Average Overall Score Given: 9.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 161
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

Gameplay: it has at least 50 missions and they arnt no walk in the park. it will you take you more than one time and maybe more than 2 if you want to do everything right. they take you from cities to out in the woods.
Graphics: the graphics are good but could be a little better sometimes. but i cant complain about them. with everything this game has the graphics dont look to bad.
Audio: the sound is great. the bombs will actually effect the volume of the sound if one hits near you. the guns sound good and this is one of the best things they did.
Suggestions: keep up the good work, maybe next time give us 3 squads instead of 2.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Compared to the other racer games i have played i like this one the best. I dont know why i like it but i do. The Cop mode is fun but needs to be updated more. They need to let you turn off your sirns wants you turn them on. It still kind of reminds me of the old N4S on the psx. But Other than that everything in it is good.
Graphics: The graphics need to be updated a little. At least we dont have the fog to block out what will be coming up. When you go through the grass you can see dirt flying up but sometimes the enviroment looks kinda weird. This is also what happens with the cars sometimes. But the graphics are above average.
Audio: They went out and got some good bands. But i dont really care for some of the music they put on this game. The cops sound real and the cars engines sound ok. Would be nice if the cars all have differnet horns.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Dynasty mode is a cool new feature. They should have added this to football games a long time ago.
Graphics: WOW! The graphics are great. It all runs so smooth it looks real. My mom thought that i was watching a real football game when she walked in the room and saw it on the TV. These are the best graphics that i have seen on a football game.
Audio: Not the best sound but its decent. fix it up a little bit and it would make this game a 5/5. I dont hear to much being repeated so you dont have to worry about listening to the same stuff the whole time.
Suggestions: FIX THE AUDIO!!! one guy talks and then another voice says the persons name.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10