Average Overall Score Given: 9.16667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
MX vs. ATV Unleashed

However I am EXTREMLY disapointed that this game DOES NOT have system link.... After all the talk about have system link in the game and they don't put it in....... Argggggg
Gameplay: The handling in the game is great. If I could get away with just typing that I would. The way the bike handles and the landings too me is perfect mabe lacking for some but for someone that doesn't ride in real life it's great.
Graphics: Well I don't see any improvements from MX Unleashed as far as graphics are concerned however they do make it look dammm good. I have ZERO complaints on the visual aspect of the game.
Audio: Well I don't know what this other guy was thinking but the game DOES HAVE Dolby Digital 5.1 mabe you should check your receiver buddy....
And well it's too bad that your missing out on the sound cause it is awesome.
Suggestions: They should get with the program cause they need to implement system link in there games... You know this is the second game without well guess what three times your out... I don't think that i'd play a third game if they don't have system link in it. Like what's your F@%$ing problem XBOX Live! but no system link what are you thinking. Dammm some of us don't play on Live! (puke) we use XBConnect (smile) I don't see the point in paying for Live! anyways that's another topic on it's own.
Next game better have System Link!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: If only I was aloud to have just one word, it would be "Addictive" The showdowns are the best part of the game the story line is good. A few glitches with people getting stuck somewhere, making it harder to kill that person. Overall very fun a must have in the collection
Graphics: Visually not the best i've seen. The people in the game don't look as real as they possibly could look. The menu layout is very nice the old west rustic type look makes you want to play the next level instead of going to bed....
Audio: Really not much to say about the sound there was some good effort put into the sound, however laking something i'm not too sure what it is but it just laks something. Overall the sound effects are good.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is by far the best out of all the other NFS Games.... Except mabe Porche Unleashed the handling in that game was amazing. The handling in this game is about as real as it's going to get. Since i've driven a few of the cars in the game I can say that they CAN take the corners like they do in the game... But please don't try this leave it for the Pro's to do !
Graphics: WOOOOOOOOOOOOW Graphics are well WOW. Love the way the the lights blury when you get moving cause well they do that in real life too. Love the buildings they have the detail then when you go faster it just blurs it's Great !
Audio: This is an area were some people might not agree on... The sound of the cars are not perfect but hey every game has a fault this is this games. The tunes are motivating make you just want to pull the trigger through the controller !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great. That's really I can say. The angles are good. Being able to take the positions of the other team members when you die is an excellent feature.
Graphics: It's nice to see that some things don't change mabe it's just me but I don't see any difference in the visual aspect of the game from the previous RS Games.
Audio: Sound is the best..... Makes having a good stereo worth it. The music well who cares you want to hear that guy coming around the corner not a kick a$$ tune. Leave the songs for other games.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Having the slow motion is great reminds me off Max Payne, allthough he could not jump as far :) Moving around is easy and quick to pickup on for someone just starting the game.
Graphics: Visually the game looks great no complaints here. Some glitchs here and there but nothing to cry over.
Audio: Love the music makes me feel like i'm really there. Just like in the movie. The sound effects are good. i'm not much of a sound person as long as I can hear someone walking towards me and I hear gun shots that's more than good enough for me.
Suggestions: Ability to save game whenever you want ! Other than that when is the next matrix game due out ?
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

The overall gameplay was good I liked it. Not as good as NFS Hot Pursuit however good none the less.
Visual was great I loved every accident that happened ummm when I was in the crash mode of course :)
I however did not like the sound. The sound track got boring really fast. Sound effects were good burnouts, crashes etc.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10