Outlaw Volleyball (Original Xbox) by Simon & Schuster Interactive

Outlaw Volleyball (Xbox) by Simon & Schuster Interactive Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: July 8, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.50 / 10

Outlaw fans have been waiting for the next installment from the Outlaw franchise and it?s back with a bigger set of balls in the form of Outlaw Volleyball. Outlaw Volleyball is nothing like Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball, except for the Volleyball part."

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Outlaw Volleyball combines the fun gameplay of Virtua Tennis 2K2 with the outrageous humor of Outlaw Golf and South Park. The game is sand volleyball in 16 different environments featuring 16 characters, each of whom are available as teammates or opponents. Feel the action as you Spike or Die with fabulous babes and guys with attitude. Up to four people can compete as they dive, spike, jump and lob the ball for total victory. Play well and your team will gain momentum, play badly and so will your team. It's Hot Babes! Hot Spikes! Hot Sand! on your Xbox!

Cheat Codes

      Get Bombs on Court:
During a exhibition or random play mode with time bomb option enabled HOLD Left trigger and press A, B(x2), Y, A + X
      Unlock All Characters:
Go to exhibition then to the character select screen and HOLD Left Trigger and press Left, White, Right, White. A sound will indicate correct code entry
      Get a Free Fight Token:
In exhibition mode HOLD Left trigger and press White(x3)
      Get Max Stats:
In exhibition mode HOLD Right trigger and press Left, White, Right, White
      Big Chest Mode:
During gameplay Hold Left trigger and press B, Up(x2), B, Y
      Big Head Mode:
During gameplay Hold Left trigger and press B, A, B, Y
      All Courts:
Go to exhibition or random play mode and HOLD L and press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left(x2), Right(x2). A sound will indicate correct code entry
      Unlock New Courts:
Go to the character select screen and HOLD Left Trigger and press Up, Down, Up, Left(x2), Right

User Reviews

Score: 85
Overall User Average: 8.22 / 10 (85.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.22 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.67 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.00 / 10
Date reviewed: October 28, 2003.

Overall: This game was some good fun... Definitely a one of a kind volleyball game. Its not soooo replayable, but fun to try out as a rent or to borrow from a friend.
Playing it on Live could be fun, but I have not dont this due to the fact.... Well, nobody plays it, but if you found some guy on(whod probably be canadian)Id bet you enjoy playing it online. Im not so sure as to how long though.
Gameplay: Its fun to hear the funny comments from the announcer and see the player reactions, but they have limited things to say. The same things happen... ball over net ball back over net. I recommend this game for multiplayer and chilling with friends kinds thing.
Graphics: The visuals were nice. Especially Summers visuals. LoL. The game also have bigger b00bs code. Yay. No but seriously the game had presentable graphics and good detail in some places, although they could have done much better in most others.
Sound: There was something I loved about this game sounds. Custom Soundtracks. One of Xbox's possibilities that more games should start to put in use. Nothing like playing a game with mediocre sound FX while jammin' to your favorite tunes.
Suggestions: Give more variation and replay value.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: October 7, 2003.

Overall: Who would've thunk volleyball could be so much fun. Although the presentation of this game is good it gets old quick. Under the rude humorous shell is an highly entertaining videogame.

Gameplay: The single player game is solid with some fun mini games. These mini games allow you to earn attribute points that can then be used to upgrade a players abilities as well as fine tune your gameplay skills. The multiplayer modes are where the game really shines. Two on two is ok but its a truely excellent party game with four players. I even got my wife addicted to it and she could care less about videogames. The controls are easy to learn yet take a good amount time to truly master. You can pick fights with an opposing team member which is funa at first but don't involve much depth and eventually get boring after a short time. I could go on and on but I won't. Overall this game is must for someone with access to three other players and a rent first for everyone else.
Graphics: The graphics are very pleasing to the eyes. I've only noticed a small bit of framerate drop here an there and it didn't affect gameplay whatsoever. The characters are highly detailed with very good animation.
Sound: I give this game a four just for supporting user soundtracks, all sports games on the Xbox should! The annoucer is entertaining but doesn't have much to say and gets repitive after an hour of play. The voice acting for the characters is very good but like the announcer are also limited.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 14, 2003.

Overall: This game was great at the time, but then i started to play the game during the night, and i noticed something. The game gets way to repetitive. So then it started to get boring and i quit playing it.
Gameplay: As I said, the game gets way to repetive. Games like that get really boring. But i have to admint, the game was fun at the start.
Graphics: I liked the graphics for the game. Especially looking at summer (if you know what I mean)........... but at times, the graphics got pretty sloppy
Sound: The game got too repetitive when it came to sounds. "ooh! ah! WHAM!" so it got me pretty annoyed. but the quality was pretty good.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 2, 2003.

Overall: Outlaw Volleyball is one heck of a fun game in both the single player mode and as a party game with up to 4 people. I really got a kick out of the sense of humor and fun gameplay. It was very easy to pick up and play and was very challenging to try to beat all of the tourneys and unlock all of the characters and swimsuits (not an easy task).
Gameplay: You have a lot of control over the action on the volleyball court and there are a lot of play modes that make it a blast to play. If I had one complaint it would be that the computer AI seems too good at times, especially in the later tourneys.
Graphics: OV has a good look to it, and that's not just because of the half naked ladies (but that didn't hurt it either!). The scenery and characters look very good.
Sound: OV takes advantage of the Xbox by using the custom soundtrack feature, which was terrific. All the other sounds were also fine.
Suggestions: Great addictive game, hope to see more Outlaw games.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 26, 2003.

Overall: Aside from a couple annoying flaws, this is a very fun game. Outlaw Volleyball has it all...loads of funny characters, volleyball courts, Xbox Live, unlockables, solid gameplay, and more. I liked the announcer for the first few games, but it got real old fast and became too repetitive. Also it takes way too long to unlock everything. I'm almost at the end of the game (I have two tournements left), but have been playing forever. I still haven't unlocked Harvest yet. So, I've played for over 20 hours and still can't play a character I wanted to. The difficulty gets way too hard near the end. It goes from easy to very hard without any in between. But, overall it is very fun and is very addictive to play and try to unlock everything.
Gameplay: This is where this game shines. It has a lot of different types of gameplay. There is different types of gameplays such as a hot potato and one where bombs explode on the court while you are trying to play. It also has Xbox Live, which was fun, but I did experience a little lag at times on it. I liked how each player has a unique super spike. I did not like the fighting (you can fight your opponent to gain momentum)as it was basically a two button masher and did not feel right.
Graphics: Can't think of much to complain about here. It is definately not as pretty as the DOA Volleyball game, but the volleyball courts look good (they have jungles, graveyards, sewers, prisons, and more). The characters are funny. I liked Summer and Liz the best, but I haven't unlocked Harvest or Killer Miller yet, so who knows.
Sound: The sounds and voice acting is very good. It also uses the custom soundtracks, but you can't change the song on the fly during a game. I thought the announcer was funny for a bit until I heard everything 10,000 times and then it got annoying.
Suggestions: Make the difficulty ramp a little slower and not so jarring. More commentary so it is not so repetitive. Don't make it take so long to unlock all the characters because if you like Killer Miller it'll take 30 hours or so to unlock him.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 9, 2003.

Overall: This game is addicting, the controls are ez because their are only 3 buttons to choose from to hit the ball over to the other side, the graphics are clear and clean, the characters are detailed as well, their are many different characters to choose from but they only give the player 4 to start from then they the other characters have to be won. Overall a great summer game!
Gameplay: pick up and play, their are 2 people on each side, you control one and the rest are CPU's, the CPU on your side will almost always get the ball as well as the other side, which makes this game kind of hard, if you want to be good in this game you have to practice, alot. and if your going online make sure your character is good enough to play because their is competition out there.
Graphics: the game graphics are great, their smoothe and well formed, even the ladies in the game, really nice t and a action, coo bikinis, the characters hair sways around, the sand blown in the wind when steped on etc etc.
Sound: the good thing is soundtrack capabilities, even when you play online, the voice acting is also great, with funny yet sometimes annoying voice anouncer.
Suggestions: when playing online when u set up a game for armatures u should have a capabilities for only armatures to play each other or only pros to play together because it seems anyone can join a game, other then that the game is an awsome summer pick and play game thats even more fun online.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: July 10, 2003.

Overall: Arcade/Simulation Volleyball with the most outrageous characters to play the game! Hypnotix is quickly becoming a force in the game industry by creating unique sports games that will appeal to hardcore, moderate, and occasional gamers.
Gameplay: Gameplay is solid. Takes a few to get used to. The ability to control bumps and spikes is great. You can decide exactly where do aim the bump or spike. Turbo and Turbo moves are well implemented and actual become very vital to your success on the tour (single player mode) and on XBL (OHH YEAH). Of course beating your opponent and stealing their composure is much fun. The humor is awesome, they manage to push the humor found in Outlaw Golf to the next level. I had to watch the tutorials several times as they are extremely comical.

You can build your characters by running thru drills. It also helps to improve your skills. The game features several game modes, Exhibition, Tour, and Random play. Random play is good for practicing without messing up your tour stats.

XBL rules baby.. On XBL you can play best of 3, single games and many more. You can also choose to play rally rules or side out rules (must serve to score point). The usual goodies are included, stats, friends, match making, etc.
Graphics: Note: I play in HDTV with a 17 inch LCD Display using a HDTV to VGA adapter. Graphics quality is better than TV (NON HDTV). I only say this so their is no argument about comments regarding graphics.

Graphics are much improved from Outlaw Golf. The use of bump mapping on characters models is astounding. For instance Shawnee tan skin looks very real, displaying texture. Leon's skin texture and muscle definition is very good. AA is used in most in-game cut scenes and Gameplay. Everything from the sand (which can be kicked up when running) to the details in all environments is very up to XBOX standards. Job well done.
Sound: Sound is nothing great, the usual 5.1 support plus the game features awesome commentary from Steve Carell from the Daily Show. His game commentary is now legendary. Bringing hours of enjoyment to the game. As expected, soundtracks are supported, YES!
Suggestions: I am not going to nag.. This game is very good. I will think later on improvements. For the meantime, I am going to enjoy the game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Outlaw Volleyball News

Last Night for Outlaw Volleyball Giveaway
Thanks to Simon and Schuster for this Giveaway. 10 People are very happy this weekend!

Outlaw Volleyball Winners!
Our Giveaway started tonight in the chatroom. Check out who won tonight!

Outlaw Volleyball Giveaway!
XBox Addict and Simon & Schuster are teaming up for an Outlaw Volleyball Giveaway in the chatroom THIS WEEKEND!

’Outlaw’ tours with Lollapalooza
Simon & Schuster Interactive announced today that "Outlaw Volleyball," the humorous, gameplay driven sports title for Xbox has hit the road with Lollapalooza.

Outlaw Volleyball Ships with BONUS!
This highly anticipated game finally ships & the first 150,000 copies has a bonus included!

Music Video Features Outlaw's Summer
First Music Video for Rock Band 'Diffuser' to Feature Xbox Videogame Stars 'Summer' and 'Ice Trey'

Outlaws' Summer gets her own website!
DearSummer.com Gives Fans a Chance to Seek Advice from "Summer," Get Cooking Tips from "Country Clem" and Much More

Outlaw Volleyball Gets Killer Music
Outlaw Volleyball Details
Amazing Outlaw Volleyball Screenshots

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