Total Reviews: 5
Average Overall Score Given: 7.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3287

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Overall: I wouldn't get this game. I would rent it, and the only reason why I would rent it is just for the storyline. Because the storyline is one of the best for xbox. This game could have definitally been worked on more. The world is pretty big, but the lack of graphics just becomes an eyesore. Also, all the driving just becomes a finger sore. Also, once you beat the game you defintally won't play it again untill about a month or so. Some of the missions just become tiering, or are just to hard. The developers had a good idea about this game, but I feel there could have been a lot more work done to it.

Gameplay: The gameplay is different to this game. I mean that by when you drive around the city it seems so easy to control everything, but when your running around on foot the controls seem more choppy. You do get used to it, but since the beginning you drive around a lot so your first on foot mission becomes a hassle. The controls are sortof hard to get the hang of at first, but then they get easier as the game moves on. The driving of this game gets WAY old. You drive so much in this game it's practicly insane. After 2 missions my fingers would start hurting from driving so much. I personally think the gameplay could have been worked on a little bit more.

Graphics: The visuals. The visuals are by far one of the worse on the xbox. Yes the game has a huge environment and everything, but the visuals are just choppy and jagged. It seems like when you play this game that the creators didn't put much effort in the graphics at all. The only really neat thing about the visuals is that as the game goes along in time new cars start appearing on the road, and eventually the old pile of crap you used to drive won't even be seen on the road anymore.

Audio: The sound is probably the best part to this game next to the storyline. The music playing in the car as you drive along from destination to destination really gives this game a classic feeling. The car noises are pretty good. Except the only problem is is that I don't know what these old cars sound like so I can't really tell if they did a good job or not. The gun sounds are good. Not exactly the best on the xbox, but won't let you down. Oh, and I really liked the startup song for this game...props on that.

Suggestions: Don't make a sequel. It's a real good idea, but not exactly the best to make a game out of.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Project Gotham Racing

Overall: My overall appeal for this game is a big fat 5! This is a really really REALLY uniqe raceing game! The graphics are breathtakeing and the sound quality is completly awsome. Even though this game may not have a lot of cars or tracks it's a really fun and addictive game that i havent got tired of yet. I really recommend renting or buying this game(preferable renting since pgr 2 is on its way) There's only a few minor mistakes in this game that you really don't notice since you'll be cought up in all the action. And if your a big grand tourismo fan then i would check this game out. This game may not seem all that great now since its one of the older games but its is a really fun game! And the only thing that may suck about it is kudos! You HAVE to be and expert to be getting a lot of kudos. It about drives you mad. And also, this game is one of them were your on the last lap and you swear your way ahead of all the cars but then you crash(or not) and every car passes you! So like i said if you can get past the anger manegment then this is a really fun game.

Gameplay: The gameplay is fairly realistic as for a raceing game. You tend to slide out of control more than what you think you would! But i guess you would expect something like that as seeing how this game pretty much ties in reallife raceing(except the part were you go 200 down a local neighboorhood)If you pic up a ferrari or doge you'll go flying down the street laughing at the sight of victory but once that next turn comes you'll be crying at the sound of defeat. But with cars like the Focus you take it slow and easy so its really easy to make the turns. And watch out for the gravle(its baaaaaaaaaad) As for the controls. They arent too tight but at times they will get touchy and make you want to bash your xbox! But the crashes are...WEAK! They are only finder benders*rolls eyes*

Graphics: When i saw the graphics on this game i was falling out of my chair! These are by far the best raceing game graphics i've seen for the xbox. When im crusing along the streets at night you can see the reflections of the lights. And the car graphics are the best in this game(duh)It's like seeing a car in real life with my very own eyes! The cities graphics are good too. As you race down the track you'll drive by a local taco bell! Even some toystores! Also on the buildings you'll see bilboards like got milk or just people showing of their faces. You all may not pay attention of this but if your driving while its raining you can see the puddles of water on the street and the water splashing on the tires of your car.

Audio: Games sound.....AWSOME! Each car has their own engine sounding. I mean that by the slower cars their engine sounds all rough and crappy and as for the faster cars their engine sounds fast and...FAST. That's just when your at the starting line though. When your raceing along it's about the same. The slower cars sound like crap and the faster cars sound all sporty like. As for the crashes go. They arent that great. They all sound the same and sound cheesey like the creators were in a hurry to finish the sound one this wonderfull game. Now the radio. I ACTUALLY HEARD THOSE SONGS IN REAL LIFE! The radio has great sound quality to it and all kinds of types of music. From rap to pop from rock to well...chinese.

Suggestions: More cars more tracks. More cars more tracks. BETTER CARS BETTER TRACKS! LIVE LIVE LIVE!

Also, dont put in the kudos next time it just ruins the game and makes it really hard and frustraiting. And you shouldnt make it to where on the last lap all the cars past you its no fun that way!

Where's that bat mobile? After useing GOTHAM you should at least put the bat mobile in as a unlock car with full status! That would be awsome!

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 MechAssault

Overall: This game is a really good game! Anyone that likes action games should definitally pick this game up. Although the graphics, gameplay, and sound my be great...this game tends to be very short. I beat this game within 2 days leaveing me wanting more! So I would rent MechAssault first and if you really like it go out and buy it. But even though this game was quit easy for me it tends to get challenging. So my overall appeal for this game is a 4.0 cause after you played just doesn't seem all that great anymore. Since this game is Live enabled its makes up for that dull single player mode. So I think this game really is only good with Live because after you beat it 20 times it will just sit back and collect dust.

Gameplay: The gameplay goes along with the mech you choose. If you are battling with a heavy mech then you'll move quit slower than if you were battling with a light weight mech. Also, when your walking down a city or somewhere else the distruction of the buildings flow nicely. It's very close to the real world as the smaller buildings you crush with your unstopable mech and as for the skyscrapers you use your spin tingling weapons. When you do tear apart the buildings parts fly off pieces burn! And the best part is when the buildings come crashing down it leaves a fat cloud of dust rushing the air along with your controller vibrating like crasy. When you come to people faceing your mech(what idiots)you just crush em over with blood spilling at the feet of your mech and when your walking along and you run into a car you kick it which sends it flying threw the air like a game of kickball! The bad thing is...when your useing your rocket boosters the controlls tend to get tight.

Graphics: The visuals are completly breathtakeing! Shure they may not be the best for the xbox but on my list the graphics make top. It's a really uniqe way how they made the mechs. The mechs graphics are fare the best in this game. When your over heated you will see some clear smoke and on one of the ice levels snow with form up over your mech! When your walking along the street without a care in the world you will even leave cracks down on the concreat! And even though i may be stupid for saying this but when im walking by them tall buildings they look soooo much like real life buildings its not funny! Sometimes I would even see a glair from the sun on the shinny glass windows.

Audio: I don't have very much to say about the sound other than that it's good.

(sorry i can't really remember the sound quality because its been a while since i played this game!)

Suggestions: C'mon more levels! After I beat the last level I couldn't belive that was it. So if your planning on makeing a MechAssault 2 make the levels longer, and the game longer. Also, i think there should be a mode were you can just walk around for fun destroying the city along with the civilions. And...THANK GOD FOR THIS GAME TO BE BLESSED WITH XBOX LIVE!

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Hunter: The Reckoning

Overall: I think this game is very nice.It's a very bloody experiance with long lasting levels that make you want to play more and more.And if you play it at night you just might get a little parinoid.

Gameplay: The controls are fairly easy to fallow and are set out nice.I think they could of used the action botton as something else cause pressing on it over and over in a hard level makes you have a stiff finger.

Graphics: The graphics are incredable and pretty deep.The charecters are built really nice.The zombies and undead are very nicely mad up with a variety of texturs.

Audio: The sound is ok in this game.Theres about a couple of parts that are off but other wise interplay and highvolteg did a nice job on the sounds.The gun sounds are ok but a little touching up would work.

Suggestions: A level select after you beat the game.Come on nodody wants to play the whole thing threw just to get to the level they wanna play.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

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