Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1608
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock

Gameplay: The gameplay is really repetitive in career mode. Play, Play, Play, P@!%#*!...Do this 9 times and finish the game...Considering every song is about 4 and a half minutes long, and there are 49 songs, and you need to do 3 out of 4 to advance. I consider the game pretty short. Dance Dance revolution is kinda the same, but you play with your feet, and has around 80 songs. Not counting the Downloadables...
Speaking of which, it's fun to be able to download songs from Xbox Live...But I don't feel like paying for them. Halo 3 Theme Rocks...Too bad I can only play it on Hard...Expert is for No Livers.
Graphics: Ok, what the @!%#*!...Come on, this is Xbox 360 we are talking about, the sickest, meanest, bes machine for videogaming there is out there, graphics just plain suck. Except the cartoon parts, I like the cartoon parts :D . And the animations of the mouth moving to the voices are just pitiful...Why is it always the same skinny @!%#*! @!%#*! singing.
Audio: Sound is good, the songs are just random to me...Not a great fan of rock, but I am liking about 75% of the songs... Scorpions Rock You like a Hurricane, Kiss Rocks and Rolls all Night, And the new songs of this century like A.F.I.'s Miss Murder or Muse's Knight's of Cydonia
Suggestions: Put better songs, Improve graphics, More Types of Guitar combats and some more career stuff other than playing guitar and buying some.
Overall Score: 8.7 / 10

Gameplay: The new conrols really makes things simpler and more enjoyable. Love the new equipments installation. This game was meant to be played Live, Campaign = Live, Custom Games = Live, Ranked Matches = Live, Unranked Matches = Live. Halo 3 = Live.
Playing online is just so incredibly fun and making your own games and sharing it with your friends is even better, because with the new options, friends can play the games you made, and imagine how proud you would feel if your game becomes popular.
Graphics: The resolution is really good when playing on an High Definition TeleVision. Zoom in with the sniper on Master Chief, you will see how good it is. Although to make a visually perfect game is almost impossible, I have no complaints to make, the graphics are just right. I also love the way that now its not just Master Chief against Master Chief against Master Chief...etc. Now you can finally customize your Character to make it almost unique, if you have some imagination.
Audio: Audio is really well done. And sophisticated, if you are silent enough you can hear if someone is trying to burn you with a spartan laser or some cheap shot is trying to run you over with a ghost from behind. For some reason audio is just right, and you can really feel if its coming from afar or near you.
Suggestions: Make a Halo 4. For the love of the millions of fans you have. Do not let us down.
Overall Score: 9.8 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is the same gameplay we all know and love. But the problem appears if you'Re medium, the songs at difficult level seem too slow and easy or too fast and impossible, there is no medium for the average, this is an all or nothing game. Stepping on 4 arrows is still quite as fun, but my wish is that there would be songs for everyone.
Although there are some downs to this game, its still a great game to play.
Graphics: The visuals are the same as always, the backgrounds and fonts changed, but the 4 arrows are still pixel perfectly made.
Although something that is annoying is the background when you are playing, especially if its in challenge mode and you have to do a song where you can only see the arrows until the very last second, and when the background blends with the arrows, you miss them and you have to start all over again.
Audio: These are 70's, 80's and 90's songs, the songs are good. Its just that some choices were better and were ommitted from this game. There aren't songs that some one young really likes and wants to dance to. I personally only know 2 songs in this selection.
Something that is annoying though; the DJ. He is a Pain in the bottom. His commentaries are the same as Dance Dance Revolution Universe, but its an afro-american half arab guy with a deep voice speaking. And he doesn't have enthousiasm in his voice, he speaks as if he were reading a text
Suggestions: The DJ's should only be girls. There should be songs of all kinds, Techno, Hip Hop, Latin.
I personally think that many of the songs are boring to dance to since they are too slow. But you get used to it after a while. Also, developpers should try to enhance the fun by putting songs that people know and like and make you sweat.
Overall Score: 8.5 / 10