NEWS - Wednesday, January 30, 2002

WWF Raw Press Release
THQ AND JAKKS PACIFIC ANNOUNCE EXTENSIVE MARKETING CAMPAIGN FOR WWF RAW ON XBOXExclusive Xbox Title and First World Wrestling Federation Licensed Xbox Game To Ship February 12
CALABASAS HILLS, Calif. - January 30, 2002 - THQ Inc. and JAKKS Pacific, Inc. today announced details of an extensive marketing campaign backing the first World Wrestling Federation(r) licensed title for the Xbox(tm) video game system from Microsoft, WWF Raw(tm). An exclusive Xbox title, WWF Raw will ship on February 12 and benefit from multi-million dollar marketing support, including a national television campaign featuring the music of Limp Bizkit. WWF Raw is THQ and JAKKs most advanced World Wrestling Federation title to date featuring more than 45 World Wrestling Federation Superstars and intense, grappling-style gameplay. The game is being heralded by Microsoft as a groundbreaking title that gamers will not want to miss.
"We are extremely excited to be working so closely with Microsoft on the first World Wrestling Federation title for Xbox," said Brian Farrell, President and CEO, THQ. "The popularity of the World Wrestling Federation combined with the power of the Xbox is sure to make WWF Raw the must-have game for early 2002."
"WWF Raw brings the excitement of the World Wrestling Federation to Xbox with graphics that are unmatched and excitement that is palpable," said Stephen Berman, President and COO, JAKKS Pacific. "We anticipate great results for the title at retail in 2002."
"THQ/JAKKS WWF Raw is a key title in the first half of 2002, and we are incredibly excited to see it come to life on Xbox," said J Allard, General Manager, Xbox Platform. "Its quality titles like WWF Raw that are showcasing the Xbox difference in graphics and gameplay."
The television spot for WWF Raw was produced by the World Wrestling Federations in-house production team and features exclusive gameplay footage cut to Limp Bizkits "My Way, William Orbits Mix" from the new Limp Bizkit remix album "New Old Songs" which was released by Flip/Interscope on December 4.
Marketing highlights for WWF Raw include: