Average Overall Score Given: 6.55556 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 60
Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Gameplay: fighting is terrible, and fighitng is what this game revolves around. story line is ok, and its easy to screw up.
Graphics: fuzzy. one big word that discribes it, and the throwing stars dont spin. that bugged the crud outta me.
Audio: repetitive, horrible why wont xbox use their famous custom sounds more often? its really dumb that they dont.
Suggestions: well, more weapons, and fix the fighting system, and dont make it so easy to screw up the story line, like when i kill someone for property, and join a faction, then i find out i have to do something with that person and i cant get around it. then im stuck in that class of that faction. and less glitches, likedo what blizzard does and spend time polishing. try sending out beta testing kits.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: well, theres no missing, the reticles are always centered, and u never miss a shot, the TOMMY GUN shoots a str8 line. WOW, and theres a giant horde of monsters always comming at you, and its basically just how long u can hold down the trigger.
Graphics: catoony, v-games are going down the toilet b/c of cell-shading. cell shading is all right, but lets face it, what would u rather see, some cartoons beat eachother up, or the smooth refreshing crisp looks of games like DOA beat eachother up? hmm?
Audio: horrible, doesnt sound good at all, scince the game is in egypt, it sounds like something you would hear if u were walking down the streets of amid-east country.
Suggestions: nothing u can do could save this terrible game.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: smooth, you can run around, theres diving, hanging, climbing, sneaking, peeking. and I love it. this game is easy to pick up and play.
Graphics: smooth, the visual textures are great, suits are done well. even little cameras are done well, and theres gore GA-LORE!
Audio: fine, its ok, its...mediocre, not great, not bad, well, the SFX are great, but the audio music is ...alright.
Suggestions: wheres the skate-boarding i was promised?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: little stiff.. alright though, sam fisher (main char) cant shoot a gun worth dung, the reticles could be perfecty alignet with someones head with the pistol, but you would miss a mile off. and u cant lose anyone, when u get cought by someone, its over, u could jump thru a blackhole and someone could see you and aim perfectly. i was furiated at this game.
Graphics: fuzzy graphics, prefected lighting. though it puzzles me how no one can see sam's goggles in the dark. hmm?
Audio: so-so, not great, not bad, SFX are better than sound cause sound is not too great.
Suggestions: make it so u can lose your enemy, and so sam knows how to shoot a darn pistol.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: horrible, i just cant explain how bad, the stages are so confusing, and u have to jump around alot and u fall and have to restart alot.
Graphics: sega, which indicated one thing: shiny. seems like theres always something shiny in sega games, i dnno, its probably just me. anyway, the vusual effects are ok, but the aliens look terrbile, like one of the bosses is a big baby? whats up with that!?
Audio: not good, not good at all, cant stand it, sega can get u amped about a game, but cant follow thru with a good game at all, sound is poor, doesnt get u amped at all. I couldnt stand it. I personally want music that gets me amped and comming back 4 more, music in a game means ALOT to me.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: its fine, the controller setup couldnt be any better or worse, but the ghosts move soo slowly, its alright, but frustrating.
Graphics: fuzzy, terrible, trees and foliage are done crapfully. i dont know what's with this. this game had potential and failed. cant see you hold your gun? thats torment!
Audio: sound is alright, u hear your teammates tell you "enemy down" and stuff, the music is ok, u can hear birds chirp, gun sounds dont sound too great, its fine though.
Suggestions: i wanna see my gun!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: great, the controller setup has set a standard for FPS games to come. its smooth, u can set your sensitivity, and the enemie's AI is pretty well done. the vehicles are loads of fun.
Graphics: well done, lighting effects are gr8, the landscape is beutiful, could use a little more plants and shrubbery.
Audio: brutal, this music gets u amped for the game, and the SFX are well done with all the lazers and stuff, the bullet sounds, shield regenerators.
Suggestions: I want to be able to shoot thru certain walls, like on counter strike.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: well, the fighting is crap, but its an online game, so i guess it makes it fair. you only have 2 modes of speed: walk and jog. that made me angry.
Graphics: well, as my friend said as we were running thru one of the levels, we saw flashing lights and he said: no wonder the japenese have seizures so much, why do they do this to themselves? but besides that, they are not too gr8. lazers are done well though.
Audio: poor, repetitive, cant stand it any longer. its all slow techno and crap, its horrible and i want custom sound tracks.
Suggestions: more char models, and more freedom on char design.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: exactly like halo. the running, the shooting, hold x to do stuff, press x to reload, jump, run, shoot, and outgun. the major difference is more mines, and one car(hawk) gets a dagger.
Graphics: the scenary was good, they tried, but the plants were horrible, i was stabbed by trees and bushes alot. basically everyhting else i was OK with, especially when u get hurt your char see's all blurry. and when u play multiplayer split-screen, your character is all squished and distorted. i couldnt stand it.
Audio: it was great, the birds chirping, lava flowing, lasers blasting, guns blazing. i was pretty good with all the sounds that emmerged you into the game. Good Job!
Suggestions: make money usefull, i want to buy armor and guns for when i am deployed. none of this teleportation crap, i want to rondevous with the space shuttle to get us out. make a lvling up system, that way theres more replay value. put more strategy in the game. might as well play halo again. i couldnt stand it. i want to sneak with hawk, snipe with flint, and use tex and brutus as a BACKUP plan.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10