Nascar Heat 2002 (Original Xbox) by Atari

Nascar Heat 2002 (Xbox) by Atari Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: November 15, 2001.

Region(s) Released: North America

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: Yes

Average Overall Score:
8.33 / 10

This is one amazing NASCAR game! This title is much better than NASCAR Thunder from EA in my opinion. And it supports multiplayer (Yes, even on the new Gamespy), this is where this game scores big with me!"

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Stock car racing fans can now experience the revolutionary racing modes of NASCAR® Heat on the all-new PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system featuring the most current NASCAR® Winston Cup season. In Beat the Heat Challenges, players can take on more than 36 all-new racing scenarios that capture all the thrills, drama, and split-second decisions of real race day moments. In Race the Pro, players try to out-run the best in the sport by racing against "phantom" cars driven by real NASCAR® Winston Cup drivers.


Thursday, September 27, 2001
Tuesday, May 22, 2001
Wednesday, May 16, 2001

Cheat Codes

      Snowball Cheat:
On the main screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, White, Up(x2). Press Up on the D-pad to fire.

User Reviews

Score: 83
Overall User Average: 8.23 / 10 (83.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.23 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.38 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.54 / 10
Date reviewed: December 3, 2002.

Overall: This is pretty good racing game. Almost like realistic but the cars doesnt look real. At least it drive good like realistic NASCAR.
Gameplay: Pretty good. not bad. I still prefer NASCAR Thunder 2003 way much better than this one. I like this becaise os system link and EA doesnt have one. ;o(
Graphics: The car looks fake and doesnt feel like its realistic at all. They havnt make 2003 lately. I guess they are out of business??
Sound: I am deaf and there is no subtitles on this game. I can see the reporter live talking and I couldnt understand a thing. At least I am focus on racing. No subtitles and I give it a 1
Suggestions: subtitles and more realistic cars... 2004??

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: October 2, 2002.

Overall: I'm not really a NASCAR fan but I like the game. I think it's definitly a multiplayer game, single player gets old too fast.
Gameplay: The game is very sensitive. The difference between winning and loosing is very small. You have to hold a good line (whatever that means) to keep ahead.
Graphics: The 3rd person view is default and looks really good. The !&%$@#* pit view looks pretty bad, but I don't think anybody uses it.
Sound: Very nice engine sounds.
Suggestions: Make it like other games where you win better cars as you compete.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: September 21, 2002.

Overall: This is a very immpressive game. Many cool things that occur in it. Such as if you crash car parts will fly everywhere. Overall, it is a fun and solid game. Hardcore NASCAR fan will love it. Non fans will be bored on it in a month or so.
Gameplay: The controls takes a little while to get used to. Practice many times before you start racing. If you don't practice the first time you get this game, Most likely your car will be in a million pieces.
Graphics: The graphics are clear and good. Great Reflections on the car and cool. looking enviroments and courses. Still it seems the graphics can be just a little better.
Sound: Enjoy the show. It is like you are really at the race in the audience. Great sounds and engines and cars being wrecked. The sound is a strong part in this game.
Suggestions: Good Work, Put more extras in the next heat game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 26, 2002.

Overall: This game is !&%$@#* dman dman fun, I mean I usually hate racing games but can make an exeption with this one. It is so fun wipoing out other cars and you just racing by them all. I ts fun caus ein other racing games you dont often have to battle (literally) all the time just to obtain 1st place. There is so many cars so its easy to always have action. I'm only giving this a 4 cause I dont like racing games but the graphics and gameplay rae really sweet in this game as well.
Gameplay: The controls in this are very easy to learn like most racing games and it has great modes. Even online racing which is a definite bonus.
Graphics: This visuals are soooo sweet all the cars look very real and the pitstops are great. Not too mention the actual tracks but theres not much more visuals in a racing game like this one.
Sound: The sounds of the motors roaring and the crashes are really nice. There is never a dull moment in this game with the sound and was well done.
Suggestions: Nice job just make 03 around the corner

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: July 2, 2002.

Overall: This game is the most intense Nascar game made. The Beat the Heat mode is awesome and when you play with three of your friends it total mayhem. Two of us going backwards and another stopping in the middle of the track. I love it. You can even send the pace car out. I like the 43 cars, but half are not real drivers.
Gameplay: The gameplay is good. The controls are so easy. The feel of it is real.
Graphics: The graphics are good. The crashes look okay. One of the best visuals are the smoke. When there is a big pile up in front of you, you can't see that well because of the smoke. Its awesome.
Sound: The sounds are okay. There is no music except the annoying menu music. There is one of the drawbacks of the game.
Suggestions: Longer Beat the heat mode. More licensed drivers. Good southern rock music. Better than Thunder.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: May 6, 2002.

Overall: So far, I am very happy with this purchase. Not only did I get it for a steal from Ebay at a mere $15 (plus s&h) but I'm also having a blast. I've yet to play system link, but multiplayer is one fun ride. I still enjoy the Beat the Heat challenges and Championship mode (which is pretty f'n sweet) and best of all, this game adds a ton of realism. I played one of those Nascar sims down at my mall where your in the car and it bounces you around etc. and compared to Nascar Heat, the only better thing is the car shaking violently. Nascar Heat has better graphics, more options, and best of all amazing crashes.
Gameplay: This game has all the realism of actual Nascar. The difficult steering, the realistic crashes, and the full 43 car field make this Nascar experience awesome. I never watch Nascar nor did I like Nascar Thunder, but everyone being so close and races being decided by a nose just made me addicted to this game. Another thing I like about this game is it's so easy to turn it into a Destruction Derby. Either clip the back bumper from the left or right side or turn around and ram people head on. The result, an amazing crash with cars spining, flipping, cars releasing smoke, and cars being on fire. There is so much smoke you can barely see through it. There is also a replay feature after races allowing you to view the race from tons of camera angles and focusing on any car that took part in the race. Once you beat all the Beat the Heat challenges, you are suppose to get Richard Petty which I've yet to determine is real or not. The paint-ball mode is also fun. Instantly turn the race into one of the classic Twisted Metal game. Shoot out this big paint-ball/boulder and if hits someone they will go flying. You will probably find it in the cheats section on this site if you want to use it. I haven't gotten into the championship mode that much, but it uses an actual Nascar ranking system which sounds sweet. Also, before racing, you can enter the garage and change settings according to your prefrences. Since I'm not a car junky like some people, I tend to stay away from changing anything. Beat the Heat challenges are 1 challenge after the next asking you to perform certain tasks. Before you start the challenge, Nascar stars like Jeff Gordon, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Rusty Wallace, and some Nascar announcer (forgot name) give you an overview of what your about to do and give you tips to succeed. For someone like me who rarely like Nascar games, these tips help a lot. Although I bought this game for mostly system link purposes, this is for some reason turning out to be an awesome 1 player and split screen title.
Graphics: I played Nascar Thunder on PS2 but not the Xbox version. Compared to Nascar Thunder PS2, this game blows it out of the water. There are a TON of skid marks and they seem to never disappear. If a crash ensues, you can easily see 1/4 of the track covered in skid-marks with different lengths and darknesses. Cars and damage are very detailed. The pit crew although don't have a very visible face, they have some pretty sweet character models. My only complaint is the background scenery outside the track (like say the woods behind the track) are loading as you are going around the track. Now that I notice it, it's constantly irking me and usually distracts me. I'd give the visual appeal a 4.9 if I could but since I'm rounding to the closest number I gave it a 5.
Sound: This department also gets a 4.9 My only little beef is the crowd. They only chant loud when the checkered flag is being waved. They don't sound like they are in to it that much even when a 42 car pile up ensues. Now that I got that out of the way, the sound effects are dead on. Lean against a car, you see a few sparks and a screeching noise. If someone flips and lands it sounds like a monster truck just crushed 5 cars. I like your crew team radioing you during the race because it adds some more realism. Tires screech and burn when you spin them out. In closing, this is one of the coolest racing games I've played. This is coming from a non-Nascar fan. It provides a good sim with a ton of options and good multiplayer while allowing you to go wild with your destructive side. This game is a must buy!
Suggestions: I like how you had Nascar stars giving tips before challenges. Crashes are amazing. Maybe make the audience a bit more into. Other than that, I love this game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 31, 2002.

Overall: This game is a fun game for your racing freaks and ppl who are not freaks. Playing the game online against ppl is what really makes this game a blast.
Gameplay: Gameplay is smooth and gives a great feel for racing. The gameplay is better than the EA racing game in my opinion.
Graphics: Visual is good but not great. The cars all look good but the stands and other areas could use work. As you race you can see the drawing being done ahead of you. Who really cares about that when you have good gameplay though.
Sound: Sound is good, and has the normal racing sounds to be expected. Would like to hear more from the pit crew when racing.
Suggestions: Game is overall great, thx/

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 13, 2002.

Overall: I don't even watch NASCAR and I think that this game is great! The thrill off passing people at 200 MPH, inches away from them, is exhilarating! The system link capability puts this one over the top of its competition.
Gameplay: You don't need to like Nascar to like this -- you just need to like to drive fast and give someone just enough of a bump to send them into the wall. The controls are intuitive and you get to modify so many different settings on your car. There are different modes of play, so you can try to beat the different challenges, race a season, or just race a single race.
Graphics: The graphics are very good, not the best I've ever seen, but very good. The fact that skid marks stick around and smoke lingers adds to the realism. There were some issues on some of the bigger tracks where the background (grandstands) would be drawn only at certain distances from it.
Sound: The sound is what you would expect from a racing game -- noise when you bump, grind and crash. The pit crew talks to you and lets you know what is going on around you.
Suggestions: Include a build your own car feature and add custom soundtrack capability and you are golden!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 26, 2002.

Overall: This grame is great. It's much more realistic compared to Thunder. The Graphics are great especially when you bang up your car. Also, when played in system link mode this add for much more fun. Bumping your buds into the wall is great.
Gameplay: The gameplay is great. You really need to practice a few times before racing your buds. The realism is great.
Graphics: This is my favorite part. The graphic are superb. The cars look almost real. The only improvement i could see needed would be with the crowd but not an issue at all.
Sound: This is probably the only weakness. The sound is average. I think they could of added a few thing here and there and it would have improved it.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 13, 2001.

Overall: I didn't enjoy the game very much. The graphics were cool, sounds was good, but I just don't get into NASCAR games.
Gameplay: The gameplay really kills the game. If you aren't a fan of NASCAR games then this won't change your mind.
Graphics: Graphics are very good, cars are well detailed. But the graphics should be good for a game on this system. If it couldn't do at least half of what Halo does, then its a disappointment.
Sound: The sounds are good, but there aren't a whole lot of intricate sounds when dealing with racing on an oval.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 8, 2001.

Overall: I wanted a four+ player racing game and this is definately one of em. The graphics on this thing was cool although what originally got me hooked was the demo in the store that played "Sweet Home Alabama." Unfortunally, that was NOT in the real game. Nuts...
Gameplay: The game is cool if you like NASCAR. I do and it's actually pretty cool to play, however, after a lil bit, especially if you have all the flags turned on, it gets a little bit annoying. The makers should have made an option to skip the yellow flags waiting. *Unless you want to pit your car. I find myself sitting there for unknown amounts of minutes waiting in the beginning, then I leave and I'm not sure when to come back from when the game restarts... The game play also gets old pretty quick for me. I find myself doing three lap demolition derbys nowadays seeing how many cars I can destroy on the track or forcing other cars to go into the pit when I'm racing. I guess I should wait for WREAKLESS.

I also was going to do a serious season with my season... but no track two, my car blew a tire right after the return of the yellow flag status and I pretty much messed up the season. That was random and uncalled for. =P
Graphics: Visually the graphics are cool... Everything seems to be in order and I like the replay feature. It feels like the real thing.
Sound: Am I wrong or is there no music? There isn't too much sound effects to this game that I have noticed, but it was good I'm sure.
Suggestions: I guess the multiplayer will be better whenever it comes. In the meantime, it'll sit on the shelves for me for now.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 22, 2001.

Overall: Outstanding game to play. youll find your hands sweating from gripping the controls so hard.this is a must have game.
Gameplay: This game will appeal to just about anyone. cars are easy to control and you have to learn strategy.
Graphics: Graphics are excellent. they draw you in and keep you intranced. wrecks are almost real. get this game.
Sound: the sounds are very good and keep you intrested. i cant say a bad thing about this game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

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