Saints Row (Xbox 360) by THQ

Saints Row (Xbox 360) by THQ Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: August 29, 2006.

Average Overall Score:
9.47 / 10

It's easy to label something as a Grand Theft Auto clone, and there is usually only one requirement for it; the game tries to be GTA but it sucks. A fair number have come out in recent years, but none have managed to touch the success of that particular franchise. With Saint's Row, the formula is being tested again, but there is something about the game that puts it on the same level as the heralded GTA series."

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Welcome to Stilwater, a city where the streets are everything but tranquil. Divided by rivaling gangs, you’ll need to adopt savvy street smarts to build respect, make money and gain notoriety, let alone stay alive. As a member of the 3rd St. Saint’s, you need to push back against a city looking to wipe you out, in order to rise up the ranks and eventually control the streets. If it takes theft, extortion or tried and true brute force, then that’s what ya gotta do.


Sunday, May 29, 2005


Colombian Made
Take over Los Carnales territory.
Take over Vice Kings territory.
Road Warrior
Take over Westside Rollerz territory.
Ruler of Stilwater
Help the 3rd Streets Saints take over Stilwater.
Reach a TrueSkill rank of Thug in any multiplayer mode.
Reach a TrueSkill rank of Killa in any multiplayer mode.
Reach a TrueSkill rank of Gangster in any multiplayer mode
Reach a TrueSkill rank of Kingpin in any multiplayer mode.
Penny Pincher
Earn $1,000,000 in the city of Stilwater.
Earn $200,000 in Insurance Fraud.
Acquire 100 clothing and jewelry items for your single player wardrobe.
Coupon Clipper
Purchase 100 clothing and jewelry items for your multiplayer wardrobe.
Leader of the Pack
Acquire all 7 Homies.
Getting Up
Tag all tag locations hidden throughout Stilwater.
Grease Monkey
Own a total of 50 cars.
Racket Lord
Complete all activities in Stilwater.
Contract Killer
Complete all of the Hitman locations.
Demo Demon
Complete all levels of Demolition Derby.
Fast and Furious
Complete all of the Hijacking locations and levels.
Complete all of the Escort locations and levels.
Complete all the Snatch locations and levels.
Complete all of the Drug Trafficking locations and levels.
Complete all of the Chop Shop locations.
Complete all of the Racing locations and levels.
Complete all of the Mayhem locations and levels.
Complete Co-op level Turbulence at the highest difficulty level.
Errand Boy
Complete Co-op level Mob Rule at the highest difficulty level.
Join the 3rd Street Saints.
Retake Saint's Row.
Audiophile (Secret Achievement)
Collected all 60 CD's hidden throughout Stilwater.
Dominator (Secret Achievement)
Won 10 ranked matches in a row.
Jumped the Shark (Secret Achievement)
Withdrew a total of $200,000 from the Loan Office.
Professional Thief (Secret Achievement)
Stole 30 boxes and delivered them successfully.
Scourge of the Air (Secret Achievement)
Destroyed 50 helicopters.
Stilwater PD Award (Secret Achievement)
Killed 50 Stilwater residents with only melee attacks.
Addicted to tha Row (Secret Achievement)
Played Saints Row for a total of 20 hours.
Chain Gang (Secret Achievement)
Dropped off a total of 500 chains in the Big Ass Chains multiplayer mode in ranked matches.
Marathon Runner (Secret Achievement)
Traveled 26.2 miles on foot
Negotiator (Secret Achievement)
Took 50 Hostages.
Tourist (Secret Achievement)
Drove 500 miles in the city of Stilwater.
Pimp Killer (Secret Achievement)
Killed the Pimp in Protect Tha Pimp 50 times in ranked matches.
Clocktower Camper (Secret Achievement)
Head shot and killed a total of 100 enemies with a Sniper Rifle in ranked matches.
Xzibitionist (Secret Achievement)
Got your team car to level 4 in the Blinged Out Ride mode a total of 50 times in ranked matches.

User Reviews

Score: 95
Overall User Average: 9.50 / 10 (94.8%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.67 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.80 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.67 / 10
Date reviewed: March 12, 2008.

Overall: This game, change the way I feel about Grand Theft Auto, I think this game is so much better the storyline was well put, good Hollywood voices made this game that more of a movie feel than anything I've ever felt with the GTA series, the customizing in this game is fantastic, you have a hell of a lot more choices then you'll see on GTA. The best choice is you pick the character who plays you,, that’s right you're the character not some made up mafia dude you decide the look of your character... NOT ONLY THAT...!
It has a lot of online replay value you can create a gang you can customize the character on its online look or your GANGS online look.. you can name your gang.. Look bottom line is, if you like GTA, and everything it has to offer...
THIS GAME WILL MAKE YOU WISH YOU NEVER PLAYED A GTA GAME, you will feel like you've been wasting your money...

Gameplay: The game it self Runs smoothly, of course like every new game it has it's fault.
The only fault I can say is that in a high speed chase on the high way I crashed the car hard on the side of a building and I stayed lol trapped there I had to restart.. (the upside is it only happened once for me.) Thats really the only thing I can say went wrong in story mode. For the majority of the game I had absolutly no problem with anything...
You have a lot of good choices to play online from being a pimp which if you have played this you will know how funny that is at times.. or just doing some good old fation shooting.
(BUT IT WOULD ONLY HAPPEN TO ME ATLEAST 1 EVERY 4 GAMES)(so i took it as a intermission lol)
Graphics: The characters looked smoothed, very nice for the start of a new introduced game.. Normally they cheap out on the graphics when a new game is introduced but this one def. Didn’t let anyone down on the graphics department it was a bit above fare graphics. Some things had a little more details than other things but, you got to pick and choose when your on a budget… but very good for a new game as I said..
Sound: I like the fact that I was able to play my @!%#*! music in the car even I left and jumped to another.. Car radio station still the same even in the helicopters/ tank.. The language in this game was AWESOME... had me freaking rolling with the stuff they where saying.. but everything sounded great surround sound is always a plus and nothing skip..
Suggestions: Fix the bugs... Fix the Online, Keep that story going its awesome you already got GTA beat by creating a series like a GTA game but what I consider to be much better... with a story that continues I cant wait to play Saints Row this year(2008) just cause I know this is the real deal not your test Run, game... Awesome keep it up I know ill buy Saints before GTA...

Overall: 95 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 94 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 8, 2006.

Overall: I wasn't going to wwrite this review. It's late, I'm tired, I was just going to shower and go to bed. Until I read the review by BigHarv. Damn fine review. However, I just want to add a little. This game is the absolute best game I have ever played on any video gaming console. Bar none. I haven't been staying up until 4 o'clock in the morning playing a game since Halo. I must own that town, I must kill, steal, and deal my way to the top. And no matter how long it takes me, I shall.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very similar to he GTA series. With a few advances that make it better. Especially in the gameplay. First off you get to create your own character to do your dirty work. That beats Rockstar already. And then you are rescued by a gang called the Saints. Ala GTA there are activities and the such that you go through to gain territory, respect and money. One thing I dig is that as you gain territory that territory makes money for you daily. The game itself is fairly simple but it is extremely fun. Aside from the risque stuff this game just lets you enjoy a world where the last man standing is the victor. Just a little note, I have not done online yet however I hear that is great also.
Graphics: Visually this game is splendid. There are some hiccups here and there like pop ups and the occasional where the f did that come from? Overall though it by a mile surpasses anything that Rockstar has done.
Sound: The voice acting is top notch. The gunfire is top notch. The pedestrians talking shat is top notch. The surround sound of the game is deafening on my DLP. The cars flying by sound great. No prblems in this area at all.
Suggestions: Kill the pop ups. Tighten up the seams. Kill GTA.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: September 15, 2006.

Overall: Yes, it's a Grand theft auto clone!!! Who cares!!!! It's just as fun if not more fun than any GTA game. You play as lowly gang thug that rises through the ranks of the 3rd street Saints Row gang. It does have a fairly interesting story or at least enough of one to keep you interested in what happens next. GTA clone or not this game is F-U-N fun. In fact it is one the most fun games I've played in a long time. This one will hold you over until GTA4 comes out with no problem. I haven't put much time into the online portion so this review is based purely on the single player which is superb by itself.
Gameplay: It's basically the same as GTA3, you run around an open ended city completing story or side (called activities in SR) missions or just whatever you want. The controls and gameplay mechanics in general have been refined and I hope that Rockstar takes a cue from Volition for GTA4. The controls are a first person type with the aiming all done with the right stick and no more stupid, I hope it locks onto the right target, auto lock aiming system. It's like this even when driving, which makes drive bys and shooting while driving much easier.If you fail a mission you don't have to start completely over like GTA. You just choose to restart and all your weapons are still there and you start from where ever the mission begins. If you die or get busted you lose a percentage of your cash but keep all your weapons, which lowers the frustration level tremendously.
Graphics: The cars, scenery, and characters all look great. There are a good number of polygons in all objects. There is some pop-in but primarily only on the highways when your driving at high speeds. The draw distance is impressive. The frame rate is solid and only dips for a mere second when your causing major havoc but doesn't affect the quality of gameplay one bit. There is major screen tearing and I could see it bothering some people, but it doesn't bug me. At least not while I'm playing, I really only notice it during cut-scenes, but it is there. On one last note, this game has the best car explosions ever, the Havok physics engine gets put to excellent use in this game.
Sound: This is one good sounding game. The cars sound good, the guns sound really good as well as the massive explosions. The voice acting is done by good Hollywood actors which brings all the NPC to life. The radio stations aren't quite GTA good, but offer a good range of tunes. The only real issue I have is your character doesn't speak except for three times in the whole game. Which didn't make me get into the story as much as San Andreas.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Saints Row News

Saints Row Movie Planned?
50 Cent is apparently interested in a making a Saints Row movie.

Saints Row 2: First Details
Initial details have hit on Saints Row 2, Volition’s gangster sequel that THQ confirmed in May was in the pipeline for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Saints Row PS3 Canned, Sequel Confirmed
THQ revealed today that it has cancelled the PlayStation 3 version of Saints Row, instead opting to focus on a full-blown sequel to the Xbox 360 hit.

Saints Row: The Ho Ho Ho Pack
The following Saints Row in game content is available for Xbox Live Gold members.

Saints Row Update on Xbox Live
The Product Update for Saints Row will be available on Xbox Live. Microsoft provides product updates to anyone with a Live connection.

Saints Row Download Out
New ways to customize your character are up on the Marketplace.

Volition Repaving Saints Row
Developer of gangbangin' Xbox 360 game "working hard" on update to address multiplayer, single-player issues.

Saints Row Is Now The Most Popular Xbox360 Game
Saints Row is now the #1 Most Popular Xbox 360 game. Look out Dead Rising!

Xbox 360 Saints Row Breaks Record
Saints Row For Xbox 360 Demo downloaded...a lot

Saints Row Marketing Campaign Revealed
THQ Inc. today announced its multi-million dollar, global marketing campaign for the highly anticipated Saints Row, scheduled to release exclusively for the Xbox 360.

Saints Row Bundle Coming Soon
Microsoft is listing a Saints Row Bundle on their official press site for Europe.

Saints Row Demo: Coming To Xbox Live
The Saints Row demo will go Live tomorrow on Xbox Live.

Saints Row Achievements Announced
Check out the Saints Row Achievements.

Saints Row: Pre-Order Bonus
A limited edition Pre-Order bonus is now available at retail outlets across the globe.

Saints Row Demo on the way!
Saint’s Row (Xbox 360) Demo and Release Date in August 2006

THQ Announce Ship Date For Saint’s Row
THQ have announced that Saint’s Row is scheduled to ship to retailers across North America.

Brand New Saint’s Row Video Posted
That's right yet another video posted in the massive flood of videos. This one is THQ's Saint's Row.

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