Average Overall Score Given: 9.80000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 5
Genma Onimusha

Gameplay: gameplays all there, good targeting system, nice array of weapons, guns,5 swords (katana, bishamon, fire, wind, lightning)
Graphics: great graphics, great backgrounds, i love the one place where you can cut down trees and walking down the big ramp at the end when the wall poops out reynaldos at you
Audio: nice sound effects, plenty of "steel cutting through living flesh and bone" noises, and the semi-slurp noise the gauntlet makes when it takes in a soul is sweet
Suggestions: longer, more swords & armor, and maybe somehow integrate multi-player and co-op
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: its there, it tends to get redundant, but the nice mix of weapons is sure to keep you coming back for more soo blade and ball hammer action
Graphics: meh, mearly meh, not bad, not ground breaking, it didnt have the !&%$@#* (can i say that?) near perfection of DOA3 but it didnt look as craptastic as IMHO obi wan
Audio: standard fare, you know, crash boom bang clang gash gash AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, that kinda stuff is fun, but not teribly innovative
Suggestions: more weapons (just cuz i like lotsa weapons) and MULTIPLAYER!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Th gameplay here rules, the cartoon style animations make the game just that much more interesting, and its a blast to mow someone down with ur minigun
Graphics: I originally thot the cel style shading wouldnt be that great, but it really works out in this game, its awesome, and everything looks great.
Audio: the sounds in this game are excellent, everything is smooth with the action and i never grow tired of the sound effects
Suggestions: More ways to destroy!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Totally immersive gameplay, the controls take a little time but not much time to get used to, and from then on (aprox 25 min for me, im a quick learner) SMOOTH KILLING err sailing
Graphics: visual appeal.....YOUR D@MN SKIPPY VISUAL APPEAL
Audio: nothing like the sound of your rocket launcher hitting the side of an alien ship.....ahhhhhhhhhhh
Suggestions: More guns, more carnage.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Excellent gameplay, never a dull moment, and she kicks high.
Graphics: I play it for the fighting.......and the "plot development"
Audio: i swore i got hit a couple of times cuz the sound was so real!
Suggestions: uhhhhhh, make her nak...... nevermind
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10