Average Overall Score Given: 8.27273 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Halo 2

Gameplay: Controls are smooth. I do miss the scope on the pistol and the night-vision on the sniper scope. LIVE play is where this game really shines!
Graphics: Graphics are awesome. Really wish they would have included 720p support. The split screen for Widescreen HDTV play stinks. There is no option for top/bottom split screen. You have to go into the XBOX setup and set it to an non-widescreen mode for the top/bottom split. Playing with the screen slpit left/right is like playing with blinders on. Sucks. Graphics alone are a 5.
Audio: Sound is best on a Dolby 5.1 system. You can hear someone come up behind you. It really give you a scense of being in the game.
Suggestions: Need more split screen options. Everything else ROCKS!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Multi-player is junk. Dropped games. LAG. LAG. LAG. EA should take notes from Project Gotham 2. It has spoiled me as far as good on-line functionality. It is only 4 player multiplayer. I can see why it is only 4 player. LAG. LAG. LAG. This game is a turd.
EA's servers must be running on a 486 DX/4 with 16 MEG of RAM. It is unplayable. It is unbearable. Also there is not rear-view mirror in 2 palyer mode. No way of looking back to see who you are about to run into. This game bites.
Graphics: Visuals look the same as the past NASCAR titles. The sky looks more realistic. Way to go EA. Another EA title I can aviod next year.
Audio: Sound is good. Thank God for custom soundtracks. Other than custom soundtracks, the sound is nothing to even comment about.
Suggestions: How about a user friendly on line lobby. How about being able to play a game then restart the game without having to re-create the wole !&%$@#* session. How about working out all of the bugs before release date. How about being able to race a multiplayer game without getting dropped or without the LAG.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: The physics of the game are much improved over the original. You can actually feel the mud and snow affect the car performance. The tracks/courses are really well done. 16 player multiplayer adds some chaos to the equation. It rocks.
Graphics: The grass is green. The mud is realistic. The graphics engine is wonderful. HDTV support at 480p makes the experience all the more real.
Audio: If you do not have Dolby 5.1 capability, do yourself a favor and get it. You can hear the cars behind, beside and in front of you. Custom soundtrack support completes the total sound package.
Suggestions: Add 1080i support for HDTV.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Cars look awesome. The gameplay is smoothe as hell. The tracks are very realistic and totally fun to try and master. No Live multiplayer makes this game a flop.
Graphics: Graphics are the best yet. The smoke looks very realistic. The sun shines in your eyes enough to make you squinnt. The cars are nice.
Audio: Sounds like cars crashing and metal smashing. The engine roar could be improved but otherwise the sound is nice.
Suggestions: I will not buy any other EA title until they support online play. I am paying $49.99 for an XBOX title that has less features than the PS2 version. I don't think so. Save your money and buy Thunder 2003 for $19.99. Boycott EA Games until they offer Live support. No Madden Live, No NASCAR Live, no thanks EA.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls are the same as the first PGR. You do have a horn now, which is very cool to blow as you are passing your buddies on the inside. Kudos system is cool, although I wish you could just have access to all of the cars and all of the tracks.
Graphics: Visuals are beautiful. Clouds, birds and even tumbleweeds. Tire smoke, rain, or the landscapes are visually stunning.
Audio: Each car has their own sound. The engine roar is good and the ability for custom soundtracks helps to complete this title.
Suggestions: The Kudos system is cool but we need access to all of the cars and tracks for multiplayer mode.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Kick-butt action. Loads of hidden areas and treasure. Smoothe-as-hell game play. Dark and creepy environments. Awesome ability to customize each controller button.
Graphics: Graphics are spectacular. Face detail, flame detail, and awesome architecture. Nice landscapes and extras (fields, forrests, snowy mountains, fog, cobwebs, and water).
Audio: Dolby 5.1 at it's best. The sound puts the player right in the action. Doors squeak and creak. Limbs crack under your steps.
Suggestions: Need more maps. An on-line tutorial would be helpful also.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: So far the single player mode is enjoyable. The controls, although they are not adjustable, are easy to pick up. Flying is a breeze. Dogfights galore.
Graphics: Beautiful mountains, canyons, clouds, water, mist, spray and fog. The lightning and stormy skies enhance gameplay. Very nice, although 1080i HDTV support would have been a welcomed addition. The ability is there, why not use it?
Audio: The soundtrack is great. It is almost like a John Williams soundtrack. A custom soundtrack feature would have been nice. Again, the ability is there, why not use it?
Suggestions: Hopefully we will have some killer downloadable planes and levels. The multiplayer is fun but a co-0p campaign option would have been a nice feature. Custom soundtrack and the ability to customize the controls would enhance gameplay also.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Love the dynamics of the water. Hours of entertainment. The movies between levels are somewhat cheezy.
Graphics: The water looks very realistic. Great graphics overall. The explosions could be better but the graphics overall are awesome.
Audio: Sound is okay but soundtrack support would have been nice. Nice crashing waves sound and Dolby 5.1 is a wonderful addition.
Suggestions: Bloodwake needs co-op multiplayer mode. It would be great going through the levels with a team mate.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Loads of game playing scenerios. CTF, DM, DOM, etc.... THe multiplayer if fast and fun. The guns are great. Much faster than HALO.
Graphics: I am playing UNREAL on a 61" Widescreen HDTV and the graghics are unbelievable. The levels are beautiful. The landscapes are unlike any I have seen elsewhere. The characters look awesome. Great lighting and blood.
Audio: Sound is good. Soundtrack option would have been nice. The music keeps pace with the action. Great ambient sound.
Suggestions: Days, months, years of multiplayer action. Please add soundtrack option next time.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Much better than Thunder 2002. Nice additions such as soundtrack support and better control/stability. Drafting is awesome. Thunder 2003 added a feature that allows you to see who is behind you and exactly where they are on the track. This feature is essential for blocking. Multiplayer, Lightning Challenges, and Thunder Plates make this a game with awesome replay value.
Graphics: Graphics are awesone. Jets fly in the background. Smoke and glare from the sun hinders your driving at times (just like the real thing). The cars look awesome and most come with additional "skins&
Audio: Thunder 2002 was lacking in the sound department. Thunder 2003 has resolved that problem. Engine sound is awesome and with Dolby 5.1 you can hear the cars and crashed all aound. You can also rock out to your own tunes while racing at over 200 mph.
Suggestions: Additional "views" would be nice for the full racing experience. I loved the "frame" view of Heat 2002. Awesome game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10