NEWS - Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2: Achievements
1. Station (Co-op 1) Perfect Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard. 20 Points 2. The Cut (Co-op 2) Perfect Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard. 20 Points 3. Locks (Co-op 3) Perfect Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard. 20 Points 4. Caldera (Co-op 4) Perfect Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard. 20 Points 5. Outpost (Co-op 5) Perfect Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard. 20 Points 6. Hideout (Co-op 6) Perfect Complete Co-op Campaign Mission without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard. 20 Points 7. Perfect Co-op Campaign Complete all Co-op Campaign Missions without failing an objective, no respawns, on default or hard. 40 Points 8. Team Veteran Win 30 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 25 Points 9. Solo Veteran Win 10 Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 25 Points 10. Co-op Veteran Win 30 Co-op matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 25 Points 11. Ultimate Defender Win a 60 minute Co-op Defend match on any map. 40 Points 12. Helo Hunter Shoot down 20 helicopters in the Helicopter Hunt game type. 20 Points 13. Demo Expert Plant 10 demo charges in Team Mission matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 20 Points 14. Combat Medic Heal 10 teammates wounded by enemy fire in a multiplayer match with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 25 Points 15. Team MVP Lead your team in kills in a Team match with at least 5 gamertags on your team. 15 Points 16. Team All-Star Lead your team in kills in 10 Team matches with at least 5 gamertags on your team. 35 Points 17. Enforcer Eliminate 5 different human opponents in 30 seconds with at least 10 gamertags in the room. 20 Points 18. Threatening Get a total of 50 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 10 Points 19. Dangerous Get a total of 150 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 15 Points 20. Lethal Get a total of 300 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 20 Points 21. Ruthless Get a total of 500 kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 25 Points 22. Sniper Expert Get a total of 100 sniper rifle kills in Team or Solo matches with at least 5 gamertags in the room. 20 Points 23. Single Player Master Unlock all other Single player mode achievements to unlock the Single player Master achievement. 50 Points 24. Tutorial Walkthrough Complete the whole tutorial at least once. 5 Points 25. Challenge 1 Complete Complete the first tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation. 10 Points 26. Challenge 2 Complete Complete the second tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation. 10 Points 27. Challenge 3 Complete Complete the third tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation. 10 Points 28. Challenge 4 Complete Complete the fourth tutorial challenge with the highest appreciation. 10 Points 29. Mission accomplished Complete all the secondary objectives in Campaign mode or in Quick Mission mode. 30 Points 30. Act 1 Complete (low risk) Complete campaign Act 1 in low risk or higher. 10 Points 31. Act 2 Complete (low risk) Complete campaign Act 2 in low risk or higher. 15 Points 32. Act 3 Complete (low risk) Complete campaign Act 3 in low risk or higher. 20 Points 33. Act 1 Complete (guarded risk) Complete campaign Act 1 in guarded risk or higher. 20 Points 34. Act 2 Complete (guarded risk) Complete campaign Act 2 in guarded risk or higher. 25 Points 35. Act 3 Complete (guarded risk) Complete campaign Act 3 in guarded risk or higher. 30 Points 36. Act 1 Complete (elevated risk) Complete campaign Act 1 in elevated risk. 30 Points 37. Act 2 Complete (elevated risk) Complete campaign Act 2 in elevated risk. 35 Points 38. Act 3 Complete (elevated risk) Complete campaign Act 3 in elevated risk. 40 Points 39. Bulls eye (Quick mission) Finish a mission with a 100% accuracy statistic. 30 Points 40. Iron man (Quick mission) Finish a mission without being hit. 30 Points 41. Team ELITE (Quick mission) Finish a mission with no team mates wounded and +50% enemies killed by them. 30 Points 42. Hawks eye (Quick mission) Finish a mission with all your intels acquired while out of combat. 30 Points 43. Predator (Quick mission) Finish a mission with all fights engaged by you. 30 PointsSource: