Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (Xbox 360) by Ubi Soft Entertainment

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (Xbox 360) by Ubi Soft Entertainment Box Art

Xbox One backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: March 6, 2007.

Average Overall Score:
9.28 / 10

It only feels like a few months ago that we were peaking our heads round corners and shooting up some Mexican rebels but yet the inevitable sequel is already upon us? The question is, can a sequel really be pumped out that fast and live up to its title. Read on to get the lowdown on GRAW 2, the new features and everything else that goes a long with this realistic shooter."

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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 builds off of the events in the first game and places gamers in control of the U.S. military's elite fighting unit, the Ghosts. In the year 2014, the rising conflict between Mexican loyalists and insurgent rebel forces has thrown Mexico into full-scale civil war. Under the command of Captain Scott Mitchell, the Ghosts are called upon to face an imminent threat to the United States.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Station (Co-op 1) Perfect
Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
The Cut (Co-op 2) Perfect
Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Locks (Co-op 3) Perfect
Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Caldera (Co-op 4) Perfect
Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Outpost (Co-op 5) Perfect
Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Hideout (Co-op 6) Perfect
Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Perfect Co-op Campaign
Complete all Co-op Campaign Missions without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard.
Team Veteran
Win 30 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Solo Veteran
Win 10 Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Co-op Veteran
Win 30 Co-op matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Ultimate Defender
Win a 60 minute Co-op Defend match on any map.
Helo Hunter
Shoot down 20 helicopters in the Helicopter Hunt game type.
Demo Expert
Plant 10 demo charges in Team Mission matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Combat Medic
Heal 10 teammates wounded by enemy fire in a multiplayer match with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Team MVP
Lead your team in kills in a Team match with at least 5 gamertags on your team.
Team All-Star
Lead your team in kills in 10 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags on your team.
Eliminate 5 different human opponents in 30 seconds with at least 10 gamertags in the room.
Get a total of 50 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Get a total of 150 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Get a total of 300 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Get a total of 500 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Sniper Expert
Get a total of 100 sniper rifle kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room.
Single Player Master
Unlock all other 'Single player mode' achievements to unlock the 'Single player Master' achievement.
Tutorial Walkthrough
Complete the whole tutorial at least once.
Challenge 1 Complete
Complete the first tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Challenge 2 Complete
Complete the second tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Challenge 3 Complete
Complete the third tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Challenge 4 Complete
Complete the fourth tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation.
Mission accomplished
Complete all the secondary objectives in 'Campaign mode' or in 'Quick Mission mode'.
Act 1 Complete (low risk)
Complete campaign Act 1 in 'low risk' or higher.
Act 2 Complete (low risk)
Complete campaign Act 2 in 'low risk' or higher.
Act 3 Complete (low risk)
Complete campaign Act 3 in 'low risk' or higher.
Act 1 Complete (guarded risk)
Complete campaign Act 1 in 'guarded risk' or higher.
Act 2 Complete (guarded risk)
Complete campaign Act 2 in 'guarded risk' or higher.
Act 3 Complete (guarded risk)
Complete campaign Act 3 in 'guarded risk' or higher.
Act 1 Complete (elevated risk)
Complete campaign Act 1 in 'elevated risk'.
Act 2 Complete (elevated risk)
Complete campaign Act 2 in 'elevated risk'.
Act 3 Complete (elevated risk)
Complete campaign Act 3 in 'elevated risk'.
Bull's eye (Quick mission)
Finish a mission with a 100% accuracy statistic.
Iron man (Quick mission)
Finish a mission without being hit.
Team 'ELITE' (Quick mission)
Finish a mission with no team mates wounded and +50% enemies killed by them.
Hawk's eye (Quick mission)
Finish a mission with all your intels acquired while out of combat.
Predator (Quick mission)
Finish a mission with all fights engaged by you.

User Reviews

Score: 93
Overall User Average: 9.25 / 10 (92.8%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.00 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.50 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.25 / 10
Date reviewed: October 15, 2007.

Overall: It's the continuation of GRAW. It's a shoot em up, save the people type deal with an extensive multiplayer. It's the latest entry of a long line of Tom Clancy goodies. Does it have that Tom Clancy magic touch? Read on fellow gamers............
Gameplay: I hate this part. I mean you guys and gals know the gameplay right? It's a FPS nuff said? You shoot the bad guys who happen to be these terrorists dealing with nukes and kidnapping and such. The campaign is pretty short but it keeps moving never a dull moment. The multiplayer is where it's at. I have had some great matches online especially when I'm getting sniped from about 1 mile away.
Graphics: I think the graphics are good but not great. For some reason, I think there could be more done with the graphics. Don't get me wrong, theyre really good okay but I expect more.
Sound: Best part of the game. The voice acting was great, the bullets whizzing about your forehead and !&%$@#* is intense. The explosions make you shake when you hear them. Great sounding game.
Suggestions: Tighten up the graphics, give us more in the campaign. The Ugly Truth: a little short of greatness.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: June 14, 2007.

Overall: I played the demo for this game at gamestop, and it was awesome. I love all the new vehicles, guns, and abilities. I really like the new cross com. Cross com is when you can order your teamates around with full screen.
Gameplay: The game is a little too easy. Your enemies are soo easy to kill, even if you shoot with your crosshairs not on your target, it will still kill him in like 1-3 shots.

Graphics: The graphics are spectacular! The graphics are some of the best on the Xbox 360. Its like your really there.
Sound: Nothing special, just regular old gun shooting and people yelling "get down!!!"
so nothing sooo special.
Suggestions: I hope you make a third one in the series.
I can't think of any improvements, but I'm sure you can think of something.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

T3h Unholy Monk
Date reviewed: March 26, 2007.

Overall: In "GRAW 2" you pick up almost immediately where you leave off. The "Mexican Rebels" are at it again, and this time, the fight is getting closer and closer to "US Soil" You play as Captain Mitchell (AKA) Ghost Leader, and you command a squad of fellow "Ghosts." Your mission is simple, end this rebel threat, and get it done quickly and without attracting attention from the rest of the world, far as everyone else is concerned, you don't exist.

"Now get a move on, Ghost Lead!"

Gameplay: Excitement at every corner, the player really has no choice but to immerse his/herself into the game to the point where he/she begins to think and act like a true "Ghost."

The interface hasn't changed a whole lot, but the ability to use a team member's helmet cam to give combat and location commands really brings "GRAW 2" up with other highly popular titles such as Halo, and Halo2.

The Online Play is just as intense as the Campaign if not more so, and is quite possibly the best of any 360 title available!
Graphics: The stunning graphics in "GRAW 2" are so realistic you'll have to take a second look just to convince yourself it is a game.
Everything from the lighting, the clever way that the "Ghosts" have no reflection, which you will have to think about it a bit, to understand why I say "clever," the explosions, which are by far (the best I have ever seen in any game), to the hypnotizing way the dust settles after a glorious fire-fight.
Sound: The realism in the sound is absolutely top-notch, and adds an amazing amount of intensity to the game, and will really get your heart pounding.

The explosions in "GRAW2" have never sounded better, and have truly been done with dead-on accuracy in realism.

The music is, as far as I could tell, very similar if not exactly like the "GRAW" But fear not, for Ubi-Soft spares no expense when it comes to quality, and they have provided you with some of the finest music available in any 360 title!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 News

Ubisoft Registers ’Ghost Recon Future Soldier
A new trademark filing from Ubisoft reveals the company registered ’Ghost Recon Future Soldier,’ which perhaps is the new name for its still unnamed fourth Ghost Recon title.

GRAW 2 Co-Op Collection 2
The following GRAW 2 content is now available on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

GRAW 2 Co-op Collection now on Live
Tom Clancy has released a new downloadable content package for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 on Xbox Live.

Massive GRAW 2 Expansion Next Month
If you like a bit more strategy in your shooter you’ll be pleased to hear that Ubisoft plans to release the GRAW 2 Co-Op Collection on Xbox Live late next month.

GRAW2 Throwback Pack Now Free
It was released in May for 800 points, but Ubisoft has now made it free.

Ubisoft Still Considering EA Merger
In a recent interview, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot talked about the French publisher’s future plans. It may come as a surprise to many, but they are still considering a merger with Electronic Arts.

EndWar Beta Test in November
Tom Clancy's EndWar will be publicly beta-tested later this year, judging by comments made by creative director Michael de Plater in an interview with Eurogamer. Ooh, that's us.

Classic Prince of Persia Coming to Arcade
Today, Ubisoft announced it will be releasing Prince of Persia® Classic on Xbox LIVE® Arcade early summer.

GRAW 2: Throwback Pack Now Available On Live
Seven classic maps are given next-gen polish. Download them on Live right now!

First Concrete Details on Ubisoft’s EndWar
The first concrete details on Ubisoft’s new Tom Clancy franchise EndWar have reached the internet via US mag Electronic Gaming Monthly, and we seem to be getting more excited with every morsel of info we hear.

Ubisoft to Deliver Best Line-up in History
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated that he expects the publisher to benefit from the best software line-up in the history of the company, thanks to new brands such as Haze, and anticipated action title Assassin's Creed.

Tom Clancy Goes Strategy in EndWar
Ubisoft has revealed the long-speculated latest entry in the Tom Clancy series, EndWar, a strategy game set on the backdrop of World War III.

Ubisoft Acquires RTS Specialist SunFlowers
Ubisoft has acquired German publisher SunFlowers along with its best-selling Anno brand. The Anno series has so far clocked up sales of over 5 million units worldwide.

GRAW 2: LIVE Weekend Picture Pack
Just in time for the GRAW 2 72–Hour Xbox Live weekend. From March 16-18, join the Ghost ranks for 72 non-stop hours of intense online action with the GRAW2™ Xbox Live® Weekend.

UK Charts: GRAW 2 Storms To The Top
Ubisoft’s sequel to the BAFTA award winning Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter has stormed to the top of the All Formats charts this week, knocking Square Enix’s PS2 exclusive Final Fantasy XII off the number one position.

GRAW2 Has Officially Reached Gold Status
Today, Ubisoft proudly proclaimed that Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 has officially reached gold status.

Tom Clancy’s GRAW 2 Multiplayer Demo
The following GRAW 2 Multiplayer Demo is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2: Achievements
The game has 43 achievements with a total score of 1000 points.

GRAW 2 Gameplay Videos
The following 4 GRAW 2 videos are now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Ubisoft Create World’s Biggest Development Studio
Ubisoft Montreal is aiming to have over 3,000 staff under its roof by 2013 following a deal with the Canadian government - a move which would make it the world's largest games development studio.

GRAW 2 Gameplay Music Video
The following Music Video is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

GRAW 2 Singleplayer Demo Available On Marketplace
It's here! the singleplayer demo for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2!

GRAW 2 Demo Inbound
Expect to sling on your goggles, reload your firearms and refresh your cross-com skills in an all new GRAW 2 demo - due to land on Xbox Live by this months end.

Ubisoft Unveils Ghost Recon 2
Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announced that Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2.

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