NEWS - Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Another XBA Giveaway approaches!
Less than 30 hours have passed since our last giveaway, and here we are again planning to hand out even more free stuff!On Tuseday night, we gave away 5 free Batman Vengeance T-Shirts to a select few XBA members, and as an added bonus, we also awarded a copy of Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX as well as a copy of Star Wars: Obi-Wan to two lucky XBA members.
Tomorrow night, (Thursday, February 14th) at precisely 9:00pm EST, will once again be passing out free goods. At the very minimun, 3 prize packages consisting of one (1) Mad Dash Racing T-shirt, and one (1) Mad Dash Racing Audio CD will be awarded, but who knows... there just may be another surpise giveaway as well. :)
As of this writing, I am undecided as to what type of game I should run, so if you have any ideas, please head over to our forums and post your suggestions HERE.
See you all tomorrow at 9:00pm EST sharp!