Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (Original Xbox) by Vivendi Universal Games

Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (Xbox) by Vivendi Universal Games Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: June 19, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Average Overall Score:
8.83 / 10

Warthog, Black Label Games and Vivendi Universal present Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter, a first-person shooter for the Xbox that is a taut tale of vengeance. The story starts off like this; Mace Griffin had tried to make a career of the Ranger service, serving as a pilot and infantry, until a mission turned sour. While Mace was innocently obeying his orders, Mace fell into a trap that took the lives of an entire ship full of his fellow Rangers."

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Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter is sci-fi first-person shooter for the PC and the Microsoft Xbox. The game will let players assume the role of Mace Griffin, the only surviving member of a squad of elite soldiers brought down by a traitor. In his quest to uncover the truth behind his team’s ruin, Mace becomes a bounty hunter and begins his journey.


Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Friday, April 25, 2003
Friday, February 28, 2003

Cheat Codes

      Big Heads:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B(x2), A, B(x2)
      Auto Focus On Enemies:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B(x2), A, B, A
      Get Floating Camera View:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B(x2), A, Y, X
      Kill With one Hit:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B(x2), A(x3)
      Deal out 2X Damage:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B(x2), A, Y(x2)
      Unlimited Ammo:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B(x2), A, X(x2)
      Pick Level:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A(x2), B(x2), X(x2)
      Be Invincible:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B(x2), A, X, Y
      Skip Level:
Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and while in gameplay, press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A(x2), B(x2), X, B

User Reviews

Score: 88
Overall User Average: 9.00 / 10 (88.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.75 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.50 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.75 / 10
Mr. Mojo
Date reviewed: August 27, 2004.

Overall: This is a great game. I was pleasently surprised by how good this game was! I can't believe that this game is this old, yet there hasn't been much talk about it. It is an awesome shooter! I loved it all. Sure I'd still have to admit that Halo is a better game. But, this is a close second, and some parts are even better than Halo!
Gameplay: Gameplay description. Well, it's like you'd think. You get lots of guns. You shoot the bad guys. Lots of shooting, no stupid stealth. You fly a ship somtimes, you snipe sometimes. But mostly random shooting with lots of guns. Which is exactly what I like.
Graphics: The visuals are truly what sets this game apart. When I said that this game has aspects better than Halo this is what I ment. The graphics are simply better. The game is picturesque. The levels are massive and have a ton of detail in them. A lot of the bad guys look the same, but all games where you have to kill more than 100 guys are going to give you some generic 'thugs' to kill.
Sound: Sound in the game is good. Guns shooting, music playing, people talking. All great. Too bad about the cut scenes though. I know that they got Henry Rollins to do the voice. This is why I'm so confused about why the voiceover is so bad. It's just not good.
Suggestions: Well, Just one. And I think a big one. The name of the game is "Mace Griffon: Bounty Hunter." Well I think that the idea of being a bounty hunter is to kill guys, and then get paid for it! What's up with this game, you NEVER get paid! Either give me money, or change the name.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Lord Vivic
Date reviewed: October 13, 2003.

Overall: Well,it is a nice game to play for a while.The game itself is like the average game,nothing exceptional.
Gameplay: Gameplay is like doom or Quake,or at least that is what it reminded me of.It is an okay game but there is better.
Graphics: Visuals are almost like that of the ps1.that was the most disapointing part of the game.This was a big put down to the game.
Sound: Sound is pritty good.Not the best in the world,but not the worst either.I do not recamend this game.
Suggestions: Make it better and it will probably have good reviews

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: July 24, 2003.

Overall: Personally, I love the game. PS1 graphics? Are you drunk? Man, some of the people that review these games are unbelieveable.
Mace Griffin is a top shelf FPS (first person shooter). Aliens, humans, spiders, spaceships in space all for your killing enjoyment.
Bad graphics? I don't know, but these people must have a different version than what I have of they need to find a new monitor.
I play on a 36" flatscreen Trinitron and the graphics are as good or better than Halo. The detail is a knockout. The smoke from a rocket fired at you, to the water effects are amazing. I would remind the Halo groupies to go look at the water in Halo and then come back and check out M/Griffin. No comparison. There are many more distinctions I could make. There are way more weapons, and better ones at that.
I thought Mace was kinda kool when your flying, you can get up and stroll around the ship in flight and look out the window ans checkout the awsome space detail and other ships as they blast you. I do believe this is the first game ever to allow you to do that.
I guess I'm about half way thru the game and I love it. Sniping those bat looking birds and watching them fold up and drop to the ground is a hoot too.
I sincerely feel bad for the makers of this game because it's not getting the kudos it deserves. Allot of work went into this game and it shows. When so many awful games are released which fools go silly over, ranting how great they are when in all actuallity, they suck. Then comes a game like Mace Griffin and it gets pitiful reviews, that makes no sense to me.
I believe people allow these advertiser and sponser driven magazines and websites to do their thinking for them. If a mag. or site puts out a negative review, people for the most part will follow right along rather than be objective and measure a game on it's own merit. Not all reviewers behave in this manner, but a great many sheeple do.

Bottom Line: This is a great game!
Gameplay: The game has missions I would say rather than levels. The missions are quite long and the maps are very well designed. This would have been an excellent online game. The routine
of gunning down bad guys is broken up by short space flight segments woven into your missions. This actually works quite well. It gives another dynamic to the game and I love it. Trying to find the baddie ships in all that space is kinda tough, but it breaks the game up nicely.
Bottom Line: Take Half Life, Halo, Fed Faction 1&2, Timesplitters 2 and a bit of Rogue Leader and you've got some idea what this game is like.
Graphics: I love Halo and always have. That being said, there is no way your're going to tell me that Halo has better graphics than Mace Griffin.
When you start a new game, at one point your in a type of space shuttle with 3 or 4 other "beings".
Walk up to one of the lizard looking dudes as it's sitting there and notice it turn it's head and look at you. Check the detail. Much better than Halo.
Halo 2 is past due. The first is becoming dated.
Checkout the reflections on Mace's weapons, and then go back and checkout Halo. No comparison. Etc. Etc. Etc.
The cut scenes don't look as good as the gameplay. Go figure that one out.

Bottom Line: Mace Griffin is a work of art and deserves to be recognised as such.

Sound: The sound is what would be expected for such a fine game. Halo has it on the music and environment sounds, that I'll give it, but the weapons sounds and explosions are everything Halo is. They're deep and dynamic. Not pee poppers.

Bottom Line: The sound fits the game as well as the music.
Suggestions: Mace 2 should be Xbox live compatible with mission and co-op play as well as head to head.
Tweak the A.I. and make the baddies a bit less suicidal.
All in all, a great game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Lone Wolf 4
Date reviewed: July 13, 2003.

Overall: Great game, to give you any idea on how large the stages are, it will take you at least 1 1/2 or 2 hours to make it through 1, really deep game, I haven't finished yet, but after I write this I will get back to it, oh and there are thirteen levels.
Gameplay: Fun Fast paced and deep, the control scheme is well designed and the action is well spaced, this is no Red Faction 2 and thats a good thing. In contrast to what GI thinks the stages are anything but liniar and are well designed.
Graphics: Visuals are crisp and well defined to give the game a feel for the enviroment, weapons details are, I hate to say it, better than Halo's, however, enviroments are not. For the size of the stages, it's amazing that they are that good.
Sound: Although it is sometimes hard to make out what is being said over the comm channels, it adds to the mood of the game. Bullets have their own sound and the Music suits the game well.
Suggestions: Why the Hell didn't you all do freakin Co-op at least, it was a fantastic single player but come on, games with multiplayer, have a longer life.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter News

Mace Griffin & More TMNT Screenshots
Turtle power is in full force lately with more screens!

Mace Griffin Goes Gold!
Vivendi Studios has just announced that Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter has gone gold. Expect to see Mace (voiced by Henry Rollins) on shelves soon!

New Mace Griffin Screens
Universal has release (8) new screenshots for their upcoming title, Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter.

Henry Rollins to voice Mace Griffin
Vivendi Universal Games has today announced that the titular role of Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter will be voiced by Rollins Band front man, actor, and spoken-word artist Henry Rollins.

Crave Showcases Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter
Crave Entertainment's E3 Line-Up
Mace Griffen Interview
Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter News

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