Average Overall Score Given: 8.30000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Call of Duty: Finest Hour

But all in all the game is a blast and joy to play.
Gameplay: The gameplay is smooth with many various challenges throughout. On average it takes anywhere from 30 - 60 minutes, depending, to finish a mission which isn't bad at all. I just hope that it isn't like Allied Assault for the PC and suddenly come to an end and leave you thinking "that's it??"
Graphics: Visually this game is excellent. I found the graphics were well thought out and realistic. No complaints here.
Audio: The sound is great, I have never been in a wartime situation myself but I would imagine that the sounds of bullets whizing by your head and the bombs dropping all around sound pretty much like they do on my Dolby Surround (just scarrier)
Suggestions: Add more realistic destruction. I want to be able to bomb a building with gunners in it and see it fall down. Or at the very least put a fair sized hole in the side of it.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is easy to figure out, being one of those racing drivers who prefers to use the Automatic mode in video games this is the first game that I will use Manual transmission on.
Graphics: Visually this game is stunning realistic vehicles and scenery. All adds to the games thrill ride.
Audio: Sounds are realistic with a compliment of EA Trax to add to the feel of the underground street racing theme.
Suggestions: Realistic damage. The only thing keeping me from taking these games seriously is that damage is never realistic. When you are barreling down the road at 200 miles and hour and slam head on into a pick-up truck you don't keep on driving. It's game over for you. That should be part of the challenge having to dodge the other vehicles or risk getting knock out of the race. If you vehicle is too seriously damaged then you should be forces to either pay for repairs or buy a new car.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is simple and to the point with great camera angles making the character's movement very smooth.
Graphics: Visually this game is awesome. The graphics are great and the overall appearance of the game is smooth as silk.
Audio: The sounds on this game only add to it's appeal. The quirky voices of Abe and Munch and the rest of the characters. The burps and farts followed by "Sorry" are priceless.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very disappointed in the gameplay. The controlls are so complex you almost need 10 fingers per hand to use them to their full potential. The players on your team that were controlled by the computer were useless, they'd just stand around or skate away from the puck. You can setup coaching options which are pointless because the rest of the team doesn't follow them. Another annoying feature of this game is the oppossing goaltender. Everytime he would get the puck he'd freeze it, that is if he didn't let off a huge rebound first. I was also disappointed with the way checking was done in this game. When you were able to check an opponant (which isn't very often) it seems like a wimpy check, even though the announcers make a big deal about it.
Graphics: Visually this game looks alright. Realistic rink and movments. The players look good and their movements are convincing. But the overall low quality of this game reduces my vote on this.
Audio: The sound is not be in this game. Could use a larger library of in game music and perhaps more of a database of comments from the announcers. Beyond that not bad, always room for improvement.
Suggestions: Read the reviews from the fans, check out the competion and maybe try to play your own games from time to time so you can see how bad they really are.
Hope to see much improvement in 2005.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is much the same as in the PC version. You pretty much control one of the dumbest creatures on the planet (a simulated human). If that excites you or you have a god complex by all means try this one out but I'd rather use that time to catch up on some much needed sleep.
Graphics: Graphics are great. Not much more needs to be said about that. They are people inside of a house, hard to go wrong there.
Audio: The sound could be improved. The Sims, although human speak a language not known to any man, or god for that matter. And the music in the game is enough to make you want to take your Sim and go postal on some Sim Postal outlet.
Suggestions: Give it up, it's boring.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is realistic, with true to the game entrance themes and custom moves from all of the top wrestlers in the WWF. Controls are naturally a bit complex but don't take long to learn and after a few rounds in the squared circle you will understand the majority of the moves needed to successfully win a match.
Graphics: Graphics are great, very realistic. The moves are smooth and the visuals are very well done. Full marks in this dept.
Audio: The sounds in this game are also top notch. True to form entrance themes and the smack of a chair hitting an opponant over the head. Combine this with the visuals and it feels like you are in the arena.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work. Keep adding wrestlers, perhaps have an interview scene or allow the wrestlers to go behind the stage. Also would be cool to be able to drop opponants on announcer tables etc...
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Enjoyable gameplay, various levels of difficulty. Multiplayer is lots of fun going head to head with friends.
Graphics: Graphics aren't spectacular but they aren't horrible either. It's a nice blend that looks quite realistic.
Audio: Sounds were very good, bikes sounded like bikes, trucks like trucks and cars like cars. What more do you want? Music that was on the game wasn't bad either.
Suggestions: Keep working at it, you are on the right track. Perhaps allow for break downs a little bit more leway to allow for off road driving. But beyond that keep it up.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is great. Realistic scenery and driving simulation. The cars look realistic and handle just like one would expect them too in real life. Too bad you can't take out pedestrians.
Graphics: As with 1 and 2 this game looks fabulous. The cars look great as always. It would be nice if the buidings had a more realistic feel to them or even that were more to drive through but beyond that it's great.
Audio: The sounds could be a bit better. Many of the vehicles sound the same with a deeper tone used for trucks and busses. Overall though this isn't too big of a deal and it doesn't take away from the game's enjoyment.
Suggestions: Keep building on the realism. Perhaps make it so that you can squeel your tyres on pick-up. Perhaps get some more trucks in to the game. Increase the level of damage that is displayed on the civilian vehicles that are hit. Perhaps when a traffic light is taken out have it cause traffic chaos. Have a police chase mode where the cops can actually catch you. Make it so that a police cruiser can also become disabled by crashing into things. Lots of things can be done to spice this game up for MTM 4
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is a very smooth game to play. Multiple gameplay options to chose from. Each with it's own set of individual challenges and difficulty levels. The game also offers a variety of different vehicles to select from for the race each of which can be custom tuned for maximum performance on each track.
Graphics: The graphics are out of this world. Each vehicle is fully 3D and the course itself also features exceptional graphics.
Audio: This game also features realistic sound. The soundtrack for this game is also awesome and if you have your favorite tracks copyied onto your system you can add them to the game soundtrack and race to your favorite tunes.
Suggestions: The only suggestion I would have for the developers is to make damage a bit more realistic. Also would suggest that scenery be a bit more realistic in the sense that if you hit a shrub it should be knocked down and possibly into the track itself. Other than that this is a great game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay in this game has improved 100% over NHL 2003 with smoother gameplay and the added ability to play behind the net. However I feel that it is much harder to get the big monster hits that you could get in NHL 2003.
Graphics: The graphics in NHL 2004 are much sleaker than those of it's predecesers. Every year the players and their movement get more realistic but the developers don't seem to do anything with the crowds. Well I'm pleased to see some improvement in this department with 2K4 but still much work needs to be done.
Audio: The sound is very realistic. The fx from the gameplay are awesome however I find that the commentary is much more dry than the sometimes comedic commentary in NHL 2003. Great soundtrack on the game as well for stoppages of play which also adds to the realism.
Suggestions: Keep working at it. You say "if it's in the game, it's in the game!" in your ads but with NHL 2004 it isn't really true. I would suggest when improving a game in certain areas it isn't recomended to take away from other areas. Overall a very enjoyable gaming experience.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10