Total Reviews: 4
Average Overall Score Given: 7.75000 / 10
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Kabuki Warriors

Overall: Overall appeal :) That's funny-...the only appeal of this piece of dog excrement is that if I am in desperate need of a laugh- I just pop this sucker in and off I go on a laughing frenzy ...I honestly think this game was created for the SOLE purpose of reading all the funny reviews and how bad people thought the game would gives game magazines more sales because people really enjoy reading the insults :)... First off- Hours Played so far needs to have a much lower option than 2 to 5 hours because I don't think many people played this thing for anything over than MAYBE 1 hour....ow about a .01 That's a little more like it...and third, well the only reason I played this was to laugh and I actually bought it from some kid for one dollar...he wanted to get rid of it that bad...

Gameplay: Fun fun fun! What can I say!? You choose from a limited selection of dorky kabuki "warriors" and fight with virtually a no good fighting engine at all advancing in the rank of kabuki warrior wooooooey!!...Now we're having fun! After you win each mind numbingly dull and retarted fight sequence you can dance like a parapalegic on crack and win the crowds support and listen to a bunch of fake japanese chanting so you can get an even bigger headache and feel the need to regurgitate in unison with the stream of blood shooting out of your opponent...the whole concept is so stupid it could have only been invented by a team of morons who spent every waking minute making this game guzzling down buckets of their own crap and judging by how bad this game is,...they must've enjoyed that if they think that we'd enjoy this :)

Graphics: Hahahahahahhahaha- I suppose this game would look good if you were on tons of acid and really drunk and high..maybe then the images would turn 3d and look a little better than this...nah..even that couldn't do crap for this's horse manure.

Audio: Na na ee ee sip dip doo doo - I am not prejudice at all of japanese sound effects and music in games at all..I happen to actually LOVE Mystical Ninja starring goemon in the N64's music and sound effects....but THIS...oh ho ho ho...this is a wonderfully masterpieced torture tool -..can you imagine a soundtrack of THIS?!?...Let me put it this way, the sound in this game is so annoying and crappy that if you played the "soundtrack" in a solitary confinement chamber to torture the victim into submission it would take less than 5 minutes before they would bang on the doors SCREAMING to be let out, but by that time they would have probably already lost all touch with reality and gone even more insane...hehe yeah...this game just sucks..:) Play it for a huge laugh..if you're drunk..and maybe high.

Suggestions: My suggestion would be to get a new job- because you certainly have a zero chance of putting out any decent game with the leet skills you have here...hehe.

Overall Score: 2.0 / 10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Overall: Being a huge fan of the show keeping up with all current 6 seasons I was very hyped about this game and was extremely happy to know that it was coming out for XBOX- the most powerful gaming system around and as they kept working on the game I would see more and more previews in my different gaming magazines at how the game was coming along...this was at the top of my list on upcoming games. Once purchased I slid the game in and became instantly hooked! An incredible, beautiful game for fans and probably even for people who haven't been too into the tv series..this game might actually get you into it!

Gameplay: At heart this is a combo type 3d final fight with plenty of puzzles, one-liners, enemies, cool boss battles and very fun attitude. With the help of buffy's friends, she advances through the game with an awesome learning first the enemies are mostly the same and are very few, but as you progress, the story becomes deeper and the game becomes more difficult...the combo system is very interesting and fun and you can learn very quickly to get 3,4 and maybe even 5 hit get higher than that you must learn the system a little better and practice but it really looks cool to smack, uppercut, lunge at each vampire enemy and then finish it off with a nice stab to the chest only to see them turn into dust in the blink of an eye..and you can do this with a few different weapons so you can change it up how you like...overall very solid!

Graphics: Once again, this scores me this game is absolutely breathtaking, buffy looks great, and so do most of the other actor/actresses..the only exception to me is willow, who doesn't come too close to her real life tv counterpart.. the swift fluid animation is beautiful, the enemies are very cool and nicely detailed..and the frame rate is pretty fluid as well..the attention to detail in this game is wonderful with magazines, papers, books, etc..all different things laying around can check it all out- they tried to get very close to the show and what's cool is they got it so close that fans of the show might feel they are actually living out an episode straight out of the middle of the 3rd season...which is approximately where this game would fit word..breathtaking!

Audio: Sound appeal, what can I say, it's wonderful- All of the character's voices are acted out by the show's actors and actresses with the exception of buffy- but even with that point, the voice talent they decided to go with for the game almost fully captured the 'tude and sounded a little like SMG.. the only minor complaint in this area is there are only a select number of insults that the game randomizes..although what is done is great- Sound effects are right on with the sound of a vampire vaporizing to the grunts and sounds of the enemies..very well done.

Suggestions: My only suggestions to buffy for the next game may be to fix the camera a bit and the blocking aspect where you can only block one enemy at a time when multiple enemies are attacking. Also, try and get Sarah Michelle Gellar in on the voice acting next time- I mean, why wouldn't she? She's still buffy :)

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Outlaw Golf

Overall: I absolutely love this game- I was a big fan of the old Hot Shots Golf games on the Playstation and I must say that this one is much better- The characters are very different and creative and for the most part very adult oriented- .. To me, this game is a must own for ANY fans of the old Hot Shot series golf games!

Gameplay: Gameplay is fantastic- right on for a very fun golfing's mostly the same as Hot Shots Golf was...with a bunch of snappy comments made by the announcer when you screw up and with the added option to use a "mulligan" which takes back the shot you just used if you didn't like it too much...but even though you can do that, every time you use one or screw up really bad your mood meter goes down and the controls get tougher to use and it's harder to perfect your can use a fight coin to restore your mood if you have any coins left and it's pretty easy you just see a scrolling bar and make sure you hit the button once the bar is in the right spot and there ya have yourself back in a good's a really fun game and has most of the same elements as the Hot Shots golf games as I said but I think the gameplay is extremely's getting a 4.5...

Graphics: Graphics are for the most part very smoothly done- the players actually look real and express themselves with a wide variety of facial contortions and body movements.. Graphics for the characters mostly gets a 5.0 , but the reason I'm not giving this one a 5 is that I think the grass/sky and many other environments were kinda average for Xbox standards...they could've touched a lot of the other details up a bit more and it would have been a perfect score...but altogether not too bad...

Audio: Sound gets a full 5.0 score in my book!! The voice acting is excellent- most of the characters you choose have a wide variety of snappy/character specific taunts, comments, gripes...and whatever other types of things they say...the announcer is extremely funny at times but after awhile you will begin to hear him repeating some things, but that really makes no difference- they did an awesome job with the sound :o)

Suggestions: Keep bringing us titles like this!!! Outlaw golf 2?? Bring it!!

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

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