Average Overall Score Given: 8.83333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 54
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

Gameplay: The overall gameplay is great. You truly get pulled into the game. When you are running around you are constanly watching your back since it is so realistic. Great game
Graphics: This is the only small weakness. I wish they would have taken advantage of the xbox for this. However the overall gameplay will make this a small issue.
Audio: The sounds are realistic. When playing this game especially in multiplayer you truly get caught up and feel as if you are almost there.
Suggestions: Improve the graphics.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Before i bought this title i was worried it would be to much like max payne which is a good game but didn't take advantage of the xbox. Well once i began playing I was so wrong. This game plays so much better. So much is in your control. It's just awsome.
Graphics: The graphics are excellent. The characters and surroundings are very realistic and very detailed. This game sets a new standard for graphics on the xbox.
Audio: The sounds are great. From the clanking of the cans to the sounds of the guards when you take them hostage. Great and realistic.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. You really need to practice a few times before racing your buds. The realism is great.
Graphics: This is my favorite part. The graphic are superb. The cars look almost real. The only improvement i could see needed would be with the crowd but not an issue at all.
Audio: This is probably the only weakness. The sound is average. I think they could of added a few thing here and there and it would have improved it.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: At first when I began playing this game I wasn't sure If I would like it. The controls when walking around seemed a bit weird. However once I got into the action parts of the game I truly loved it. The storyline is awsome and the gameplay is so much fun. Very tough though at first. At least until you get a good handle on the controls.
Graphics: The graphics are really cool. I really like the attention given to the characters. The backgrounds are pretty good to.
Audio: The sound is great. Especially during the action parts of the game.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is excellent. The bullet time feature is great. It's like being in the Matrix. The shoot and doge is also really cool.
Graphics: The graphics are cool. They could probably be a bit better but they'll do. The backgrounds are really good.
Audio: The sound is great. You can hear the wind blowing in your ears. The sound of doors closing and bullet shells falling is also cool.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The overall game play is ok. The Jedi battle are probably the best part of the game. I do like the fact that the right stick is for controlling the saber.
Graphics: I definitely think there is room for improvement here. I don't think the graphics are much better than that of Episode 1 for the Playstation.
Audio: The sound is the good part of the game. The score used is the same as of the flicks. No complaints here.
Suggestions: Improve the graphics.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10