Average Overall Score Given: 8.63636 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay

Gameplay: A great combination of stealth and action (ie. kill everything) with variation built in if you prefer one or the other. The first-person view seemlessly transitions to 3rd person when you interact with specific things in your environment. Sometimes it's difficult to pull of combo attacks, which can be frustrating.
Graphics: 3 words: Holy, F*cking, and Sh*t (in that order) Xbox magazine said it was the best looking game they had ever seen and I tend to agree. The "normal mapping" technology, combined with dynamic lighting make the visuals breathtakingly gorgeous. Even simple interaction with NPC characters is a visual feast. Occasional anti-aliasing issues don't really detract from the overall effect.
Audio: Great effects, great ambient music, great voice acting - 5.1 mix - you couldn't ask for a better audio experience.
Suggestions: Very well done. More please!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: A 3rd person kill-fest which actually throws in some great strategy and rewards you for exploration of the large and visually impressive levels. Many different weapon types (Each with limited ammunition) add to the strategic element of the game. It's a surprise hit and it's all about the great gameplay.
Now that I've beat the game on single player, I'm looking forward to the muli-player play.
Graphics: Though this came out for multiple systems, the Xbox version is the best (well, duh). Great visual effects, in-game engine cut scenes, level design and look.
Audio: Great sound effects, though I had to turn off the music after about 10 levels (It wasn't terrible though, just.. repetitive)
Suggestions: Where's my sequel?!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: While the fighting is exciting and certainly well designed, the gameplay suffers terribly from the following: CONTINUAL RESPAWNING OF ENEMIES - extremely annoying (especially if they are the explosive-shuriken throwing "black ninjas") Defeating them apparently isn't enough, you come back around a corner and they are waiting for you.. again.. and again.. and again. The only good thing about this is the ability to keep returning to easier enemies (like bats) to pump up your health over 10-15 repetitive battles. Maybe it's just me, but a good game should not make you do this.
FAULTY CAMERA SYSTEM - there are several areas where you must precision jump, yet the clumsy camera and directional system make sure you miss your timed jump - again and again. Much frustration will ensue. STUPID-SILLY DIFFICULTY - Even on the "normal" difficluty, there are areas (helicopter boss comes to mind) where even the best of skills won't be enough - just hope you're close to a save-game point so you don't have far to run before you die AGAIN and AGAIN trying to figure out a strategy to beat your foe. Not my idea of fun (maybe yours though?)
Graphics: Definitely the best part of Ninja Gaiden. Jeebus it's pretty. The enemies are varied and quite impressive graphically - the environments and magical/fire effects are top notch. The rendered cutscenes are hypnotically gorgeous and well done. You really feel rewarded after getting through some tough, tough challenges
Audio: Sound effects are well done, though the "action soundtrack" sticks out as bad and annoying in parts.. good use of 5.1 (yay xbox!)
Suggestions: Challenging shouldn't have to be frustrating. Put save points before EVERY boss battle, because your level of difficulty is too high.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The strength of the game is the large, beautifully crafted (and varied) collection of levels. The game is a tongue-in-cheek, violent, shoot-e adventure that kept me challenged (and lauging) from start to finish. The challenges vary from a 3rd person run-n-shoot, to manning a machine gun turret to mow down hordes of invaders. The variety of weapons and special attacks ensure that it's never quite the same game twice. Oh, and the cut-scenes are hilarious! (a nice reward for completing a level). I especially like the downloadable content (new levels) to keep the game fresh.
Graphics: Stunning! Some levels (forest) are so amazing, that I found myself running around just to look at everything! Varied environments and weather effects create a unique gaming experience.
Audio: good stuff! Sound effects are great and the british/irish voice acting really adds to the uniqueness of the geme
Suggestions: keep the downloads coming, boys!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Well designed! Intuitive, with the ability to learn new techniques as you improve (just like real golf!) The Xbox live features are wonderful and the downloadable content ensures enjoyment for a long, long time.
Graphics: Stunning - A joy to play and watch. Character animations are fluid, "cut scenes" and transition animations are fabulous, courses are amazing. a quality visual game.
Audio: Great sound and effects, the announcers get repetitive, but you can turn them off when you're tired of them.
Suggestions: keep the downloadable courses coming (I like free better) - howabout additional downloadable wardrobes?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It seems to be made for two equally skilled human combatants, but I enjoy the franchise mode as well (though it gets silly-hard pretty quick). Slight improvements over the 20-02 gameplay (you have to work a little harder for your 1-timers now). The amount of custom teams and players is great!
Graphics: It's gorgeous! Player models are fantastic, customized players and arenas look great.
Audio: Can't say I really like the second commentator they added, but the commentary runs just about as smooth as 20-02. Game sounds are good, but not really improved over previous version.
Suggestions: If you don't make the next one live-playable, I'm not buying it!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: symposiumx (below) nailed it with his description of the "hurry up or die" gameplay. Being dropped in a lush, graphic environment is indeed heaven, but being forced to move on without exploring it while you slowly die is hell. good riddance to this game.
Graphics: As with most "Xbox only" titles, this one is might purdy - wish I could've stuck with it to see some of the nice pictures on the back of the box.. oh well.
Audio: Nice heartbeat noises - you'll hear them a lot when you're about to die. All the frickin' time.
Suggestions: What in blazes are you thinking? Fight quick or die? YOU die. (can you tell I'm unhappy with your product?)
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's a little different than other baseball games I've played, but it doesn't really detract from the online play - if anything, it makes it easy to have fun against your human opponent. I can't tell you too much about the season play, as that's not why I bought it.
Graphics: Average animations and models, but it really shines in the department of stadium visuals. I recognised all the features of my hometown (Cleveland) stadium.. cool!
Audio: Good announcing! Game sounds are average, but there are some choice heckles if you listen for 'em..
Suggestions: A little more effort into player animations might make for a better game. Keep the online content coming!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Oh, I suppose it starts off well enough, but after 12 scenarios of the same stuff, retarded "puzzles" and the transport of Indy to a magical realm of moving platforms to jump & swing to was too much for me. Level design flawed - more like "Mario Brothers" than "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (oh look, another chain in the middle of nowhere to swing on!) bleah. Got stuck behind a 1-foot barrier that I couldn't jump over - ended up dying because of it. Full of hate. Good part? Well, the hand-to-hand combat is pretty fun.
Graphics: Not the worst part. Looks like a port sometimes, but overall, the visuals are passable. I would've liked rendered cut scenes rather than the blocky in-game engine.
Audio: Repetitive dialogue, but the sound effects and traditional Indiana Jones music are nice.
Suggestions: Could I have my APEX back?
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: It is the strength of the Midtown Madness series.. It's addictive and fun, with different types of driving challenges that provide hours of entertainment. Checkpoint races, blitz races, and story-based challenges are supplemented by great Xbox Live action!
Graphics: Best looking in the series, the cars, water effects, lighting and building detail are superb. Having spent a fair bit of time in both of the featured cities, I appreciate the details in the environments. (I always wanted to drive through the Arc de Triumph!
Audio: No real flaws with sound execution - Good use of 5.1. I love having the Parisians curse at me after sending them diving for safety.. :)
Suggestions: So far, so good - I would love to race in some past Midtown Madness cities - howabout in downloadable content?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I've never really put the time into straight-up RPGs before (ADD-type attention span, I guess), but this one hooked me and kept me interested for the 47 hours it took me to beat it (Yes, it keeps track to remind you of what a geek you are) I loved every minute (well, except 5 during a silly "tile" puzzle). The character interface is well designed with the ability to "program" your fight/action sequences. Your characters (9 of 'em) progress in levels and equipment, making for a great gameplay experience. Oh, one last thing - the ability to choose dark/light paths add to the game play. I have saved a game and re-tried paths, just to see what happened and was delighted with the variety of story options!
Graphics: While not bleeding edge, they are adequate for the game. Once in a while I would have to stop and click into 1st person view to marvel at the gorgeous environments. All the interiors & exteriors look great (and star wars-y). The graphics never detract from the gaming experience.
Audio: Fantastic - All your favorite Star Wars sounds (and more) - all the aliens speak in their own language! The music is good and compliments the story well.
Suggestions: What's that downloadable content all about? Can't wait for that.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10