MEMBER PROFILE FOR halosniperpro
Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack

Gameplay: The gameplay is amazine. Their are no complaints. You do anything you want and its a pretty fun driving game. The shooting is pretty good. Not the best but good. Frame Rates get blochy often though.
Graphics: Wow now this is where i have my doubts in. Usually you look at an xbox game and its gorgeous. Not in this case. Grand Theft Auto has good vehicle models and building models. The light shading is good as well. The character models compared to other games are horrible. I look at the girls in Grand Theft Auto and i wonder, WOW thats disgusting. How about seeing CANDY SUXXX and MERCEDES in DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball graphics. It would be heaven. Hopefully next GTA game first comes to XBOX and hopefully they will make it exclusive and fix the visual problems.
Audio: The sound is amazing. You have the cuban voice overs which are really good. The haitains are good voicing too. Tommy's voice by Ray Liotta is great. Jenna Jameson makes candy suxxx character seem like a real porn star. The radio stations are awesome. The old songs fit the era so its all good. Plus you dont like the music dont complain, put on your own music. KCHAT is hilarious. No complaints on sound
Suggestions: Please make the graphics much more improved and online could work with this game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. You can do anything you want. You can either be a sith or a Jedi. The path you choose depends on the actions you make. The puzzles range from ratherly easy to franticly challenging.
Graphics: The graphics are good but not great. There seemed to be some character model problems but not major. The environments look gorgeous. The weapons and vehicles look amazine. Other than the slight charcter jerkyness the graphics are amazing. Sometimes when you fight you dont even hit the guy and he falls down but again all minor problems
Audio: The sound is epic. Whenever you have John Williams doing your score you arent going to lose. His original movie scores along with some scores from Episode 1 and 2 are involved as well. The sound of the ships and weapons are on the money as well. The sound is absolutely flawless.
Suggestions: Fix the character models just a tad
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is realistic. It plays smoothly and it does things rights. I just hate that its kinda hard to react to its quick speed of pitching.
Graphics: I personally hate the graphics. It has nice stadiums but the view and overall graphics are pretty ugly.
Audio: The music is ok. I mean the music doesnt do anything in a baseball game. Its just there to add style to the game.
Suggestions: improve the graphics and make it a little easier to hit
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10