Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: The gameplay is fun. The freedrive mode is what i spent all my time on. You can raise draw bridges and jump off cliffs.
Graphics: Stunning graphics. But there are a few glitches, but who cares?! The game completley belongs in an art museum!
Audio: TTTTTTTTTTT SSSSMMMSSSSSHHHHHHH. AAAAHHH music to my ears. The sound is great.
Suggestions: Make it a TEEN rating so my mom isn't so paranoyed, and add a few more trucks.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is the heart of every game; and this game has a strong heart. With all the racing and crashing and making some enemies is all in a days work. The game is pretty cool and a cool game has excellent gameplay. You start off with the untuned version of a custom series car which you'll earn later. You may either win new vehiles by winning a race against opponents, or smash your car into other road traffic and rack up an insurance bill that will mke you go from a billionare to a hobo. Either way you play, you will always have something to get as a reward. There is multiplayer in which you and your buddy can take turns smashing cars and seeing who will go homeless first! Ahhhhh, life is good.
Graphics: The first Burnout had some pretty good graphics. But now, they are better than ever! You can actually see your vehicles glass go flying out of it's proper position and scatter on the earth below. You can see your car flipping through the air and you may even wince on impact.
Audio: In a few words, SSSSSCCCCCCRHHHHH! BBBBBBAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!! That is what you'll hear when you hit another car. Nice soundtrack and all that. Yeah! I like it.
Suggestions: Burnout 3 is shaping up nicely. Keep it up!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is very challenging and maybe, to. I was gonna say 4.5, except that this game is just to dang good to give a 4.5. I give this a 5.0 because blowing up cars with either your car or a 9mm. It can be so cool that it will be hard to put down the controller!
Graphics: The visuals can be so cool! The emblems you can really be read! The explosions look so real, you can almost feel the heat! So you'll enjoy this game alot.
Audio: You can hear the paint scraping the wall and the sparks coming off the rail, it's so real! The explosions are so real, that you'll almost feel the couch rumble! No custom soundtrack though, boo hoo. But, you can turn on the stereo and hear your own music though.
Suggestions: Not so hard next time and please, Xbox Live.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10