Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Xbox Video Game System

Suggestions: HIIIIHIIH
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Its the worst
Graphics: Terrible
Audio: custom soundtracks :)
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Gameplay is just like the first one. Strum and hold down fret button at the same time. One thing that I liked was all the new guitars and outfits you could unlock. I like the Snakoctapuss or something like that.
Graphics: Good, but visuals arent one of the big things for this game. Even though the charecter Desighn is very good, I don't really care for them. I just love the gameplay.
Audio: I like the songs on this game, but I don't think the song list was as good as the first one.
Suggestions: I would like, in guitar Hero 3, to have all the songs from the first and second one, to be on the third one, including some new songs.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: bad. good.
Graphics: bad. good.
Audio: gooooooooodddddd the best ever
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: You do get a few really cool guns, like the plasma gun, chain gun, and so on. But that doesn't make this a fun game. There is only like 9 guns to choose from.
Graphics: The graphics are ok, but if you want a game with really good graphics, try Halo 2 or King Kong cause those games have fantastic graphics.
Audio: The sound sucks. Nothing else to say. The sounds for the guns are terrible, and the voice acting is the worst I have ever seen.
Suggestions: You suck and your game sucks.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: It is so fun, I could stay up all night long doing the same level over and over again and never get tired of it.
Graphics: Very good
Audio: good
Suggestions: um...
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is a little too easy. Your enemies are soo easy to kill, even if you shoot with your crosshairs not on your target, it will still kill him in like 1-3 shots.
Graphics: The graphics are spectacular! The graphics are some of the best on the Xbox 360. Its like your really there.
Audio: Nothing special, just regular old gun shooting and people yelling "get down!!!"
so nothing sooo special.
Suggestions: I hope you make a third one in the series.
I can't think of any improvements, but I'm sure you can think of something.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

very best game on the Xbox. The campaign
does get a little boring, but I still find my self
coming back and playing it when my brother is not around. And the multiplayer, oh that sweet multiplayer, its what makes Halo 2 shine. It is soooo addictive, once you play it, you will never want to stop.
Gameplay: What can I say? Its awesome! I never get bored from shooting stupid grunts in the head with a carbine.
Graphics: It is good, but not the best. Since you mostly see metal armor and aliens, you can't really tell if their good or not.
Audio: The sound in this game is fantastic. You hear the aliens shreik when they see you coming, and yell when they get shot. And the sound effects for the guns are good and unique.
Suggestions: I would like to have bots for multiplayer in Halo 3. Some people don't have any brothers or sisters or might be stupid nerdy geeks that everyone hates. So that would be cool to see in Halo 3.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10