Average Overall Score Given: 7.83333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Halo: Combat Evolved

Gameplay: Keeps you up all night long. I know it keeps me up. I nearly got fired about a month ago because I was late
Graphics: Pure beauty. Until I see a game that has the good graphics during your playing too, and not just during a video clip, tell me
Audio: Have I died and gone to Heaven, the Cahnts are't those of Satan. Unless Satan has the kind of Demons where they mimic angels?
Suggestions: Have you ever heard of Planetside? A truly great game too, but for any other games you guys are making, make it where the thousands of people can play at once. Redwolf
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: "Great" the games gameplay is pretty good. A minor problem is that a fighting game will get old, even DOA3. Still good though, I play it every once and awhile.
Graphics: The Best part, probably the part that conviced me to give it a 4.5. The graphics are beautiful and are probably the best out there.
Audio: Good music too. Aerosmith's songs are good. The theme song with the cats hissing is pretty cool.Plus the hit and effect is perfect.
Suggestions: Great game, it would be nice if you could add some mini games on DOA4.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game was great. The multiplayer On it was the main highlight. I play with bots and human friends.
Graphics: The visual for this game is pretty good. I think that they could've made a bit of a change on some of the graphics. But there also wasnt enough blood.
Audio: The music on the game was ok, But the sound effects were great. Like the explosions were realistic and all.
Suggestions: I like your game a lot, Keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gets boring in about 2 hours. Same weapons and reactions throughout the game, a little funny at first though.
Graphics: Good graphics, the cel shading was pretty cool, you know with the cartoons and all the colors with gizmos.
Audio: Sound was decent, I think I could make all those noises with my own voice "POW! KABOOM!" see how good I am.
Suggestions: Stay away from making a sequel.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Bad story, looks like something someone came up with while eating dinner and are looking at their food and seeing hamburger discs of meat power, and little blue guys trying to protect it.
Graphics: The graphics werent so bad, but good graphics with a bad game will bring nothing to the table. I would rather play a game with bad graphics with a fun game.
Audio: Sound wasnt too disgracing.But the music will get annoying after 2 hours. I honestly would rather pop in a fat lady blowing her lungs out then listen to another song.
Suggestions: You could've tried much harder honestly, make good games not good graphics.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game is pretty fun with the challenges after you beat the game. After a month though, it could be a little bit too boring.Only people who like this genre or is a fan should buy it. The controls are not too difficult after an hour or so.
Graphics: Nothing impressive, but still looks like an Xbox game. Even though I think even PS2 could easily handle the graphics(I hate PS2 just to let you know), its a bit too edgy.
Audio: The sound effects of this game are pretty good and helped it raise its score. The voice of wolverine sounds just like him, or are in fact, played by him.
Suggestions: You made a good game that has some flaws.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10