MEMBER PROFILE FOR wheatus-frog-uk
Average Overall Score Given: 7.90000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 89
Wreckless: The Yakuza Mission

Gameplay: The gameplay, at first seems perfect. The controls make for a very easy pick up and play game and at first the missions are varried and keep the game afloat. Soon after you realise much of the game revolves around luck. This game is like some kind of drug though. You dont want to leave it, but you cant take anymore of it. Sounds like a match made in heaven? Very wrong! I found myself soon replacing it with another game. Strangly enough i soon came back to it though! Its the kinda of game you will want to put on every so often and play through those first few moments of bliss again, and again, and again. I would sum this up as a bit of a super technicle demo. But £45 (or whatever this is in US$) is a bit steep for a demo.
Graphics: The graphics are most certainly the best part of this game. The game has only once ever gone into slow down while i was playing. If there ever was a reason to play this, it was to show off the graphics. Very nice! Still not Halo, but nice all the same.
Audio: The sound in this game is simply mediocre. The sound soon gets tired and you want to turn the sound down on the TV, and play some music through your hi-fi. The sound in this game would be much better if you could use custom soundtracks - I am pretty sure that you cannot, but maybe there is a way. In general music could be better.
Suggestions: Just basic improvements would be nice. My main quarms have already been stated, if they were ironed out then we would ahve a great game!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

I really cannot wait til i find the money to get it.
Gameplay: Amazing. Huge areas to explore, and everywhere is as equally fun as the last part. And if and when u do get bored, create your own park!
Graphics: The graphics are notnearth shattering, yet good enough to understand. I feel the xbox could do far ebtter however.
Audio: The sound suits the game, even if u dont like this catagory, you will still enjoy it, it just suits the game so well.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. It will last you ages, however ou may get annoyed and leave it for a long strech.
Graphics: The graphics rule. The sun glare, may be kinda reminding of the 1997 racing games on ps1, but it suits and everything is really nice.
Audio: The sound is great. Supports custom soundtrack, and nearly all of the 200+ songs on that game rule. Worth getting the game just for the music.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very boring, and similar mini games, dont bring you back wanting to do any better. Maybe every now and then you will come back to it, but i certainly wont.
Graphics: Not to impresive, The xbox can do far more than this. It just dont look as good as it could/should.
Audio: To be honest, i havn't really listened to the sound on it before... i guess this is quite dumb, but i really havn't listened like other games absorb you into lsitening.
Suggestions: Make the game a more long lasting game.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is like any other sort of beat 'em up. try to kick hell out of your opponent. This, after a while, becomes very boring in 1 player mode, and two player mode isn't really anything to shout about. The interactive scenery is cool however.
Graphics: The graphics of this game rock. Simply awesome. I could go on for hours about the graphics, instead i will pick up 1 aspect that i love. A game where the snow setles and builds up, and you leaves marsk, etc... nice job guys!
Audio: The sound sucks. The usual groans from both fighters. And how stupid is it, that all the characters speak japanese, when most people are from other places, such as france and uk.
Suggestions: Make the weather and scenery affect other players individually. Like if you aint wearing much clothing and its col, you performance is lowered. Things like this would really add another level to the game.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is not bad. The controlls take a while to get used too, but once you got them sorted its just you and the Well I think they have tried to make this accesible for non-surfin dudes, by making a few arcades chalenges to it, i mean since when have you seen any surfer dude on TV trying to rescue dolphins, or scare birds. This would be good, yet there are still areas which make it hard for non surfers to grasp... terminology.. some of the chalenges dont make any sence to most people. But if you like surfing then you will love this game, even getting to be your fave surfer.
Graphics: The visual appeal is quite varied. The sea is perfect, being able to see below the water is quite cool. The surfers and back drops really let the game down though. These graphics are no-where near as special as the water effects.
Audio: The sound in the game is ok, but if you like too songs, and they are in different catagorys, you cant listen to them bothy without chaging soundtrack. Bummer. The custom soundtrack is good however!
Suggestions: Jus polish up this game, and you got a winner.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay really is great. The main objective of the game is to spray your graffiti tags all over a futuristic Tokyo. This may not sound great, but is alot of fun! The mini challenges are a welcome, breaking up the main graffiti style of the game.
Graphics: Now... im not really into cel shading. I hated it when i first seen it, and i have grown to like it. ALOT. Still no match to halo though. I couldn't see this game in any of visual style.
Audio: The sound is not really my kinda music, yet really suits the game. A custom soundtrack would be nice.
Suggestions: Let us be able to use custom soundtracks!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is this game, really revolves around 'Kudos'. You will be awarded with 'Kudos' everytime you do something in style. This adds reply value to the game, and leaves you with a sense of acheivement. There are a mass of tracks, with a few excellent cars. This game will last you ages. I, personally, think that i am not too shabby at racing games, yet i have been playing it for about 26 hours, and still the end of the game is know where in site.
Graphics: The game has a mixed visual appeal. The cars look pixel perfect. Infact you feel you could go and touch them. However, the backdrop of the game seems to lack some spirit. This doesn't detract from the fun at all, infact you never have time to look at the scenery anyway.
Audio: The sound in the game is Ok, nothing special, but as the music changes depending on the in game radio station and the city you are racing in, it makes it far better. After a while you will become slightly bored of the in game music, but then there is the option to use your own music, so there is no problem.
Suggestions: Please bring out PGR2, more cars, more tracks.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay... rocks.....not to hard..... not really easy though... when you boot up to a harder skill level. multi player, is huge and keeps lastibility high.
Graphics: Graphics...... simply AWESOME.. they really do rock... all the guns are perfect, and all is simply great.
Audio: Sound is great, it would have been nicer for a bit more communication between the teams... but well .... this is more than great neway
Suggestions: Bring out Halo 2
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10