Average Overall Score Given: 8.77778 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
The Simpsons: Hit and Run

Gameplay: Great gameplay didnt have one time where the car even ran over the yellow lines, (be a safe driver) until i saw a very slow pedistrian crossing the street :D
Graphics: Funny visuall affects punching a lab rat and seeing him rolling all over the floor, whats better than that?(I got some ideas for sience class now).
Audio: Nice sound/music cant find nothing to complain about, other than sometiems the voices sound distant when its supposed to sound right next to you.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Allright gameplay, but you had to manuver weirdly to get the camera to focus right, and sometimes your team mates would start firing for no reason and your cover would be blown.
Graphics: Great visual effects, the force moves looked very realistic, blaster bolts very nice, all menus streamlined, but the characters were etchy.
Audio: Everywhere there is sound, its awsome, the sparks coming from ripped wires, the roars of monsters, you get the point.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: I liked the moves and shots/dunks, other than that the character was hard to move, and took to long to reply to comands.
Graphics: Nice graphics, could of been more in depth. characters hands were stuck together, mouths didnt move or anything like that.
Audio: Good sounds, if your into rap and r&b, allright for everyone else,(as long as you have it on mute).
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Some of the best gameplay i have ever seen. You can swing normally then jump spin two webs and swing by them. Amazing...
Graphics: Very detailed and smooth graphics, the webs look real, and fly by and grab enemys like they were flys. (ironic eh?)
Audio: I really only heard sound in the movie-scenes, when the characters talk, and the webs flying around.
Suggestions: Try putting in some music or allow the user to play thier own soundtracks.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The best part i have to say about this game is the gameplay, it totally eliminates the scroll click madness for the PC version.
Graphics: Great graphics, details are very carfully sketched. But sometimes you realize soem lines are out of line, and messy.
Audio: Not much sound in the whole game. Just certail items, like Tv, making meals, ect. It could of at LEAST have a few built in tracks.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is allright. It takes a while to figure out what your supposed to do in some levels.
Graphics: Awsome graphics. Smooth, and beautiful. Voodoo powers look very realistic, all the jewles have really smooth surfaces.
Audio: The sound is also "allright", all the attacks and jumps and moves are all realistic, but it could of had the ability to play your choice of soundtracks from your own CD's.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Got to love it. Huge levels. Funny to watch the bandicoot, dance around. weird enimes, strange things, all the elements of a 5-0!
Graphics: Top of the line, with all these beams, and plasma thingys, so rich in color it feels like you could just stare at the screen, instead of playing it!
Audio: Great sounds, they had to pick the perfect ones for the right levels, dramatic music for omg im gonna get smushed by a snowball levels, jussst right!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nothing but awsome. I really love the blood fighting games, (had MK1-4 for genisis) :P Great Game, cant find anything wrong with it, and its great to fight and earn riches :P
Graphics: Top of the line. You can actually see the blood flow, the moves done right, its like theres Life in the graphics.
Audio: Never had a time where, the two opponents just stared at each other, and the music stoped, no it went perfectly with the game!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It would get a 5.0, if it werent for things, like the A.I. being better shooters the the Main Character himself(13) Most of my Time went into the Online Multiplayer.(no X-Live= 2.0)
Graphics: One of the downfalls in this game. While cell-shading was a good idea, it didnt work out to well.
Audio: The sound is pretty good in this game, has real time bullet sounds explosions, ect, one of the greater points n this game
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great, Full of battles, adventure, and online play. Plus Arcade, live Updates, Customizable characters, sweeettttt.....
Graphics: Great Visuals, musta been hand pixilated by about 100 ppl its so good! spells feel real, when your getting burned by red, it looks like FIRE, not red lights lol
Audio: Not all it could of been, when you and your partner are just waiting for your mana to appear, theres absolute silence... no songs, no background music, needs improvement
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Best of its class allthough NFS: underground rivals it! Killer cars, love the driving, Feels like your a real racer.
Graphics: The visuals in this game make me fell like falling in love. You got graphics that make you want to rub your hands against the car just to get the silky smoth feelings the graphics give you.
Audio: Didnt really pay attention to it- but from what i got out it was great nice songs, since it was a demo coudnt put my custom soundtracks- but all in all- its all good.
Suggestions: One of the best racing games of all time- Keep the GREAT work up.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Something not to be rivaled with( with one exeption) I love that street racer air alll around you, cant resist it.
Graphics: Awsome. Allthough it dosent have real graphics(Halo) ITs awsome your can actully see blurs when you go fast enough! something that would happen in real life(Sweeeet...)
Audio: Not really aything to listen to, with all the engines roaring(best part in sound) Cars Zooming by or getting left behind, crashes ect. its all good.
Suggestions: Excellent, now you just need to team with Project Gothem Team, and the racing game that formulated would be a force to reckon with!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: A force to be reckon with!(catchy) Loved every moment of it(excpt the bails) I HATED THAT ERIC PUNK- but hes not a reason to lower the score :P(Nice try) but the elements are insane(the new firefight impressed me)
Graphics: You kidding me-5! You can create somebody then play the whole game as him(or her)! Love the big areas(exploring). Love the kewl boards, even the sweet tricks i pull off so often! :P
Audio: Sweet had me rocking through the whole game, and i can actually hear them!!(NFS: UG :P) Loved every moment of it.
Suggestions: Only reason i'd get board is if i had nothing to do(But you can do other stuff after you beat the game :D) But awsome game, Complements to NeverSoft/Activision! Cheers!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Sweet, thats all i can say! Love the plot, havent gotten that far yet! (love the retry button) only thing i dont like is the chapter 3 going on to 4 main story line (have to have good cop status BLEH!)
Graphics: Killer. Wont kill you to play this! you will love these graphics, feels like your a real EOD officer! sweeeet....
Audio: Gotta love it.. I was interested in this game b4 i got it, when i poped it in.. EVEN THE INTRO SONG, was awsome (got hooked imediatly), (could rap to it :P) this may be the strong point of this game
Suggestions: Awsome- Just work on the targeting...
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ok+. (+ = .5) :P Well this game is ok, diffenitly a game to consider, (buy redemtion first :P) ok game!
Graphics: Nice. You look at arnolds face and say (OMG is this a VIDEO GAME!) literally looks real. Best point of the game.
Audio: would get a 1 but the bullets and the talking, and fighting is all perfect, no musica though! :( bad
Suggestions: Good Try, GOOD work with redemtion though! @:)
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nothing but amazing. could do with some more interactment, but all in all this game rules! love the weapons, the plot, the mula! all good
Graphics: Nothing but perfect.. Its got a real life look like halo not perfect though like the all in all rating.. but You look like your a real crime commiter, with an attitude of one.
Audio: Awsome. Love the stero system, gotta be one of the best things in this game! a stero, thats gotta be next generation gaming, plus the ability to play burned CD's (Just like a CD player in the car!) my CD's rock btw! :P
Suggestions: Rock on
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nothing but the best of its class. You got bad ace moves, guns, shooting love it.. AND you can recruit guys(not new, how bout this) Your Guys DONT Die WHHOPIE (as long as you give them medipacks :)) love it.
Graphics: Awsome Has a real life look to it. Love the views. everything looks real, great game, combined = awsome...
Audio: Would be perfect but theres no music~ guess your not supposed to have it at war.... well the games sound rules, everything feels real, you can hear a bullet zoom by you, even hear the bang of the bullets againts metal, sweeeeet.....
Suggestions: Great game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gamplay is top of the line. You got great guns. Real Time shooting, and none of that moving aiming system like splinter cell. Multiplay has to be the best part, take up to 3 buddies with you and take the trophie or lose it all, i personaly say im one of the best at this game(just my opinion)
Graphics: Killer- Great reason to buy this game. Allthough millions allready have (rofl). You got graphics that must have taken days to work on, its pixilated so well, you feel like your in the game, no cell shades(XIII) no drawings that look like cartoons REAL LIFE look people, Nice....
Audio: Top of the Line- You Got sounds that keep you on your toes, make you wanna quit it gets you so nervous, and gets your adrenaline pumping! Nice to kill the aliens to a killer beat (ironic eh?) Topping this game as best every and holding its place as my favorite (until Halo2)
Suggestions: Good Job! Keep the great work up, I hope Halo 2 to to be even better if possible! New warthogs and weapons is something to look forward to. And this is a game im getting the first day its out, never wait a day for the best game ever eh? Get sold out before i have a chance to own on xbox live! :( peace
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10