Average Overall Score Given: 9.42857 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

As for people who say it is repetative and such, the arcades were repetative aswell. So it's not like they really did anything wrong. I think they added a lot more then the arcades ever could.
As for the Four Player thing. yes it would have been nice, but you have to remember it is a port from all systems. So it would not make sense, unless they wanted to have XBox owners feeling better.
Gameplay: I like it. Each turtle has there own style. Pretty much a button mashing fighter, but it's The Turtles. So it's okay! I enjoyed the whole game. Characters play well and show off nicely. Some repetativeness in the game, but what fighter doesn't have that? Maybe when the next game comes out we will see a great game! As stated before, four player gameplay would have been awesome, but two is still fun!
Graphics: Great! Cell-Shading done right! Great visuals. Keepsit real cartoony without making it look stupid. Levels are quite amazing, and enemies look awesome. If you have seen the new Turtles TV show, then you are going to enjoy this. The cutscenes are amazing. Just like the new show. A must see, in my opinion.
Audio: The games uses the actual voices from the new series. Which adds a lot to the game. Very impressive. I love Raph's voice. Though moves can get annoying, it still is a great treat to have cutscenes that have the dialogue spot on! Great music aswell!
Suggestions: Maybe a four player version for us XBox owners. Also, please make another version!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Wow. This is the perfect word for the gameplay. I was atonished on how tight and how great the controls were. Even with my racing wheel, it was a pleasure playing. The Boost aspect makes for a fun experience as you can almost have a nitrous oxide feeling as you catch up to an unsuspecting leader. The different types of gameplay is fun too. Pursuit is a favorite of mine. Having to chase down, and damage a car is amazingly fun.
Graphics: This has to be one of the best racing games visually. I have yet to see many racing games beat this one. The tracks all inter-twine with each other, and makes for great fun. All the maps are beautifully done. Executed with a perfect thumb. The cars are quite the eye catchers as well. I was shocked that a game could keep the cars so crisp and clean.
Audio: The sound was good. Music is decent, but totally rocks as you go into Boost mode. The volume change makes you get intense and want to weave and stafe. Quite impressive.
Suggestions: Maybe add full Live support. That's about it.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay rocks. There is no doubt about this. Having three different types of fighting for each character, and allowing all sorts of different moves is the best thing Midway could do. Allowing the player to use combos to switch in between styles of fighting is just amazing. I think this, so far, is the best MK game.
Graphics: The graphics are good. BUT, could have been way better. The XBox had the power to make this game the best. Unfortunatley, with it being just part of a port. It killed the graphics. That's not to say this is not a beautiful game. It has the best blood effects and the special effects are amazing. A lot more could have been done, but a lot was done.
Audio: Sound, sound, sound. What more can I say? They are done at MK quality, which means they are funny, and they sound awesome. The music sets the moods for fights, and adds excitement. The taunts are funny. Well worth using. Though, I am not a sound buff, so I give them a 5.
Suggestions: Make Live capabilities and add more fatalities. Let's make the next one, the one to make all MK's look bad!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay aspect of this game is good, unfortunately not great. I found myself missing swings I should have hit, and other whacky things like that. Although, it didn't really bother me, it did give me a learning curve on how to his certain, short bad guys. Other then that, the layout of the controlls were awesome. A little hesitation in them when on the menus, but who cares about pushing menu buttons.
Graphics: This game is beautiful. No doubt about that. It is one of the best games visually. I like how you can see the red glow of the goblins; And the Orcs looked fabulous. The character models were well done, and detailed. Quite a take on a medievil world. At least they did a good job of it.
Audio: The sound was good. Sometimes I found myself reading the dialog instead of listening This is because while you are in action, you can barely hear anything else other then the clashing and banging. The music was decent, not the best. It got the job done, and that is all I can ask for.
Suggestions: Maybe make a mass multiplayer version of this game. It is worth the effort.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Well, the gameplay rocks. Not more can be said. I mean all you really need to know is where your reload button is and where your fire button resides. Let's face it, this game let's you choose routes, which makes it a lot of fun to go through again, and again. HotD3 rocks with a light gun. I have the Mad Catz Light Gun, and man did it feel great chewing up zombies left and right. Well worth buying a gun for.
Graphics: This game has awesome graphics. HotD3 is one of the best games visually you can buy. The addition of choosing what color the blood is makes it fun as well. Nothing like seeing blood spurt out of every crevace your enemy has. I also really loved the level lay-out and design. The monsters were placed well and I felt rushes everytime I went into a room. Models, superb!
Audio: The sound is good. Crisp and clear. It also has some awesome music which add to the anxiety that you are in a rush. Voice acting is well done. I think they actually caught the essence of the person when they modelled and chose the voice actor. Which, by the way, is usually mislead and not used wisely. Overall, the sounds kept me wanting more.
Suggestions: If you make the next one, make it longer. Take the positives out off all three games and put them into one. I know you guys can do it!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great. The controls reacted fast and are well worth the time of mastering. Only a few things bug me, and that is the delay between using your Glide consecutively. Let's face it, if I could use it as fast as I could push the button. This, however, does not take away from the actual game. I still enjoy it as much as I can!
Graphics: This is were this game truely shines. Let's face it, we all like the eye candy games give us. This game is one, like no other. I think it has better visuals and more detailed then Halo. It uses the XBox's power !&%$@#* near the fullest. Even the skies are stunning.
Audio: Sound is good. No problem here. The voice acting is great. I actually like how it is not in English. It makes the game seem more serious, and in the future. Who are we to say that English will be the dominant spoken language in the future. I only had one problem. The voice acting sometimes got low, and I could barely hear it over the wonderful musical scores. But a minor malfunction.
Suggestions: Maybe multiplayer. Doesn't need it, but it would be much appreciated.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is fantastic. It allows the player to choose the classic controls, or the enhanced controls. Which is great for a person like me who played the PSX versions of Spider-man. Makes the learning curve, next to ziltch. I only have one gripe however. The camera was kind of tought to get used to, but once you get the hang of it. You can do almost anything!
Graphics: The visuals in this game rock. I don't care if it "seems like a port." This still looks better then the PS2 version. So people who rag on it because of that, take a chill pill. The buildings when you get to swing around the city are amazing. Even the inside levels are fantastically textured and given a sence of realism.
Audio: The sounds are funny too. Every so often you hear Peter say a smart-ass remark. Fantastic sounds with a good sound system. You can hear almost everything around you. Lots of effort put into the sound effects of this game.
Suggestions: Maybe make the camera a little more user friendly. Remember, we don't like to think when we are beating some bad guys!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10