Aliens vs. Predator: Extinction (Original Xbox) by Electronic Arts

Aliens vs. Predator: Extinction (Xbox) by Electronic Arts Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: August 8, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
Average Overall Score:
5.62 / 10


For the first time on the next generation console systems, play as Aliens, Predators, or Colonial Marines in this tactical squad-based strategy game based on the Aliens Versus Predator universe.


Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Thursday, February 20, 2003

Cheat Codes

      Cheat menu: To unlock Cheat Mode, pause the game and press Right(2x),Left,Right, Left(2x),Right,Left, Right(2x),Left,Right, Left(2x),Right,Left. This will unlock a number of Cheats in Options menu: Cheat Win, Clear Fog of War, Enable All Levels, Gimme $10,000, Player Invulnerable, Show LZs, Toggle Unit Spying

User Reviews

Score: 56
Overall User Average: 5.62 / 10 (56.2%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.50 / 10
Graphics User Average: 5.75 / 10
Sound User Average: 5.25 / 10
Date reviewed: November 21, 2005.

Overall: Rent or Buy
If your a die-hard Alien/Predator fan, buy it. If you haven't seen the movies or read any books, rent it.

Gameplay: This is where the all the action happens! The gameplay is great. With a couple of flaws like marines always running from battle and stuff like that. But I always loved the queen. She ran the show. In the game, you control her. Lay your eggs. Hatch them. Breed. Pure joy. On the Predator's side, you can turn invisible and rip off people's heads. Last and least: The (boring old stinking) marines. They are good, but there is always the one group that doesn't understand anything. Go here. No, here. Right there. NO! Can't you guys do anything without screwing up?!?!?! That happens. The gameplay was great. The difficulty can be changed. So if it's easy you can change to medium if you beat that you can change to hard. The gameplay was absolutely gorgeous. Besides the marines of course.

Graphics: The graphics weren't that bad. The background was real nice. The aliens color and skin were great. The Predators were awesome. The marines lacked a little bit. They were real bland. They weren't horrible, but marines messed up the graphics.

Sound: I love it! The sound in this game came straight out of the movies. The predators click and they roar when they rip off heads off prey. The aliens screech and scream. The marine's motion detectors and their guns firing all sound the same as the movies. The music. I can't really hear the music. If I do I don't really think much of it. But great sound.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 16, 2004.

Overall: waste of of the most boring and even frustrating strategy games you'll ever play. in fact, one of the only strategies involved is...what combination of units is best....other than that..try to not die.
Gameplay: purchase troops...maybe a stationary gun and watch them bleed. Yeap thats the gameplay...round em up, send em to die...the economy system is based either on how many enemys u kill...a dumb little machine thing, or planting eggs in humans...ok...
Graphics: visuals could have been much better.
Sound: The sound stinks...every know and then is a good satisfying yell from your predators..but as the only good sound of the game..that gets very repetetive...the music stunk and only adds to your frustration.
Suggestions: please don't ever make another game.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Aliens Versus Predator Extinction is a hybrid RTS that mixes elements of a games like Fallout Tactics,Odium, and Cannon Fodder with standard RTS. It is Based on the story of two of our greatest Sci-Fi horror villains battling it out on LV-742. This review is written from the Marine missions. I believe there would have to be three different reviews for each species. They are all a little different.
Gameplay: I'm not a big fan of RTS games, so I don't have much to compare too here. Apparently this is really watered down as far as strategy games go, but that appeals to somebody like me who prefers shooters. The game includes 21 missions with seven from the perspective of each species. All three campaigns intertwine into one storyline, and events in each campaign effect the storyliens for the other species. Despite the bad press that console based RTS games get, the console is very easy to get the hang of. This game was designed on consoles from the ground up rather then having been ported from PC, so it works really well. As the marines, each level involes searching for people and objects and moving the entire squad from checkpoint to checkpoint. Marines get funding by repairing structures as they go, and they use this funding for more troops and upgrades. Predator units are all self contained and self healing, as well as very powerful. However, you only get a few of them, making gameplay very different. Because of their small numbers, Predators rely mostly on stealth, and bennifit greatly by their cloaking ability. Predators order more units and upgrades by collecting the skulls of those they have killed. Aliens are the most fun to play as. The aliens have the closest thing to a base of the three species, which is the hive. While Marines and Predators are constantly scurrying around the map, aliens secure one area and then expand from there. The aliens have some of the coolest units in the game, and are very different to play as, because they are all melee fighters. Overall the gameplay is challenging but not too hard as you progress through the game. Its simple minded fun disguised as a strategy game.
Graphics: AvP:E is entierly 3-D, and looks very good for an RTS game. The units are surprisingly detailed, and you can zoom in pretty close to the action. While the graphics don't measure up to, say, Soul Caliber 2, they are reasonable for the kind of game AvP:E is. Additionally, you will be drooling over the coolness of some of the upgraded units. You can get a good look at everything with the in-game bestiary, with pages and pages of info and stats for every unit.
Sound: The sound is a mixed bag. While most of the sounds are taken straight from the movies, they all mush toghether once the action starts. The music isn't very memorable, and everything else gets repetitive.

Suggestions: 3d... this game should have never been turned into this RTS nightmare!

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: October 13, 2003.

Overall: This game has been the biggest dissapointment since the news that Counter-Strike for PC was only available through STEAM, Please tell me that there is a buyback scheme because in all my life I have not been this dissapointed about anything except for the time... Oh yeh, the other day, when I heard that Half-Life 2 is not coming out this year at all. This really p!sses me off!!!. AVP exctinction is definately not worth buying,I traded it in asap for Star wars KOTOR.
Gameplay: Gameplay was poor...very poor. I bought for $80 and played for about 6 hours and It realy sucked. I want my money back. SHAME SHAME good thing to say: only RTS on Xbox and the control system was spot on. give a 3.0 just for the control system
Graphics: Visuals, could have had better on a freekin' drawing board, suffice to say that my 14 year old brother draws better with crayons and water paint. I know thats harsh but come on, Xbox is better than that!.
Sound: Sound was good put though a digital amp with 5.1 dolby digital surround sound, downer: repetitive sounds and no real dialogue.
Suggestions: God help you if you bring out another disaster like this one, give it the heave (out the window)and revise the game engine. I know that this is a benchmark for Xbox RTS's but !&%$@#* ... there was not even a simple skermish mode and definately no relpay value. No multiplayer, no dialogue, hardly any storyline, no real strategy, poor visuals. Upside: very cool way to produce units, Alien has facehuggers and chestbusters...nothing better than gestating in a host and poppig out of their chest in a violent and bloody fashion...HEHEHEHE. Predator droped in units from an orbital ship, as did the humans but the ALIEN was a very cool race to play.

Update the game engine, work on plotline and unit interaction, different unit behaviors, formations, speech, attack moves and other variables that rely on tactices...not just build a massive force and trample the opponant.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: October 13, 2003.

Overall: I am speachless, the only thing i can say is "thank god i only rented this piece of !&%$@#* ". I played the first level on marines and i was thinking, is this it? I wanted to fool around with the units so I had a skirmish game. Wait, nevermind, there are no skirmishes. Just this dumb as hell missions. Guys pop of everywhere, stuff like that. When i think of RTS i think of peasants and buildings and stuff like that or having a set amount of guys and play with those. But no, u must take skulls from people for money( or some other shit). with that money you call in guys with a dropshit (yes i did mean i dropshit because that's wut it does) or they spawn. What the developers made is a terrible game i wouldn't even use to wipe my own but.
Gameplay: Pointlessly running around, ambushed, run around for another 5 minutes, yet another ambush, call in 6 marines. Ya, that is gameplay for you. Also, you can only play campaign games, so u can't start put with 1 guy and some money, make an army, and attack the computer's army. No, only cmapaing games.
Graphics: I actually kinda liked the graphics. Only problem is that the guys bunch together so 5 marines look like 1.
Sound: Gunshots and alien screams. This is some terrible mix between wild west and Halloween. Music is ok..
Suggestions: Better way of getting money, being able to make a base w/ buildings. Higher food cap, mor amusing missions. Actually, just make a totaly unrelated game since whatever you losers will do with this will probably screw it up more (if that is even possible). If i ever want to play an AvP game, I'll play Star Craft ( it is base off AvP series).

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: September 27, 2003.

Overall: I've been a long time fan of the Aliens and Predator franchises, so of course I picked up AvP: Extinction the day it came out. Hell, part of the reason I bought my Xbox was because this game was on the way. AvP:E is making a real gamble. The other recent AvP games were PC based first person shooters, but AvP:E is a strategy game aimed at consoles. The game tries to have a plot, but its really just an excuse to get all the elements of Aliens and Predators toghether. We have our greedy corporation, our hunters who feel that their honor has been disgraced, our colonial marines, and our hordes of alien monsters. Good stuff.
Gameplay: I'm not a big fan of RTS games, so I don't have much to compare too here. Apparently this is really watered down as far as strategy games go, but that appeals to somebody like me who prefers shooters. The game includes 21 missions with seven from the perspective of each species. All three campaigns intertwine into one storyline, and events in each campaign effect the storyliens for the other species. Despite the bad press that console based RTS games get, the console is very easy to get the hang of. This game was designed on consoles from the ground up rather then having been ported from PC, so it works really well.

As the marines, each level involes searching for people and objects and moving the entire squad from checkpoint to checkpoint. Marines get funding by repairing structures as they go, and they use this funding for more troops and upgrades.

Predator units are all self contained and self healing, as well as very powerful. However, you only get a few of them, making gameplay very different. Because of their small numbers, Predators rely mostly on stealth, and bennifit greatly by their cloaking ability. Predators order more units and upgrades by collecting the skulls of those they have killed.

Aliens are the most fun to play as. The aliens have the closest thing to a base of the three species, which is the hive. While Marines and Predators are constantly scurrying around the map, aliens secure one area and then expand from there. The aliens have some of the coolest units in the game, and are very different to play as, because they are all melee fighters.

Overall the gameplay is challenging but not too hard as you progress through the game. Its simple minded fun disguised as a strategy game.

Graphics: AvP:E is entierly 3-D, and looks very good for an RTS game. The units are surprisingly detailed, and you can zoom in pretty close to the action. While the graphics don't measure up to, say, Soul Caliber 2, they are reasonable for the kind of game AvP:E is. Additionally, you will be drooling over the coolness of some of the upgraded units. You can get a good look at everything with the in-game bestiary, with pages and pages of info and stats for every unit.
Sound: The sound is a mixed bag. While most of the sounds are taken straight from the movies, they all mush toghether once the action starts. The music isn't very memorable, and everything else gets repetitive.
Suggestions: The main thing AvP:E is lacking is replay value. Its a good, solid game while it lasts but once you finish the missions, theres nothing else to keep you entertained. There is no freeform mode and no multiplayer. The game would have been so much better with these two features, and how hard would it be to add them?

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: August 7, 2003.

Overall: Aliens Versus Predator Extinction is a hybrid RTS that mixes elements of a games like Fallout Tactics,Odium, and Cannon Fodder with standard RTS. It is Based on the story of two of our greatest Sci-Fi horror villains battling it out on LV-742. This review is written from the Marine missions. I believe there would have to be three different reviews for each species. They are all a little different.
Gameplay: The gameplay is really not typical of our standard fare RTS titles (e.g. Starcraft, Warcraft, Age of Mytholgy etc.). There isn't much in terms of Resource Management and Building Construction. However, what is there is very unique and original. Instead of mining for oil or gems, you basically trade oxygen for troops, upgrades, and other items. When you have enough Oxygen converted to Cash, your Com Tech may place an order for more troops, medics or synthetics. AVPE sports an amazing control scheme and interface! The challenge of creating RTS controls for the console have taken great strides with this title. I can assure you, if you are looking for a new way to interact with the Aliens/Predator universe this game is fresh. If you are looking for an RTS and a hierchy of Buildings and Troops this game does not provide that. I'm not sure I would have billed this as an RTS - Squad Based Strategy maybe.
Graphics: If you compare AVPE with the FPS versions of AVP the graphics are somewhat average. Although, if you compare AVPE with RTS games like: Age of Empires, Rise of Nations or even Age of Mythology the graphics are well done, and larger models make it easier to see. It may be that AVPE will fall victim to truly not falling into either of these categories leaving the graphics controversial. I'm grading them from the RTS standpoint and they rock. If I graded them from any other perspective, they are average.
Sound: Authentic and familiar sounds from the AVPE universe are prevelant, from the haunting sound of the motion sensor to the the warm fuzzy sound of a pulse rifle are there. The bad news is, it's not Dolby Digital. It's not bad, but nothing special. The intro movie was cool, but Dolby Digital would have made all the difference in the world.
Suggestions: Re-think your approach to the sound. Leaving the game genre to the public's discretion can severely backfire. This is just not an RTS game the way most people expect it. It's a different kind of game that probably needed some marketing/info to make that clear.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Aliens vs. Predator: Extinction News

Aliens vs. Predator Ships August 5
Aliens versus Predator Extinction , co-published by Electronic Arts and Fox Interactive, has begun shipping on the PlayStation 2 and will ship August 5 on the Xbox.

AVP: Extinction Coming To Xbox

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