NEWS - Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Deathrow Ships
Ubi Soft Entertainment, one of the world's largest video game publishers, today announced that it shipped its fast-paced, brutal team combat game, Deathrow, to U.S. retail stores. Deathrow is an exclusive title for the Xbox(tm) video game system from Microsoft, combining the lightning-fast gameplay of third-person action games, adrenaline rush of fighting games and the cooperative team play and gritty roughness of rugby to offer a unique gameplay experience. Deathrow is rated "M" for mature and has an MSRP of $49.99. "Deathrow is the perfect blend of fighting and sports game, delivering the adrenaline rush action gamers want, in large, quick doses," said Matthieu Boulard, producer for Ubi Soft Entertainment. "Deathrow is extremely addictive thanks to its pure unbridled gameplay, highly-polished artificial intelligence, badass characters and breathtaking arenas that include what many are calling the best textures since Halo."Source: