Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 148
Madden NFL 2003

Gameplay: It's always been a good system. I liked the ability to check defensive assignments before the snap.
Graphics: Visually, it's alright. You have to knock it for essentially being a PS2 port, AGAIN. I can understand it for NCAA, because you have to account for 120 or so teams, but I expected a little more from MAdden
Audio: Here's where my major complaint is. The commentary is the SAME rehashed crap they put in 2002. Oh, you do get Al Michaels being Madden's yes man this time. wow. NFL 2k3 just kills Madden in the commentary aspect. The commentary alone makes NFL 2k3 better.
Suggestions: Get better commentary, obviously. Make John get into the recording booth for more than an hour, and do some real interactive commentary. OH, online and using the Xbox to its full potential wouldn't hurt, either.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: I guess my main problem with the game is the monontany of it. It's very cookie-cutter in its levels. The TONS of little monsters they throw at you really wore down my enthusiasm for the game. It really gets old killing the same zombies for hundreds and hundreds of times.
Graphics: Visually, it's cool. The camera angles leave a little to be desired, but for the most part it looked great. I liked being able to take out manaquins in the store windows. Great effect.
Audio: The sound, while not spectacular, did the job as well. I kind of liked the reactions of the victems you save.
Suggestions: Make it less like Gauntlet and more like Resident Evil.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was alright. I like the attacking moves available, and the ship battles were okay, if kind of shallow.
Graphics: 3rd person view. Nothing all that spectacular. The cinematics were pretty cool, but you kind of expect that.
Audio: Once again, nothing spectacular. They were sufficient, but I didn't really see a need for my stereo system to be involved.
Suggestions: Perhaps put more strategy into the ship battles. Make it a multiple character game to add depth to it.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is very deep. You CAN just pass it around and take standard shots, make standard passes, etc. However, with the ability to control power as well as direction and curve ON EVERY PASS or SHOT, this creates more dynamic gameplay. However, because there is no training mode, you have to practice during actual games, which can, at the very least, be very annoying. One of the coolest additions to the game is the ability to volley the ball around, but with no practice mode, you have to play around with it during the game, with defenders around. Also, shooting in the beginning can be frustrating while you adjust to the aiming controls(missing the goal when you're 5 feet from it is annoying, but it happens). It's also very easy to pick up cards during a match.
Graphics: Terrific. The replay after the 1st goal in a game is a little over the top, but overall it's flawless.
Audio: The Color guy can be a little incoherent at times, but for the most part the comentary is pretty accurate. The crowd is great, as always. Maybe needs a little more chatter on the field.
Suggestions: PRACTICE MODE!!!!! With practice mode, unlimited replay value. No frustration(well, not much). Maybe additional season modes, like european premier leagues and such. Adding the ability to select goal celebrations like touchdown celebrations in madden would be cool. PRACTICE MODE!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: It keeps track of how much insurance money the crashes you cause cost. It's not just about winning the race. Traffic is just cool to drive through at 130 mph. If you liked the movie "The Fast and the Furious" at ALL, you'll love this game.
Graphics: Obviously not the best on the xbox. However, it does have some cool effects. I like the warp effect when you hold down the turbo. It's psychidelic, man!
Audio: Nothing spectacular. The turbo effect is kind of cool. In addition to the warp visual, it starts a heart beat, which is actually cool if you have a decent sound system.
Suggestions: Give the user the option to turn off the checkpoints and just drive to drive.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10