Average Overall Score Given: 7.20000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Halo 2

Gameplay: mostly the same as the first halo but you get to dual-wield guns...but im sure everyone knows that by now...ill just rate this and leave it at that...
Graphics: Great graphics. All the environments look great, again the structures and stuff vary much more than in the first halo.
Audio: Pretty good, but the elites dont scream as awesomely as they did in the first one...i kno thats minor...but i loved that scream.
Voice acting is great. What bothers me in halo 2's sound is the guns...most of em sound WAY too wimpy.
Suggestions: would seem from the campaign that you gave us only half of it and are saving the rest for Halo 3...thats Bull$#!%...dont rip us off like that again...the 3d Halo better have more campaign play to make up for it or ill b PISSED!...other than that..
Good Job Bungie =)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: All in all KOTOR II's gameplay follows that of the first, but with a few improvements. More feats, more force powers, you can learn fighting techniques, your actions influence your party members, and the force powers prove more useful. Two of my favorite powers to quickly kill multiple enemies is a combination of force wave, and force storm.
Graphics: visually this game is pretty good. No complaints
Audio: The sound, as in most star wars games is great. Some of the best voice acting i've ever heard. The tone of the characters Greatly reflects their personalitys.
Suggestions: The game is great. I'd like to say that the star wars video-game franchise is slowly improving. The decent star wars battlefront and the 2 KOTORS might pave the way for more great games to come. I am however a bit dissapointed that battlefront had no real story, As that is what you guys at Lucasarts are best at. Looking forward to the next KOTOR.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: purchase troops...maybe a stationary gun and watch them bleed. Yeap thats the gameplay...round em up, send em to die...the economy system is based either on how many enemys u kill...a dumb little machine thing, or planting eggs in humans...ok...
Graphics: visuals could have been much better.
Audio: The sound stinks...every know and then is a good satisfying yell from your predators..but as the only good sound of the game..that gets very repetetive...the music stunk and only adds to your frustration.
Suggestions: please don't ever make another game.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is great. The world of fable is vast, and u can either explore every inch..or teleport from one place to another. The fighting system is great. In other games enemies attack so fast, the parry button is fable, it saves your life.
Graphics: Graphics are O.k. has a more cartoon-like approach than other games....but of course, games arent about realism...its about fun.
Audio: hm...i forgot the music, as i rented the game. I dont remember having any complaints about the sound tho so ill give it a 4 in sound...
Suggestions: yeap...make the game longer...put many more quests, other than that the games fine...I look forward to a much longer fable 2
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: OK, the concept of elemental Powers and A Big all powerful staff sounds good, but my god does it suck. Myabe it could have been good...but they ruined it.
Graphics: Graphics are nice i have to admit. The environments look nice too.
But it sure as hell ain't enough to save the game
Audio: My god...ugh... =( i cant even describe it well.. MOST boring music EVER!! EEVVVVEERRRRRRR. Its enough to put you to sleep while you're playing.
Suggestions: the game COMPLETELY.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10