Average Overall Score Given: 8.40000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Blood Wake

Sequel is very unlikey...
Gameplay: Plays good, but not great! Gets intense at times with the wave effects, but gets boring fast!
Needs more appeal to be a keeper...
Graphics: This is where it shines... The water effects are sweeet! I don't think it could get much better for a boat & blow'em up game...
Audio: Sounds like my SNES... What is up with the dumb music??? I feel like if you want an intense game to REALLy become intense, you need the good original scores to match the tempo... This game has nothing but a headache here! TYLENOL???
Suggestions: Please if you are going to make a sequel, improve all of the above & come up with some good acceptable music next time!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

I bought it over 1 month ago, after seeing the great reviews & comments, which confirmed my gut feeling that this was that good! Only reason I have not finished it yet, is I am still working on the Legendary level in Halo (what a time consumer!)...
Mature games don't get much more better than this, PERIOD!!!
Gameplay: WOW, Bullett Time! If you are at all a fan of the Matrix, you will fall in love instantly! Nothing is better in a game than being hunted & this is where the gameplay is sweetest!
Let the bullets fly & bring it on Dirtbags!!!
Graphics: Another WOW! The XBOX shines here in all it's glory! Just check out the area after blowing away some dirtbags... The Bullett effects are REAL! Hella cool, huh???
My only complaint, however hilarious it is, is the facial reactions of Max... It looks like he just ate a bad Carne Asade Burrito! My gut feeling is that this was done on purpose to add to the already cheesey, yet great storyline! Ha, Ha...
Audio: Good, but lack of numerous original music scores(as in Halo) just gives it a small deduction... Not bad & in fact I had no other complaints... Bang, Bang! ;P
Suggestions: Make the game much more longer! Add in more funny stuff & keep up the great-cheesey storyline...
Sequel? Yahoooey!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

A great title that I hope gets better... ;)
Gameplay: Great gameplay that is only slowed down by the length of time it takes to cover one entire game... Make it faster paced & it would be a buy on my end...
Graphics: Ranks right above NFL2K2 in regards to visual appeal... If gets any better, my Wife would think I am actually watching a game!
Audio: Good, but not great! The only setback was Madden repeating himself alot in certain situations, which with friends is kinda funny & annoying at the same time... Why not add some more trash talking???
Suggestions: Speed up the gameplay, get better Madden voice overs & better chances for INT's & we will be good to go!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Plays good, but not better than the Dreamcast version... Just a port...
Could have been so much better...
Graphics: Basically a port of the Dreamcast game with the better graphics... I saw to many glitches to be impressed...
Audio: No better than the Dreamcast version, except having the added 3D sound... No better than a port...
How sad!
Suggestions: Be more original than just porting something next time... Put more detail into the gameplay... See Pro Race Driver if needed, for good ideas! Blah!
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Can you remember another game that had it's own novel telling the story before the game? Can ya? Yeah baby!
Hands down the best experience ever in gaming & goes to show you we are to expect much more from BUNGIE & XBOX, with their dedication to perfection, PURE PERFECTION!
I'll be that one waiting for Gamestop to open up when the sequel comes out. I just hope another book is made as well... YAHOOOEY!!!
Gameplay: From the very start you are sucked into another universe & can't get out. The Gameplay is pure sweetness & you will be coming back for more after reading the book & finishing it in all 4 levels. REALLY!
Finishing it in single player - Legendary is the very definition of the word challenge.
Just wish my Wife agreed! Ha, Ha...
Graphics: No console game has ever reached the praphic purity that this game has, REALLY! The battle scenes are pure goodness...
Audio: The 3D voices are great. The enemies talk trash & laugh in your face, making you come back for more blood.
My favorite is when the intense scenes are coming up & the music just starts flowing like water...
I have no idea how this will be topped on the sequel, but time will tell.
Suggestions: I was bummed to hear that the on-line is a no go. ;(
My suggestion = Keep making sequels on a yearly basis until XBOX 2 comes out... If not, then I will just keep playing Halo until the sun comes down... I want MORE!!! ;)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10