Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360) by Activision

Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360) by Activision Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: October 28, 2007.

Average Overall Score:
9.09 / 10

Are you ready to rock???"

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The third game from the Guitar Hero series is going to rock your face off. You will channel your inner guitar god as you thrash your way through all sorts of venues.


Sunday, July 15, 2007


Enlightened Guitarist
Gold Star 20 songs on Expert.
Hendrix Reborn
Complete Career Lefty and Righty.
Who Needs the Power
200k on Cult of Personality without Star Power.
Whammy Mania
Use the Whammy Bar on every held note on Number of the Beast.
Star Mania
Activate Star Power 3 times on Through the Fire and Flames on Expert.
Life of the Party
Host Ranked Online matches and win 15 consecutive songs.
Search and Destroy
Join Ranked Online matches and win 15 consecutive songs.
Too Many to Count
Hit 250,000 notes in Career.
Never Gonna Spend It All
Earn $350,000 in career lifetime earnings.
That's What Friends Are For
Complete Co-op Career.
Back Up Hero
Complete all songs as the back-up guitar player.
Guitar Wizard
Complete all Co-op as the lead guitarist.
100 Million!?! Gulp!?!
Earn 100,000,000 points total in Career.
Earn a 150 note streak in a Ranked Online Battle mode match.
Tone Deaf
Beat any song on the expert difficulty with the games sound options turned down to zero.
Easy Rider
Complete a Career on the Easy Difficulty.
Medium Rare
Complete Career Mode on the Medium difficulty.
Always Hard
Complete Career on the Hard difficulty.
Solo Career
Complete all Career difficulties.
Button Masher
Win 15 consecutive Ranked songs online using a standard controller.
Buy a Guitar Already
Play through a career on the Hard or Expert difficulty using a standard controller.
Big 'Ol Pile of Wins
Win 500 Online Ranked matches.
The Long Road Ahead
Complete all difficulties in Career, buy everything from the shop and complete 100 online matches.
Meet Your Maker
Beat one of the creators of Guitar Hero 3 at their own game.
Right Hand of God
Complete Career Mode on the Expert difficulty.
Bronze Streaker
Earn a 100 note Streak in Career or Quick Play.
Silver Streaker
Earn a 250 note streak in Career or Quick Play.
Gold Streaker
Earn a 500 note streak in Career or Quick Play.
Streak Master
Earn a 1000 note streak in Career or Quick Play.
First Big Score
Score 250,000 on a song.
Half a Mill'
Score 500,000 on a song.
Now That's Impressive
Score 750,000 on a song.
Axe Grinder
Earn 5 stars on all songs on the Easy difficulty.
Rock Guru
Earn 5 stars on all songs on the Medium difficulty.
Earn 5 stars on all songs on the Hard difficulty.
Guitar Hero
Earn 5 stars on all songs on the Expert difficulty.
100% a song.
Ready to Rock
Complete the tutorial.
Axe Collector
Buy all the Guitars from the shop.
Track Master
Buy all songs from the shop.
Got 'em All
Buy all characters from the shop.
A Couple of Streakers
Earn a 200 note streak in a Co-op match.
Two Timer
Earn a 500 note streak in a Co-op match.
Dynamic Duo
Earn a 1000 note streak in a Co-op match.
Streak Masters
Earn a 2000 note streak in a Co-op match.
Millionaire Club
Score 1,000,000 on any song in a Co-op match.
Higher Than Most
Score 700,000 on any song in a Co-op match.
Easy Duo
Earn 5 stars on all Co-op songs for the Easy difficulty.
Medium Duo
Earn 5 stars on all Co-op songs for the Medium difficulty.
Hard Duo
Earn 5 stars on all Co-op songs on the Hard difficulty.
Living Legends
5 Star all Co-op songs on Expert.
Leaders of the Pack
100% a song in a Co-op match.
Two by Four
Get an 8X multiplier in a Co-op game.
Half Mill' Club
Score 500,000 on any song in a Co-op match.
Burnin' a Hole in Your Pocket
Buy everything from the store.
The Inhuman Achievement
Complete Through the Fire and Flames on Expert.
Tail Between Your Legs (Secret Achievement)
Refuse a Boss Battle.
Almost Got It (Secret Achievement)
Fail a song passed 90% completion.
Blowin' It (Secret Achievement)
Fail any song 10 times

User Reviews

Score: 91
Overall User Average: 9.07 / 10 (90.9%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.17 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.28 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.48 / 10
Date reviewed: July 2, 2008.

Overall: It's the same amazing Guitar Hero gameplay. The setlist has been much improved with the addition of master tracks. The gameplay has been slightly simplified with more forgiving timing. The addition of online play was necessary. The graphics are as colorful and vibrant as they should be. Overall if you're a fan of the Guitar Hero series this is a must have. If you're new to the series, this isn't a bad game to start with.
Gameplay: My Guitar Hero addiction began with GHII. I played GHII until I could 5* ALMOST every song on expert. So you can imagine my excitement for GHIII. My first experience playing the game was with the demo that was released several weeks before its launch date. The first thing that I noticed was that the gameplay was noticeably easier. Specifically, there is a bigger window in which you can strum or hammer a note without missing it. At first I thought this was a bad thing, but when I played the actual game, I realized that the difficulty of the actual songs made up for it. GHIII brought two additions to the game: guitar battles and online play. In my opinion, the addition of guitar battles was unnecessary. It's not a mode that I frequently play, and I'm sure there are plenty who love it. I don't really mind it because it doesn't take anything away from the core gameplay. Online was done very well. I would have liked to be able to play an unlimited amount of songs in a private match with my friends. I would also have loved to have a good lobby system with several people in a match and a spectator mode, similar to the system in Street Fighter. DLC is a little pricey, but is a very welcome addition. New songs aren't released nearly as quickly as Rock Band, but GH offers free downloads much more often.
Graphics: The graphics got a nice overhaul since GHII. The colors are much more vibrant. When I look back at GHII, it just looks bland. The characters also look very good. Although I miss some of the old characters, (Pandora!!) I must say that the new models look very nice. The new venues are amazing.
Sound: The most important part of a Guitar Hero game. The major thing done with this game in the series is getting the master tracks for many of the hits found in the game. I feel that the set list of GHII was a little better than this one. But often times a terrific song would be ruined by a horrible cover of it.
Suggestions: Don't dumb down the gameplay. The one thing I hated about Rock Band was how easy the guitar parts were. I understand the new GH game will add drums and a microphone, but I really hope the difficulty stays. Add a lobby and spectator mode to online gameplay.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 95 %

Date reviewed: March 27, 2008.

Overall: This is overall a great game, but after a while, it just gets repetitive and what we want in a game is to be shocked, thrilled, all the unexpected twists a game has. Online Play is good, yet, does not surprise me or is anything out of this world. I do like the career mode, but reminds me of Need For Speed with all the Complete 3 out of 4 to go to the next level....Yeah, Uhm, ok. It's way too repetitive, same @!%#*!, different song, Do this 40 times and finish the game. It's fun to play with a friend, but playing alone... Not appealing, this is a game to impress others. Show off your skills and be the best.
Gameplay: The gameplay is really repetitive in career mode. Play, Play, Play, P@!%#*!...Do this 9 times and finish the game...Considering every song is about 4 and a half minutes long, and there are 49 songs, and you need to do 3 out of 4 to advance. I consider the game pretty short. Dance Dance revolution is kinda the same, but you play with your feet, and has around 80 songs. Not counting the Downloadables...

Speaking of which, it's fun to be able to download songs from Xbox Live...But I don't feel like paying for them. Halo 3 Theme Rocks...Too bad I can only play it on Hard...Expert is for No Livers.
Graphics: Ok, what the @!%#*!...Come on, this is Xbox 360 we are talking about, the sickest, meanest, bes machine for videogaming there is out there, graphics just plain suck. Except the cartoon parts, I like the cartoon parts :D . And the animations of the mouth moving to the voices are just pitiful...Why is it always the same skinny @!%#*! @!%#*! singing.
Sound: Sound is good, the songs are just random to me...Not a great fan of rock, but I am liking about 75% of the songs... Scorpions Rock You like a Hurricane, Kiss Rocks and Rolls all Night, And the new songs of this century like A.F.I.'s Miss Murder or Muse's Knight's of Cydonia

Suggestions: Put better songs, Improve graphics, More Types of Guitar combats and some more career stuff other than playing guitar and buying some.

Overall: 87 %
Gameplay: 95 %
Graphics: 79 %
Sound: 95 %

Date reviewed: January 27, 2008.

Overall: Guitar hero the game that has brought rock music to everyone out there. This is the third installment of the guitar hero series. The graphics are much better, the gameplay is..... exactly the same, and the audio in my opinion is better mainly because it has all types of the rock music. This shows that not all games have to be violent to appeal to different people which makes me feel better and shows that not everyone in this country loves constant violence. This game is great for single player with it being very very challenging and having 1 song that seems unbeatable. The co-op is ok and the cut scences are original. The idea of boss battles was a good idea although it may seem strange at first but its lots of fun with freinds. This game lets people actually feel like they are a guitar hero which is a feeling like none other.
Gameplay: The gameplay of this game is fun, addicting, and will have you wanting to play every song on every difficulty but the only problem about the gameplay is that it is the exact same thing as guitar hero 2 and 1 which for the people who have played all the guitar heroes make it feel only like a expansion pack for more songs and slightly better graphics. Other than that the gameplay is original where you strum and push down the right colors which is challenging and lots of fun.
Graphics: The Visual is better from Guitar hero 2 but it isn't the best but why would you be looking at what the people look like when your supposed to be watching your notes the visual doesn't matter too much because the gameplay covers it so if you decide to stray for a moment and look at the graphics you will pay. The cut scences aren't exactly the most detailed but I dont think it is supposed to be.
Sound: Audio... The part of the game that it couldn't go without. The audio is the most important part of the game having all the best rock songs from Guns N' Roses to Tenacious D and even better you can get packs for extra songs. The people at Activision choose the challenging songs so for our approval. You won't be satisfied until you can get 100% on Through the Fire and Flames on expert.
Suggestions: I can't really think of some suggestions the only thing i would want is certain songs such as Bat Country, Come out Swinging, Master of Puppets, and Aces High

Bat country - Avenged Sevenfold
Come out Swinging - The Offspring
Master of Puppets - Metallica
Aces High - Iron Maiden

Overall: 97 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 88 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 19, 2008.

Overall: Guitar Hero 3 is the third iteration of the ever popular musical game. It is the better of the three with more songs to be enjoyed by not only the rock and roll or guitar enthusiasts but anyone who is a fan of music and video gaming. With the ability of being played in full surround sound and in 1080p it's well worth the price of admission. The game also comes with a wireless guitar which adds to the ease of which this game can be played. Overall, this is a great game and great fun for all in the family.
Gameplay: I am not going to insult the Addicts intelligence by explaining the gameplay. Unless, you just arrived from Mars yesterday you all should know what this game is about. There is a guitar, and then there are songs and you try your best to play the guitar to the song. You can also play online and get humiliated by some kid who has played this game since birth. I choose to ply in the comfort of my own home thank you. Those kids are ruthless.
Graphics: Amazingly, the game is beautiful in 1080p. The colors are vibrant and the rockers really rock. They may look a little like drug addicts fresh out of rehab but they rock nonetheless. The crowd looks great and they cheer and dance along with you as long as you're doing well. Other than that, there isn't much visually to see here.
Sound: I just happened to get a new tv with outstanding sound. And let me tell you this game puts it to work. Turn up that tv and you may forget that you're in your living room and really believe that you are at concert performing in front of thousands of cheering fans. Well, they could be booing depending on how well you play. The songs all sound great and there will be a song that eveyone is familiar with.
Suggestions: I would like to create my own rocker. I want him to have dreads and some 6 inch heels with Italian lace and well you get the idea. Throw in some songs that are not just rock and roll, you know what I mean? The Ugly Truth: Great fun for all.

Overall: 95 %
Gameplay: 95 %
Graphics: 85 %
Sound: 100 %

General Potato
Date reviewed: December 3, 2007.

Overall: Overall, guitar hero III is a very fun game to play by yourself or with a friend. The only problem with co-op mode is that there are songs that can only be unlocked while playing co-op, this makes it bad for those who don't have anyone to play with. There are so many great songs, some that you have heard of and some that you haven't. This latest installment of the guitar hero series has lived up to its hype and is a very fun and cool way to be a rockstar in your own home. As long as xbox keeps on creating new downloadable songs, this game will be very popular for a long time.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very similar to Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) and with its different progressions in difficulty it makes it relatively easy to learn. The only problems I have witnessed while playing guitar hero III is when playing on a HD tv it can throw off the timing between notes and music. In the options there is a calibrate lag option to help with this problem, but it is not always effective.
Graphics: Visually, the gameplay of guitar hero III was not too different than its two eariler predessesors. The band memebers in the background however have been graphically enchanched compared to guitar hero I and II. It is nice however to see the camera pan to different band members when a certain b@!%#*! or drum solo occurs. Visually there is nothing spectacular, but it is certainly enough to make the game pleasent.
Sound: When making a game that is focused on music, you have to make sure that this is where your game really shines. Guitar hero III certainly does excell in the musical department, this is mostly because they were able to get over 50 bands to thier songs for the game. This gives a real feeling to the player when they perform each song, it greatly increases the fun had.
Suggestions: So far I believe that the developers have made guitar hero III just as good as it needs to be all that there is left to do is create more downloadable songs. Developers of the game might also want to think about creating a website where fans can vote for songs to be created, this would probably help create more publicity for the game and also get more people excited about it.

Overall: 95 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 85 %
Sound: 99 %

Date reviewed: November 9, 2007.

Overall: You may have never played any of the Guitar Hero games, but it's probably s sure bet that you've seen or heard of it. The game's premise is to place you into a guitar shredding rock god, complete with your own guitar to play on! It's like playing air guitar, but not looking as silly.

The series will by no means teach you how to play a real guitar in any way, but it does replicate some of the feel as you frantically use the fret buttons to win over the crowd you are playing for as they cheer for you.

Guitar Hero III (which will be referred to as GH3 from here on) is now here for us to rock on, but does it hold up against its previous installments now with a new developer behind the mix?

Harmonix, who have made the first two Guitar Heroes are now gone and making the anticipated Rock Band coming out this holiday, so with their absence; Activision (specifically the Tony Hawk guys) have taken over. Many people wondered if they could keep the franchise going as strong, or if something would be lost with the change of hands. The Guitar Hero you have come to know and love is still here and not going anywhere. It may have some new tweaks for better or worse, and some minor flaws, but the core gameplay is still there with a makeover of new graphics and audio choices.

With a new developer also comes a new guitar for users to rock out with. The major change is that it is now wireless as opposed to its wired older sibling. The fret neck is now detachable for ease of storage (though it does seem somewhat unnecessary), the guide button and start/select have been moved for ease of access and now and are also raised slightly higher to make it easier to activate your star power should you not want to raise the guitar upwards to activate it instead. The distance of the wireless capabilities are great, as I was able to go as far as I could in my apartment with no interruptions at all. The only flaw that was very disappointing was the forcing of having to use AA batteries instead of making a slot to hold your Xbox 360 rechargeable battery, though to their defense, even after many hours of use I’ve not had to change batteries yet. It is not necessary to re-buy the guitar in the bundle to enjoy GH3 should you be accustomed to your GH2 guitar, but it is a great new device to use wirelessly.

As notes appear on the screen and you match them with the color coded fret buttons and strum at the same time, you are graded on your performance, accuracy, combo of notes in a row, and how awesome you can rock out. The same formula is used for single player career that as you beating a set number of songs in a track list, then unlocking an encore song before unlocking the next set. Tried and true it does work, though it does feel a bit overused now, but this is where some of the new features kick in to help keep it fresh.

The most notable new feature would have to be the boss battles that you face in a few spots in the game instead of an encore song solely. While it is a welcomed new feature, it feels very flat in substance. You will be shredding off against Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave, and Slash from Guns and Roses/Velvet Revolver in songs they actually recorded for GH3 though battle rules will now apply. Instead of your regular star power, you have combos to complete, and if you hit the last note in the combo, you will be given a powerup attack that can be unleashed against the boss (or opponent when playing Battle Mode online). Attacks can vary from broken strings (where you must rapidity tap the corresponding button to ‘fix’ it), double notes that turn a single note into two and two notes into triples, difficulty up that changes your notes from medium style or hard and hard to expert, and the lefty flip which reverses all the buttons for a short time. On their own the attacks aren’t too devastating as you are able to recover from them pretty quickly, but you are able to store 3 attacks at a time and can unleash them all together or in a row for more damage. The gimmick with boss battles is that you need to defeat them by making them fail by the end of the song, not just survive it like the rest of the game. Out of the game’s eight tiers of songs, there is only 3 bosses and it feels very tacked on and only the final boss is quite difficult (to the point of major frustration). Simply they aren’t really that much fun and there aren’t nearly enough of them. On paper I can see how the idea seems a fantastic new addition, but most battles are ended very quickly to basically whoever can launch their 3 attacks all at once first.

Not really a new ‘feature’, but worth mentioning is the incredible boost to the difficulty. You will soar past the first half of the game and probably even the first two bosses, but then all of a sudden you hit a wall of difficulty that can be outright disheartening to even try and complete it after failing so many times in a row. It’s almost seems as if Activision is catering to the hardcore longtime players as newcomers may be turned off by the sudden boost of challenge. Playing on Expert will have your wrists and arms in agony after a prolonged amount of play, yet it still keeps the ‘one more song’ charm wanting you to keep trying. It seems that a fair amount of the achievements are also geared towards the better players with some making you finish the game while flipped on lefty mode, hosting ranked matches and winning 15 in a row, and even beating a certain amount of songs with a controller (not the guitar!). Even the hardest song in the game that is unlocked once beating the final boss, has its own 3 achievements that seem near impossible to ever get. Some of them just seem odd and stick out as achievements you’ll probably never get without sitting down for a good amount of time trying to learn how to play with a controller. Activision has seemed to decide that some hardcore shredding is more favorable to some slower paced memorable riffs. With some of the last songs to beat like Metallica’s ‘One’ or Slayer’s track, the difficulty is so turned up out of nowhere that non-veterans of the series will probably not even have a clue where to start to combat these songs.
To combat the upped difficulty, a saving grace is that the Hammer-ons and Pull-offs are incredibly easy to actually do properly in GH3. In the previous GH’s, you had to do the Hammer-ons with extreme precision or risk losing your combo, now with GH3 it is much more lenient and pulling off a huge chain combo with just using the buttons is quite the feeling. On top of that, the notes are much brighter and easier to see when you are able to do this, whereas before there was a small white ring around the note and not very noticeable when shredding a fast metal song. Though in quite a few songs where there should be allowances to Hammer on and pull off, it isn’t set that way unfortunately, which also factors into the difficulty. It is also much more forgiving this time around as well when you miss or mess up a note or chord and seems harder to fail songs. It seems to be quite easy to skim by finishing songs with 3 stars, but you will still have to work furiously to gain those elusive 5 star rankings.

With other new additions, there are also some flaws that come with them as well that seem to be a hindrance more than being welcomed. The most noticeable right away is the addition of ingame advertising and product placement. Normally it’s not too big of a deal to have a branded guitar that is from a sponsor or something along those lines, but GH3 turns it way up with you playing a Pontiac set, Axe billboards to even an Axe Guitar buyable from the store with Axe dancers that can accompany you on stage. One other hindrance is some slight frame rate issues. Normally something as small as this can be overlooked as long as it doesn’t stand out, but with a rhythm based game and you generally only looking at one section of the screen, there is no excuse for it in this title. When activating your start power if there is quite a few notes on the screen, you will notice some drops in frames just enough to distract you and most likely make you mess up your combo.

Single player mode hasn’t really changed, but there are some new additions that will seem to prolong the life of this iteration of the series. Being able to play Co-op career is great but the real fun and competition is when you get on Xbox LIVE and challenge friends and oncommers where one person is lead and the other is b@!%#*!. The fact that every online experience so far on GH3 has been lag free only speaks better about this new feature. For some reason Activision also decided that six or so songs would be co-op only unlockable. So this means that if you don’t have a friend to come play with you you will never get to hear or play these songs in your career mode. While you can play these co-op only songs (Sabotage by Beastie Boys being the most noteworthy) online, it still seems a very odd decision to not make these playable by yourself. Another odd choice included is that the game does not ship with a co-op quick play option, only career mode. While there has already been a patch to remedy this, the people that aren’t online with their Xbox 360 are left out until they complete the game on co-op before they can just jump in for a quick song or two.

Playing online finally is a feature many fans have been asking for now for quite some time. Online you can play Face-off, Pro Face-off, Battle, and Co-op. Again, it makes no sense why you can’t do career Co-op online, but at least your friends can join in whenever. This online component is where the Xbox 360 version really shines through. The 360 version is the easiest to navigate and with the incorporation of friend’s lists, getting a game going with a buddy is quick and painless. The Playstation 3 version has no friend’s list type of matchmaking, so this means you can only play against random people online. With the Wii version being the middle ground, you can play friends, but only with the h@!%#*!le known as friend codes per game. The Wii version is also not setup for any type of download content that the Xbox 360 and PS3 version will be receiving in the future.

There have been some subtle and dramatic visual changes since Activision has taken over. All the same meters that track your song progress are still there but with a new makeover. Some new small changes would be the note counter that you can keep track of how many in a row you’ve hit, and at certain milestones it will tell you “100 note streak!” which makes you want to concentrate even more on the upcoming notes streaming towards you. Between segments of sets there are now short little cutscenes that eventually play out the well known story of the garage band wanting to make it big. The art style looks exactly like a Gorillaz video (it may even be done by them I think, it’s that similar) and while it’s a new addition to have a ‘story’as to why you’re playing, it’s also completely unnecessary; it simply doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of GH3’s style. The other thing you will notice right away is the makeover of the characters on screen. The main male singer sticks out terribly due to the exaggerated design that look like he’s been stung by a bee in the jaw. The lip syncing in GH3 is spot on though and looks as if he is actually performing the song for you. Even small mouth mannerisms make it look realistic. The singer could have used a little less detail and given it to the backup band members, but in all, it’s a noticeable increase from GH2 and just overall a sharper image.

Obviously with GH3 the main feature is the choice in songs that are included and will obviously favoritism will vary from personal tastes in music but there seems to be a strong mix of cl@!%#*!ics and ‘awesome’ songs, to downright awful and honestly, quite forgettable ones as well. GH3’s soundtrack vary across many different genres with cl@!%#*!ic rock tunes such as “Paint It Black” by the Rolling Stones, Punk tunes like “Anarchy in the UK” by the Sex Pistols, 90’s rock with some Smashing Pumpkins and even some Pearl Jam, and of course the difficult metal genre being represented by Metallica’s “One”, Slayers’ “Raining Blood” and the hardest song yet to date in the series that is unlocked once you complete the campaign; “Through the Fire and Flames” by Dragonforce which this song alone will give you premature arthritis. The biggest plus to the song selections is that more than half are actual master tracks. That’s right, no more terrible covers that stick out (Well, not as many at least) as you rock out to the tune you have come to learn and love. Interestingly, a few bands even re-recorded their songs for GH3 such as the Sex Pistol’s (as a side note, their master track has actually been lost from the studio, hence the reasoning to do so) along with the Boss Battle tunes. Overall the song choices are very high quality, with everyone always having a few songs that they just need to play, it’s just a shame that the majority of the bonus songs are very unknown and simply not that great or fun to even play.

Downloadable songs are a given and will be coming in the future, but as usual, the songs are kept under wrap until launch. Though Activision has confirmed it will be the same pricing scheme forcing a pack of 3 songs for 500 points. Let’s hope the songs will be worth it, though prolonged longevity of a game you’ve invested so much time and money into is never a bad thing and very welcomed.

Normally a game’s website is hardly worth mentioning as it’s usually the same formula of reviews, pictures and videos, but GH3’s has been completely redone and is now your portal to contests, tournaments, finding nearby fellow rockers and much more. You are able to create an Online Band (much like a Guild or Clan) where you can see all your members’ progress and even see how many groupies you’ve attained. This is done by linking your gamertag (another Xbox LIVE perk!) to the websites account that should be easy. As of this writing (and even since launch still) the ability to link your gamertag has not been working. They are aware of the issue and hopefully it will be fixed, as the promise of finding local tournaments, or searching for rockers in your city or town is to promising to not sign up for.

There are some great new additions such as the song list (yes that is a debatable subject) and the amount of master tracks is too big of a deal to not mention again. Online play is what the franchise has been begging for and is also a very welcomed addition. The harder difficulty will ensure that the more experienced rockers will be enjoying it longer, but it’s a two edged sword where it will also potentially scare away newcomers with such a sudden difficulty increase out of nowhere.

Boss Battles and Battle Mode simply isn’t all that fun and don’t end up lasting long enough to really be that enjoyable since it’s really the first to get the powerups is generally the one who wins. The ingame advertising stands out very noticeably and is outright annoying to see plastered everywhere rather than being subtle. The frame rate issues are the major flaw as it has no place in a rhythm game and is more than just a small issue as it can change your outcome of a song, especially in the hard shredding metal songs. Even with these problems, GH3 keeps its charm for the same reason you bought it. You will be hooked for hours, and with endless challengers waiting online for a battle GH3 still makes you feel like a true Guitar Hero, which is what the game sets out to do.

A fantastic online mode and a great website that offers much community involvement (benefit of the doubt is being given here as once it’ll be fully functional soon) really are the high points other than the song selection of course. The major downers are the boring and out of place Boss Battles / Battle Mode, the m@!%#*!ive advertising within game and the frame rate issues being the only true hindrances, but they do carry a large weight to them due to their simultaneous importance and annoyance.

Fret not (get it?) as if you are a Guitar Hero fan this one is not to be missed, and should you be a newcomer to the series, splurge and get the wireless guitar bundle and rock out like a true Guitar Hero!

Final Ranking: 8/10.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock News

Axl Rose Takes Activision to Court
Guns N’ Roses singer peeved over former guitarist Slash being in GHIII. Do you know what "unjust enrichment" is? Don’t worry, neither did we, but apparently Axl does.

Guitar Hero Invades Music Stores
Activision has struck a unique deal that will allow Guitar Hero bundles to be displayed and sold in music retail outlets across the UK.

Guitar Hero III: Metallica "Death Magnetic"
Guitar Hero III: Metallica "Death Magnetic" Full Album

GH III:Guitar Virtuoso Track Pack
GH III:Guitar Virtuoso Track Pack - Availability all xbox live regions

E3 2008: Activision Announces Partnership
Activision today revealed that Metallica’s highly-anticipated full studio album, \"Death Magnetic,\" will be available simultaneously in record stores and as downloadable content for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock this September.

Guitar Hero III Gets the Blizzard Treatment
Activision has announced a World of Warcraft themed track will be free to download for Guitar Hero III this weekend.

GH III: Def Leppard Track Pack
Def Leppard Track Pack now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Guitar Hero III: Dropkick Murphy’s Track Pack
Guitar Hero III: Dropkick Murphy’s Track Pack (Free) Just in time for St Patricks Day 2008.

Activision Rebrands X-Men Studio
Guitar Hero publisher Activision has rebranded its internal Z-Axis studio, which will now go by the name of Underground Development.

Guitar Hero III Gets Linkin Park
Fans of the rap rock band may not be "crawling in their skin" but they’ll be more than satisfied with No More Sorrow. There are also tracks from Mastadon and The Used in the song pack.

Wireless Guitar Hitting Shelves in Early 2008
Activision, Inc. today announced that standalone wireless guitar controllers for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock will be available at retail stores nationwide by early 2008.

Free Guitar Hero 3 DLC
In an awesome move for Guitar Hero III and Halo fans, Neversoft, Bungie, Activision/RedOctane, and Microsoft have all joined forces to bring players the iconic Halo theme (MJOLNIR Mix) as a free playable song for Guitar Hero III.

Activision Sued Over Guitar Hero Cover Song
Rock band The Romantics have filed a lawsuit against Activision, Harmonix and RedOctane over a cover version of one of the band’s songs featured in Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80’s.

In Game Content: Guitar Hero III
Activision has released two song packs available now for download on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Both packs are 500 Microsoft Points and contain three songs each.

Activision Confirms DLC Plans for Guitar Hero III
Activision has confirmed that it intends to support Guitar Hero III with downloadable song packs beginning in November for Xbox 360. Gamers will have the choice of three packs, each containing three songs.

Activision Commits to Revitalizing Bond Franchise
Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has said that the company is committed to revitalizing the James Bond brand - "one of the greatest videogame franchises of all time."

Guitar Hero III is Activision’s Largest Launch
Activision has announced record shipment numbers for its wholly owned franchise, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, shipping more units than any other game in the publisher's history.

Guitar Hero III Hits Retail Stores Nationwide
ctivision, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATVI) today announced that Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock will officially rip it up on retail store shelves nationwide this Sunday, October 28.

Demo: Guitar Hero III
Rank up the volume and prepare to rock around the globe with Guitar Hero™ III: Legends of Rock. -Challenge guitar icons Slash and Tom Morello!

Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock: Achievements
There are 59 achievements worth 1000 points (3 are secret).

More Songs Confirmed for Guitar Hero III
Activision has announced 11 new songs for Guitar Hero III, including master tracks from AFI, Iron Maiden, Queens of the Stone Age and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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