head so its pretty cool. the spears that u can pick up and throw them are sweet. like when u fight enemies with health bar above just through a spear or fire spear at him and it just stay stuck in his stomach or head
Audio: swords sound cool when u defend and attack, the ghosts sound like the movie and the voice acting is good
Suggestions: Make a online game from the series Lord of the Rings
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: on Work Undercover you work against and with the cops this is like missions you need to do but of course theres cheats to unlock everything
Graphics: the cars looks nice and peds look nice and some peds even carrying Xbox packages and if u try to ram the peds they dive and drop stuff and some even do flips out of the way!!
Audio: i haven't heard the Madness Playlist because I only but my custom soundtracks (nothing like doing Madness with Linkin Park and Blink-182 and etc)
Suggestions: For Midtown Madness 4 (if there will be one) please make it like Grand Theft Auto where you can get out of your car and steal other cars and the cops can try to get you but have no weapons because all the others have been E (or MM4 could be T)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10