Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Original Xbox) by Konami

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox) by Konami Box Art


Xbox 360 backwards Compatible


North Amercian Release Date: October 21, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
7.00 / 10


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brings the full cast of characters – including Splinter, Casey Jones, April O'Neil, Baxter Stockman, The Shredder and more – to a thrilling game that will delight players young and old. Cell-shaded graphics, an engaging storyline and an unbelievable variety of moves make for a super-fun gaming experience.


Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Thursday, May 15, 2003

Cheat Codes

      Playmates toy database:
Enter the password: Leonardo, Splinter, Donatello, Raphael, Michaelangelo.
      Alternate hit sound effects:
Enter the password Splinter, Michaelangelo, Michaelangelo, Raphael, Splinter.
      Play as Master Splinter:
Enter the password: Michaelangelo, Splinter, Raphael, Leonardo, Splinter to unlock Master Splinter in story mode. Note: You must first complete story mode game as all four turtles.
      Raphael flashes red and has attack power-up:
Enter the password:Splinter, Leonardo, Donatello, Splinter, Michaelangelo.
      Raphael has smaller bandanna and double defense power:
Enter the password: Leonardo, Raphael, Michaelangelo, Donatello, Splinter.
      Raphael has larger bandanna and double attack power:
Enter the password: Raphael, Donatello, Splinter, Raphael, Leonardo.
      Alternate Raphael costume:
Enter the password: Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Splinter, Donatello, Donatello. Hold Left trigger or Right trigger when selecting Raphael at the character selection screen.
      Michelangelo has improved weapon:
Enter the password: Michaelangelo, Splinter, Raphael, Michaelangelo, Michaelangelo.
      Michaelangelo has infinite fire shurikens and pizza always appears:
Enter the password: Donatello, Raphael, Donatello, Splinter, Splinter.
      Michaelangelo flashes red and has attack power-up:
Enter the password: Michaelangelo, Michaelangelo, Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael.
      Michaelangelo has smaller bandanna and double defense power:
Enter the password: Michaelangelo, Raphael, Raphael, Michaelangelo, Leonardo.
      Michaelangelo has larger bandanna and double attack power:
Enter the password: Splinter, Michaelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo.
      Alternate Michaelangelo costume:
Enter the password: Raphael, Raphael, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello. Hold Left trigger or Right trigger when selecting Michaelangelo at the character selection screen.
      Leonardo has infinite normal shurikens:
Enter the password: Splinter, Michaelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Michaelangelo.
      Leonardo flashes red and has attack power-up:
Enter the password: Leonardo, Splinter, Leonardo, Splinter, Raphael.
      Leonardo has smaller bandanna and double defense power:
Enter the password: Michaelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo, Leonardo, Michaelangelo.
      Leonardo has larger bandanna and double attack power:
Enter the password: Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Splinter, Donatello.
      Alternate Leonardo costume:
Enter the password: Raphael, Michaelangelo, Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Leonardo. Hold Left trigger or Right trigger when selecting Leonardo at the character selection screen.
      Donatello flashes red and has attack power-up:
Enter the password: Donatello, Michaelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Splinter.
      Donatello has smaller bandanna and double defense power:
Enter the password: Splinter, Splinter, Splinter, Michaelangelo, Raphael.
      Donatello has larger bandanna and double attack power:
Enter the password: Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello, Splinter.
      Alternate Donatello costume
Enter the password: Splinter, Raphael, Splinter, Michaelangelo, Michaelangelo. Hold Left trigger or Right trigger when selecting Donatello at the character selection screen.
      Alternate movement sound effects
At the title screen, press Up(x2), Down(x2), Left, Right, Left, Right, X, A. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Yeah" will appear. Movement sounds in story mode will now be different.

User Reviews

Score: 70
Overall User Average: 7.00 / 10 (70.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.67 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.83 / 10
Sound User Average: 6.33 / 10
Date reviewed: November 30, 2003.

Overall: Great game, plot stays directly with the new show and it even has clips from the show to help with the story. Short, but not lacking. love how each turtle can unlock different secret characters for multi player. In co-op however, one player is the main player and the other is just the "helper", didn't really like this much. Overall i think TMNT is a great game that brought me back to the good old days of playing with TMNT action figures and watching the videos (which i still have somewhere in the cellar). Unless you aren't a BIG TMNT fan, i would suggest renting because you could easily beat it in a day if you wanted to.
Gameplay: Great combos can put your foes down effortlessly. Definitely a good game for "button mashers."
Graphics: I love the cell shading. it brings out true TMNT cartoon features. The old Batman "Bam" "Pow" "Biff" is also a big plus for me. I thought the visuals in this game were great though others may not think the same.
Sound: The sounds is pretty good. The constant repetition of the turtles catch phrases getting old...fast. even with that the sounds weren't bad and you can always ignore what the turtles are saying :).
Suggestions: More catch phrases, the repetition gets old really fast. More combos would be a plus, i found myself just pressing "A" the whole entire game.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

The Jackal
Date reviewed: November 26, 2003.

Overall: It's pretty sad id take a SNES ninja turtle game over an xbox one but i would. Disappointing game. Made it too much for little kids and not people who grew up with them.
Gameplay: It was good. Didn't like how in game only the 2 player could switch characters though. And didnt like the fact that you couldnt block in the game.
Graphics: The cell shaded style was cool. Stuck with the pure cartoon style like it should have but i like the way the old turtles game on SNES looked though. Cartoony but not overly bright. So im takin off points for that.
Sound: Sayin the same stuff over... and over... aaaand over. Gets annoying when they comment on every single move they make. Again i prefer the old sounds in SNES.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: October 26, 2003.

Overall: If you are a fan of TMNT, this is a must have game. Just like all the other old games, it plays well. plus enhanced graphics which dont hurt.
Gameplay: Excellent. Sidescrolling action makes you feel like you are playing the old games, which isn't a bad thing by any means. 4 player action would have helped, but it is fine like this.
Graphics: Great graphics. shaded really well. there is absolutely no blurs and no pixel mixing, which totally enhances the visuals of this game.
Sound: Excellent voices. If you watch the new TMNT tv show, you won't wanna miss the voices. great work by konami. sounds just like the turtles actually do.
Suggestions: 4 player mode.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 26, 2003.

Overall: Excellent presentation and feel to the menus and cut scenes. However,It should also be mention these are the Neo-Turtles, so fans of the original Turtles may feel a bit alienated. This game is definetly aimed at the younger crowd and it pulls it off adequately. Just because the core audience of the Turtles is young doesn't mean they're dumb and have to be subjected to non-stop button mashing. There's also no good reason why they couldn't have made this a 4 player game.
Gameplay: Destroying hordes of randomly spawning(and disappearing) baddies by smashing the hell out of your buttons. If this is your thing than you'll love this. It's obvious not much thought went into this.

My gameplay score reflects MY opinion of this type of gameplay. On the other hand a button masher, or anyone who can tolerate this, will be in heaven with this game.
Graphics: Very solid looking cel shading. Looks good and gets the job done. Camera angles can be frustrating,because they dont show all the enemies, but not a huge problem. I must say it was cool to see the Turtles again.
Sound: Ugh.. Catch phrases are assigned to certain attacks. Hit "X" and Leo will say "Slice and Dice!" for example. This gets on your nerves FAST. Before you get out of the first zone you may be looking for the mute button. I dont see how anyone in any circumstance can overlook this, it's ridiculous. I also must add the new Turtle theme song is lame.
Suggestions: 4 player co-op!!!

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: October 25, 2003.

Overall: One of the better Ninja Turtle games to be released. If you enjoyed the other Turtle games, you will enjoy this one.

As for people who say it is repetative and such, the arcades were repetative aswell. So it's not like they really did anything wrong. I think they added a lot more then the arcades ever could.

As for the Four Player thing. yes it would have been nice, but you have to remember it is a port from all systems. So it would not make sense, unless they wanted to have XBox owners feeling better.
Gameplay: I like it. Each turtle has there own style. Pretty much a button mashing fighter, but it's The Turtles. So it's okay! I enjoyed the whole game. Characters play well and show off nicely. Some repetativeness in the game, but what fighter doesn't have that? Maybe when the next game comes out we will see a great game! As stated before, four player gameplay would have been awesome, but two is still fun!
Graphics: Great! Cell-Shading done right! Great visuals. Keepsit real cartoony without making it look stupid. Levels are quite amazing, and enemies look awesome. If you have seen the new Turtles TV show, then you are going to enjoy this. The cutscenes are amazing. Just like the new show. A must see, in my opinion.
Sound: The games uses the actual voices from the new series. Which adds a lot to the game. Very impressive. I love Raph's voice. Though moves can get annoying, it still is a great treat to have cutscenes that have the dialogue spot on! Great music aswell!
Suggestions: Maybe a four player version for us XBox owners. Also, please make another version!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 25, 2003.

Overall: The real deal if you are a fan of the Turtles! Very nice movies between missions/chapters, and a very nice cartoony visual style.
Get boring quickly though, because everything is very repetetive...
Gameplay: Sidescrolling action, but not many different moves/attacks. Might have been better if you could control the camera yourself.
You can play by two, nut why not by four? There are fout turtles and four controllers, so why not?
Graphics: Very nice style, cell-shading really brins the cartoony-style to life! The levels aren't very different from eachother though.
Sound: AAAAAAARGH! The voices the turtles make when they attack really !&%$@#* you off in a matter of minutes!
Suggestions: 4 player mode!
Better voices and contollable camera.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles News

TMNT: Mutant Melee In Stores
TMNT: Mutant Melee is in retail stores nationwide. All you turtle fans run out and get your copy while supplies last!

Konami Ships Over 1 Million Units of TMNT
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc., today announced that it has shipped over 1 million units of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(tm) on its launch day.

Konami and Playmates Toys Promotion
Konami Corporation today announced a massive cross-promotion with Playmates Toys will promote the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles videogames by including secret game codes in over 1.2 million TMNT ACTION FIGURES.

TMNT New Screens
Some brand spankin’ new screenshots have been added for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Cowabunga!!

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