Average Overall Score Given: 7.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 22
Conflict: Desert Storm II : Back to Baghdad

Gameplay: The gameplay doesnt get repetetive. When you are trying to gun down some rag-heads, a tank comes at you and makes it a lot more interesting.
Graphics: The graphics arent exactly the best, but they arent the worst. They are just basically the graphics that your on the first Conflict Desert Storm.
Audio: Excelent Sound, that is all I can say.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: very easy controls, just like halo. They are very easy to pick up on. The game sort of freaked me out. Like when the Uber-Soldats would march towards me and my friend.
Graphics: I would give the game a 5 for when te game is in Single Player, but when it is in Co-operative, the graphics get a little worse, down to a 4. So I'll have to make it 4.5
Audio: Very good sounds effects, thats all i can say.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: As I said, the game gets way to repetive. Games like that get really boring. But i have to admint, the game was fun at the start.
Graphics: I liked the graphics for the game. Especially looking at summer (if you know what I mean)........... but at times, the graphics got pretty sloppy
Audio: The game got too repetitive when it came to sounds. "ooh! ah! WHAM!" so it got me pretty annoyed. but the quality was pretty good.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very awsome. It is the coolest game ever. But if it had Multiplayer, it would no doubtly be the best game of the year.
Graphics: Great graphics. Especially when it plays the planned cinimatics. It is just like a movie. It is good enough the beat the game again.
Audio: Great sounds. that is all i can say.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10