Total Reviews: 7
Average Overall Score Given: 9.71429 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2971

Street Hoops

Overall: First of all, this game is a dream come true for me. Almost every day thats nice outside, ill be at found at the bball court for atleast 20-30 minutes. Also, i love the AND 1 mixtapes and can perform a good sum of the moves. I have been waiting for a game like this for a while, and it was worth the wait. This game is amazing, especially the soundtrack and the motion capture on the handles (dribbling skills). The soundtrack is by far the best soundtrack i have ever heard for a game with tracks from ludacris to master p to dmx. This game is very good which is why i give it a 5.0 overall score.

Gameplay: Gameplay, is about 99% flawless. Everything about it is perfect except one thing. Sometimes when u go for the outlet pass, he will pass it to far for the other player and it will go out of bounds, but that only happens at max a few times a game, so u just have to play a little conservative. The button set up flows perfectly with the game, such as the crazy crossovers and the crowd breaking dunks. Another thing is the alley-oop set up, it only works sometimes,and other times the ball just gets thrown up, and very rarely it takes a bad bounce and goes into the net which is very realistic. The gameplay is for hardcore street ballas and it is done to perfection.

Graphics: The graphics are not halo quality but they are far better than some other sites reviewed them to be as, *cough* ign *cough*, but they are still quite good. Rite from the start the game looks very good because of the nice intro which introduces the and1 ballers and shows them doing some of there signature moves. Next is the menus, which are also set up nicely, then the team select, then controller select, which are both very simplistic and easy to use. Now comes the 'street' as i like to call it, it is where u can go to the different shops to buy or bet on different stuff, it has the barber shop, pawn shop, cash bookie and an atheletes world for some sick gear. The gear and jewelery are very well done especially with all the different makes of clothing, i think there are 16 different clothing wears, which is very cool. Visually the game is a 4.5 just because its on xbox and can do much better.

Audio: The sound is probably one of the best things about this game. If there is one thing in this game that is 100% perfect, it is the sound. From the intro to the menus to the actual gameplay, everything is solid. The squeaking of the shoes to the different sounds of the chain mesh or the material mesh to the people yelling "westside!" and "brick city!", the sound is perfect. Next its the soundtrack to the game, DDDDDEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!, this is probably the best soundtrack that i have ever heard on a game before. It has Ludacris - roll out, Master P - make em say ugh and dmx - who we be as well as a number of more tracks that will make u enjoy the game even more that ull forget you're even playing the game, you'll think ur just jamming to a sick cd u just made with all the best hip hop/rap tracks that fit perfectly with the street ball atmosphere. The crew who worked on this game definately receivs kudos for the work they did on the sound for this game, which is why i give it a perfect 5.0.

Suggestions: You could maybe make a sequel with some new characters, more modes, more ice and haircuts, and being able to bet more on a game, and 1 last thing, ONLINE PLAY WOULD BE SAFE!!!!!!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NHL Hitz 2002

Overall: Hitz....
Very appealing game as I am a hockey fan and game lover. The idea of big hits i just love and the arcade fighting really kicks. Since its on the xbox the graphics are superb and the sound is great. Overall this game is phenominal but is not perfect.

Gameplay: The gameplay is loads of fun. With all the different modes, big hits, create-a-team, crazy goals and best of all, the fights, this game has amazing gameplay. It is extremely smooth and fun to play for all ages. This game is for a hockey lover and a xbox gamer. The game has a long span, with the different modes and therefore has long gameplay.

Graphics: The graphics are absolutely stunning. The coolest part I found was in the one rink, the outdoor one you could purchase. If you look closely into the ice, you see little fish swimming under the ice, WOW! The players looks crisp and clean. They are arcade looking but yet quite realistic. Everything from the nets and sticks, to the jerseys and faces of the players is perfect.

Audio: The sound is good, but not the greatest. The sound is not a big part of this game at all although when players are struck by lightening it sounds quite spectacular. The music is nothing to ramp and rave about as it is mediocre, but the sound Fx are very cool and intriguing.

Suggestions: Online play would be absolutely great.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2x

Overall: If you have played this game, tony hawk 1 or 2, on a playstation 1 or on a dreamcast the first thing you will notice is the graphics are amazing compared to the other two systems. In the game they have added motion blur technology so when you do something cool, it really really looks cool. The thing that made me want to buy this game is that it has a lot of playability. It has the characters from tony 1 and 2. It has all the levels from tony 1 and 2 and on top of those levels it adds 5 new, creative and fun levels to play. The sound is improved also with the technology of the XBOX and what it can do for you, the gamer. The create-a-player is improved and is quite amazing as the first thing i did was create my guy, then i went out to skate. if you liked tony 1 or 2, and have an xbox this is a definate game to buy. if you are just a hardcore gamer, this is a definate also. If you are just a moderate gamer and are not sure if you should buy, just rent, i know you will change your mind once you play this game.

Gameplay: Wow! The gameplay of THPS 2X is so fluent and clear. its like controlling a real life skater with your hands, and the controller. The reactions to is environment are very good as you can either grind n e ledge or rail or something like those, such as an awning above a store. you can jump off of anything such as the top of a balcony to the top of a school and do the leap of faith. you can also crash into anything you want like a golf cart to speakers. The gameplay is much improved from the ps1 and dc versions. this function, gameplay, alone is a big enough reason to pick this game up.

Graphics: Oh my god!
Thank you neversoft and activision for making this game for the XBOX. The graphics are absolutely remarkable and crystal clear. In tony hawk pro skater 1 and tony hawk pro skater 2 for dreamcast and playstation one, in the levels, if you looked beyond the fence or boundary of the level, there was nothing there, in tony hawk pro skater 2X there is a lot there, such as buildings, streets and cars. The motion blur effect is very cool and shows off how powerful the xbox's graphics can be and how different they are compared to ps1 and dc. The visual appeal, although not the main reason you would buy this game is probably the second reason to buy it other than the gameplay. So pick your copy up and prepare to skate.

Audio: Well what can i say, the sound is great, especially compared to the dc and ps1 versions. The coolest thing about the sound, is that this is one of the games you can import your own soundtracks, so if you are in the london night club, one of the new levels added, and you are sick of hearing the techno music or whateva is playing, just rip your own soundtrack on to your XBOX hard drive and listen to your own tunes, trust me, it helps your gameplay a lot. the sound is clear from the honking horns of the cars to the sound of the trucks grinding against the rail. This would not be the main reason to buy the game, but it is a reason to, as you can listen to your own music and play one of the coolest games ever. go to the local eb, and pick this up, you wont regret it.

Suggestions: Nope. they did well, juss should have added some online play, now that would have been fun.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NFL Fever 2002

Overall: WOW!!!
Move over NFL 2k series and Madden series the newest touchdown dance has every football and gaming fan catching a FEVER !!
NFL Fever 2002 is by far the best football game for any console or for the pc. The graphics are absolutely stunning, the sound is mediocre and the gameplay is phenominal! I just cant get enough of the fever that is this xbox game. I tried to tell my mom i had a fever and i asked if i could stay home from school, so she called my dad who is a doctor, DAMNIT!
he checked me up and said there was nothing wrong with me. so he asked, "son, what kind of fever do you have?"
i replied "NFL FEVER!!! i mean ...uhh" what could i say i was stuck. oh well everyday i play NFl as much as i can. since i love football as it is one of the best sports in the world and this game is the best football game in the world i thought it was a no brainer to go out as quickly as i could to pick it up. i'm afraid i can't put it down now, even as i am typing this i am holding the cover and looking at the back just waiting to play it again. If you like football, and you have an xbox, the best console ever, then go out right now and get this game as you will not regret it.

Gameplay: Oh my god! microsoft was very smart to release a football game and contend with Sega and EA sports. Forget contending they have struck a winner. I love football games and my favourite part is running and catching the football then running. This game is so much fun when you pick running plays on your offence. I play with the Titans and they have Eddie George, i just love making those 70 yard runs. I also love the tackling, its just so real yet with a little pinch of arcadiness. I love the gameplay of this game and i think they kicked this game for over the uprights.

Graphics: Can you say 'HOLY CRAP!'
The graphics are so perfect and clear. my dad will walk in and be like, hey son, its tuesday at 4:00 pm, how come there is a football game on, the NFL doesnt play on tuesdays
and then i am like dad
and hes like holy crap son, microsoft might have screwed up with XP but they definately hit a home run with the xbox.
the graphics of this game can not be explained .
all i can really say
get the game

Audio: the sound is not the strong point of this game, it is probably its weakest asset yet its strongest liability, did you get that?
well its not like the sound is bad or anything but its just that the gameplay and visual effects make the sound seem bad. if the graphics and were crappy and the gameplay sucked, which would never happen, then the sound would seem like it kicked ass.
It is mediocre, not that great but not crap, it is not the main reason to buy this game, but visually and gameplay wise, get this game.

Suggestions: they did a great job
get that online play going and this game would really be the $H!T
other than that, great game and all you xbox'ers pick up this game if you dont have it already

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Fuzion Frenzy

Overall: well this game is the party game of the xbox. if you have a couple of friends and a couple controllers definately pick this game up. it has lots and lots of games to play, the games juss keep coming that give you endless amounts of playing time. even if you dont have friends or just have one but you love games with lots of variety this is a good one, because there are computer oponents to face, not as fun as with friends tho. this games looks, sounds and plays extremely well on the xbox and is a definate buy for hardcore party gamers and maybe for hardcore xbox'ers.

Gameplay: The gameplay ran smooth, crisp and at a very good frame rate. the game never stuttered once during the heat of battle in all those funny mini games. the variety of games gives this game an extra boost that makes it such a good game. it is easy to play, so it can be played by people of all ages and the games have a wide range also.

Graphics: the graphics are so good it makes you just want to buy the game for the graphics and not caring about the gameplay. if you are playing with a few friends and you are always losing just say, "yo.... check out those amazing graphics and detail in the background"
then while they are staring in amazement you proceed to beat them. that is just how good the graphics are. they are the best graphics every displayed on any party game.

Audio: what...whats that i hear...crystal clear sound during the heat of all the variety of games. the next thing you will notice while playing this game is that the sound is very very good for this type of game. the sound makes you feel like the sounds are actually in real life and are surrounding. when you clash with another character and there is music and lots of another noises the sound does not lose quality. that is what makes this games sound so good.

Suggestions: no...i think they did an extremely good job in making a game for the xbox that uses most of its potential in all areas and that is playable by all gamers.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Halo: Combat Evolved

Overall: all i can say is did bungie put a perfect shot or what?
i can honestly say this is the most addicting game i have ever played.
i always play co-op with one of my friends cuz it is sooo much better than playing alone
i think that this is the best game eva (so far)

Gameplay: The gameplay is amazing. with the graphics and the rest of the cool things in it u would think it would lose some gameplay, well guess again. there is nothing that lacks about the gameplay. it smooth, fun and action packed adventure. the vehicles also kick butt.

Graphics: WOW!
the graphics are crisp clear. it looks very real, sometimes i forget its a game and i think i am watching interactive television or i think i am the character. these are the best graphics on any fps and any other genre for that fact.

Audio: the sfx kick. and the music really gets you into the game, especially during the cool fight scenes where the music changes to good music. all the weapons and vehicles have crisp clear sounds that co-ordinate with each item. this game is in the top 10 for the best sounding games ever.

Suggestions: i juss think that online play would just be soooo amazing,and the fact that you could have upto 16 players in multiplayer with having only like 2 players and 14 bots, the games multiplayer mode kicks but bots are needed. other than those 2 things it think bungie hit everyones dream keys to heaven with this game.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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