Average Overall Score Given: 7.93333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Outlaw Golf

Gameplay: This game is fun to play and you wont get tired of it. if you like golf games this is the one to buy
Graphics: The visual in this game is Sweet. the graphics rock. the people would look real if they werent cartoons.
Audio: The sound in this game is good. the music is good and the sound effects rock.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: it is fun to play but it is way to hard......................
Graphics: good graphics the cars look so real.............................
Audio: no music....................................................
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game is fun to play if you are board because you get into the cool music, cool tricks, and all of the challenges.if you are not board it will still give you hours of enjoyment.
Graphics: The graphics in this game rock. the people look like people and when you fall it will show the blood and it looks so real(cool huh).
Audio: The sound in this game is awsome because of the cool music sound tracks and that you can pick your song. even the sound effects rock they sound so real.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game has tons of cars and levels. the career mode is the best in the game but multi player is awsome too
Graphics: The graphics rock in this game are awsome because of all of the dammage of the car
Audio: This game has awsome music and the bone crushing hits sound so real and cool
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: this game is fun to play about an hour bu than you get boared of it easy
Graphics: the graphics are good but its the game that will get to you
Audio: the sound is ok but retarted music
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: this game is ok to play but you can get tired of it easy because it gets boring and stupid
Graphics: The graphics in this game suck The guys face does not look real at all either does the enemys face
Audio: the sound is ok
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: it gets boring after a while and you quit after 30 minutes and if you cant beat it you will get mad and quit
Graphics: the visual is retarted becase there is no cool effects
Audio: there is no good music it is all like techno and crap so it gets really anoying
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: when you play the game you just get into it so if you dont have it you need to buy it
Graphics: The graphics in this game are awsome the people look so real and the blood and stuff are cool. it is awsome
Audio: the sound is awsome because when you shoot the gun it sounds real and the music goes along with the game
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the controls in this game are awsome because you can feel your heart beat when you are almost dead
Graphics: This game has very good graphics and the blood and gore is
Audio: This has some good music when the action begins
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10